13th November 2010, 02:38 PM
What to select-IAS or IES after Mechanical Engineering ? And what is the related procedure & coaching centres in Mumbai?
I have done B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering . Please tell me that what should be opted after B.Tech - IES or IAS?
Also tell me the procedure to apply and coaching centres in Mumbai for preparation. |
15th November 2010, 09:01 PM
Dear friend,
You can go for either IAS or IES according to your interest Since there is no syllabus problem to you ,you can try for both For IAS, there is an optional subject for mechanical engineering and for IES also there is mechanical stream So its totally depend up on your interest Try to select a career which is more preferable to you ,then you will not feel the job as a burden and success will follow you There is only one to help you ,that is "you" itself Good luck friend |
15th December 2010, 04:57 PM
hello friend
IAS IES both are top knocks if you get it in both the careers you will get the most results as you want choosing what will depend on you because if you're really strong in your subject then you might not get this doubt at all so for a change and good result also try with IAS which will get through CSE conducted by UPSC for all further details log in to the following sites www.upscportal.com www.onestopias.com all the best ~aditya~ |
13th March 2011, 04:22 PM
both are the civil Services... if you're strong in your subject then go with IES or else if you are very much interested in Civil Services then Go with CSE (Civil Services Examination) In this exam You'll have many other services like IPS and IFS and so on along with IAS I think its better to take IES because 4 years you might have spent a lot of time to learn the concepts of engineering .. it will be useful and fruitful for you and to your country if you select IES this IES has seperate exam for latest updates regarding the examination you can log in to this blogs www.upscportal.com or else check in this link www.upsc.gov.in all the best ~aditya~ |
6th April 2012, 01:54 PM
I'm pursing B.Tech In Mechanical Engineering. I'm in final year. I want to choose civil services as my career in future. I want to face civil services examination with two optional subjects mechanical engg. & mathematics. Please tell me which coaching institute will provide good guidance in both optional subjects........
18th June 2015, 09:21 AM
IAS and IES are both Different fields. IES related to technical field while IAS related to administration field.
for IAS you have to appear for Civil Services Exam and for IES you have to appear for Engineering Services Exam. Both of the Exams are conducted by UPSC every year. Both of the posts have equal value and rank. equal salary and both get the same facilities. so you must decide you want to go to technical field or administrative service. for apply you have to complete your graduation. you have to apply for exam online on official website of UPSC. upsconline.nic.in |