15th May 2010, 02:35 PM
What are the opportunities in Mechanical Engineering field?
I have finished my final semester in Mechanical engineering degree and i want to continue further in Post graduatin either in MBA or MS in US and i need suggestions whcih one is better to go and what are the up comming opportunities in Mechanical Engineerin Field
23rd August 2011, 04:49 PM
hello there are very great opportunities in this line because this is the modern way to earn higher and higher.and if you will go with experts advisethey will always guide for ms. Thanks.
Regards, Mayank Tiwari.(An mechanical engineer in South africa{R.S.A.}) |
23rd August 2011, 04:54 PM
Hi friend if u have finished ur mechanical engineering successfully than if u areinterested in further studies u can do M.TECH which wil be helpful for ur future. And it can done through external also and also if u do MS In US u wil hve greater value than M.tech so according to me if u do MS. in US its better and u wil have better opportunities so hve good luck thank you
17th January 2012, 11:33 AM
mechanical is the 1st core branch in engineering ,
you can opt for MBA , you wil have a great future . you can also try for M.TECH degree at a good college . most of the core companies with hig salary packages opt for students with BTECH (mechanical ) and a M.TECH degree. all the best |
17th January 2012, 05:17 PM
in mechanical engineering you wont get software jobs but you get better then software jobs means you have first preference in all government sectors like HAL,DRDO etc.....in government sectors you can get job easily.... all the best |
30th January 2012, 03:49 AM
Dear friend,
You are from ME. There are so many options for you 1.Private sector : You can go for thee private jobs : >>ALSTON >>L&T >>VEDANTA >>SIMPLEX >>MAHINDRA >>TATA STEEL >>JINDAL STEEL 2.Govt. sector : You can go for these govt. jobs : >>SAIL >>BHEL >>DRDO >>NTPC >>ECIL >>INDIAN RAILWAY >>GAIL All the very best.......... |
30th January 2012, 04:13 PM
dear friend,
Mechanical engineering is a core field. After completion of B.tech course in mechanical engineering stream you can apply for core technical jobs like- 1.BHEL 2.BEL 3.GAIL 4.SAIL 5.RRB 6.NTPC 7.ONGC 8.IOCL 9.TATA MOTORS 10.TATA STEEL 11.ASHOK LEY LAND 12.L&T etc.. You will have lots of job opportunities.. So, don't worry you just go for it.. All the best.. |
30th January 2012, 06:19 PM
U HAVE finished your final semester in Mechanical engineering degree that is a great job
further you can do Post graduation either in MBA or MS in US and you can do M.Tech which one of the better course for your future i suggest you to go for M.Tech because after completion of that if you are interested in doing job in companies you can do or you can do an teaching for BE students .ha MBA or MS in US is better than M.Tech i suggest you this further is your wish ######################BEST OF LUCK########################## |
31st January 2012, 12:13 AM
Hi Dear
After complete your Degree Graduation in Mechanical Engineering Then you have much opportunity for Mechanical Fields Likes:- L&T Jindal Steel LANCO NALCO Rungata NTPC etc....... |
31st January 2012, 01:22 AM
Dear Friend,
I am not clear about your educational qualification . There are so many Core Companies for ME in engineering level. There is a very well known national level core company named:Power Industry. Besides this 1:Hindustan Motors Ltd 2:Hyundai Motors India Ltd 3:TATA Motors 4:Royal Enfield Ltd 5:Addison & Co Ltd 6:Ashok Leyland Ltd, Ennore 7:Axles India Ltd 8:GAIL 9:Sundaram-Clayton Ltd 10:Tractor and Farm Equipment (TAFE) 11:Tube Investments of India Ltd 12:Westas Wind Technology India Pvt Ltd. 13:Bharat Electronics Ltd.(BEL) 14:Jindal Steel 15:Steel Authority of India Limited(SAIL) etc..... |
10th February 2012, 11:36 AM
After completion of B.tech course in mechanical engineering stream you can apply for core technical jobs like-
BHEL BEL GAILHindustan Motors Ltd Hyundai Motors India Ltd TATA Motors Royal Enfield Ltd Addison & Co Ltd Ashok Leyland Ltd, Ennore Axles India Ltd SAIL RRB NTPC ONGC |
2nd July 2012, 05:10 PM
Wat after B.E in Mechanical? I'm interested in doing job in the field of designing /manufacturing . I'm not interested in doing m.tech.
I want to do job directly in one of the best company in bangalore or other places in india. can u plz suggest me - 1)wat all the basics i should know to get into those fields.2)which are the best companies in bangalore/other places in india that have these fields. If i want to do MBA along with job, in which stream i hav to do. plz give suggestions & oblige!!!!!!!!!!thank u:-) |
17th August 2012, 12:53 AM
dear friend nw am pursuing mecahanical final year. am intersting in doing job and am expecting high salay can u give me correct solution which field is better designing field,are industry field, am not understanding wat to do ......? plz give me good soultion wat i do ?
13th January 2013, 10:24 AM
Hi Friends..............
The opportunities in Mechanical Engineering are: 1.TATA MOTORS 2.ASHOKLEY LAND 3.HINDUSTAN MOTORS 4.HYUNDAI MOTORS 5.TAFE 6.RRB ALL THE BEST............... |