20th June 2012, 09:08 PM
What is the government fees for marine engineering course?
government feees in marine engineering....plaese tell me what is the feesw
11th August 2015, 09:45 AM
Particulars Proposed First Year Proposed Second Year Proposed Third Year Proposed Fourth Year Sem-I Sem-II Sem-III Sem-IV Sem-V Sem-VI Sem-VII Sem-VIII 1 IMU University Fee (UF) / year+ Initial counseling fees 25,000/- + 10,000/- 9,600/- 9,600/- 9,600/- 9,600/- 9,600/- 9,600/- 9,600/- 2 Study Center Fee (SCF) /Sem. Rs.22,400/- 1,11,400/- 89,400/- 89,400/- 89,400/- 89,400/- 89,400/- 89,400/- 89,400/- 3 Additional Services Fee (ASF) /Sem. Rs.67,000/- 4 Uniform-*(One time only) Rs.18,300/- 5 CDC & INDOS -*(One time only) Rs.1700/- 6 Library Deposit –*(One time only) Rs.2,000/- 7 Medical Test –*(One time only ) 1,500/- - - - - - - - 8 Psychometric Test -*(One time only ) 850/- - - - - - - - 9 Mess Charges – / Sem(Includes 1% DGS Fees+Rs.3000 ASF Fess) 21,782/- 21,600/- 21,600/- 21,600/- 21,600/- 21,600/- 21,600/- 21,600/- 10 Laundry Charges-/ Sem 2500/- 2500/- 2500/- 2500/- 2500/- 2500/- 2500/- 2500/- Semester wise Fees 1,47,632/- 1,23,100/- 1,23,100/- 1,23,100/- 1,23,100/- 1,23,100/- 1,23,100/- 1,23,100/- Year wise Fees 2,70,732/- 2,46,200/- 2,46,200/- 2,46,200/- Complete Course Fees B.Tech Marine Engineering(4 Years) 10,09,332/- |