13th August 2020, 06:20 PM
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What is the entrance exam syllabus and exam pattern of LIC Agent entrance?

Hi, could anybody please update me about the latest syllabus of LIC Agent entrance examination with exam pattern and marking scheme details. Also, provide previous 5 years solved test papers of LIC Agent entrance.

17th August 2020, 10:14 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2020
Location: New Delhi
Posts: 97
Default Re: What is the entrance exam syllabus and exam pattern of LIC Agent entrance?

The exam pattern of AAO under LIC exam is divided into four stages:

Preliminary Exam
- Reasoning Ability
- Quantitative Aptitude
- English Language

Mains Examination
- Reasoning Ability
- General Ability and Current Affairs
- Data Interpretation and Analysis
- Insurance and Financial Market Awareness
- Descriptive Paper (Legal Drafting)
Pre-Medical Test

Total 50 questions and need to score 50 each section
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