16th December 2012, 12:30 PM
What is Mahagenco J.E syllabus?
sir i want mahajenco JE syallabus mechanical please kindly send it to my email as early as possible [email protected]
8th May 2015, 12:44 PM
Mahagenco J.E syllabus.
- Data Interpretation - General Awareness - Sports - Events of national and international importance - Current Affairs - Business - Important Personalities - Awards - Reasoning Ability - Verbal Reasoning - Non Verbal Reasoning - Quantitative Techniques - English - Reading Comprehension - Verbal Ability BEST BOOKS............... 1. Quantitative Aptitude by R. S. Aggarwal Publisher: S.Chand. 2. Guide To NTPC Electrical Engg. By GK Publishers 3. NTPC/NHPC/IOC/HP- Electrical Engg. Guide By RPH Editorial Board 4. NTPC Electrical Engg. (Diploma Trainees Recruitment Exam.) by G K Publication 5. NTPC Electronics Engg. (Diploma Trainees Recruitment Exam.) by G K Publication |