12th May 2011, 12:41 PM
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What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

sir i have completed engineering and my strength is computer science i want to go goverment field what shoud i want

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1st June 2011, 09:55 AM
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Arrow Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i have completed engineering and my strength is computer science i want to go goverment field what shoud i want
you have a lot of opportunities in govt sector after completing your b.tech.

I think you are the student of computer science for computer science students there are many opportunities in govt sector except one great opportunity as an IES officer
this is restricted to only few branches like ECE/EEE/MECH/CIVIL

anyways,the other great opportunities for you is depending upon your interest if you are interested in core jobs like in the it sector of govt bodies then there are exams in that regard according to the requirement in the same way you will have general opportunities likewise other candidates will have they are

like IAS/IPS/IFS etc.,for these govt jobs you have to appear for an entrance examination called civils service entrance examination.

This exam is conducted by UPSC delhi every year.and some more job opportunities like in ISRO,DRDO,and all the research related organisations also take CSE students to utilize their services.

In Telecom networks like BSNL,MTNL also hire CSE Engineers so you can make your career in any interested field you have plenty of opportunities all you need to do is select your right path.

all the best


1st June 2011, 12:36 PM
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Smile Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

Dear friend
check out the following sites regularly





2nd June 2011, 08:50 AM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

there are lots of other opportunity for computer science branch similar to other branches in all government jobs like
  1. BSNL(bharat sanchar nigam limited)
    click here http://www.mp.bsnl.co.in/ to get more information and notification mostly come in the month of feb and exam will be held in april/may.
  2. ISRO(Indian space research organisation)

    There is no form for applying ISRO you need to go to isro website and fill your form but before that you need to make a D.D of 100/- and then you need to apply to website..then you need to note down your application form no and take print of the

    generated form and sent to the ISRO address.
  3. DRDO(Defense research and development organisation)
  4. ECIL(Electronic cooperation of india limited)
  5. AAI(Airport authority of India)
  6. SAIL(Steel authority of india)
  7. RRB(Railway recruitment board)
  8. UPSC(Union Public Service Commission )
    click here www.upsc.gov.in to get more information and exams will be conducted on 12th June. and last date of applying for the same is 21at March...
  9. CDS(Combined defense service)
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2nd June 2011, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

Government sector where a cs engg can apply

4. CDS

These are best for cs candidate.

you can also apply as a software engg in it sector.
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2nd June 2011, 03:20 PM
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Thumbs up Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i have completed engineering and my strength is computer science i want to go goverment field what shoud i want

The branch selected by you is truly a Private Sector branch as it contains much better job oportunities in private sector than in government sector as compared to all other branches of engineering .But don't get tensionized as still you have the chance to get a government job.You will have to clear an entrance exam for getting government job.

Since you have completed your B.Tech ,you have completed your graduation so you are eligible to sit in all government exams which need at least graduation degree like -IAS,IPS,IFS.A part from these you can sit in bank P.O exam as well.For more information about upsc exams please visit the official website of upsc that is http://www.upsc.gov.in

You can also sit in exams like BSNL,DRDO,SAIL,CDS e.t.c

For latest information about these exam ,please keep a close look on employement news and internet .

Your branch is very suitable for getting good privated job .So, i can't understand what is the problem in doing a private job.It will offer you good salary package as well.The only disadvantage of private job is that it is little unsecure.

With Regards
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2nd June 2011, 05:00 PM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

Dear friend

if you want to join government sector then you should prepare for the following exam:
1.Defence services
2.ISRO (Junior scientist)
5. you can do Phd and after that you can join lecturer ship in government college.

I want to inform you that you are not eligible for IES exam. And also in IAS exam the syllabus of CSE is not included.

Best of luck
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2nd June 2011, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

There are lots more scope of computer science in private field than in government field
as compared to other branches in B.Tech
but you can apply for the job in govt sector such as in BSNL,DRDO ,SAIL,CDS etc

you must register yourself in employment exchange
and also read employment news regularly
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2nd June 2011, 07:12 PM
Bishwajit Giri
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

You are going for a right choice,as the recession is not so energetic ,so may go to the private sector as well as Govt sector.

However,as you are interested to join Govt.sector,there are so many opportunities in front of you.

if you are interested in teacher-ship,you can go for school teacher through School Service Commission(SSC).

Beside it there are so many doors are open for you in Govt. sector like:

1:Probationary Officer(PO)of SBI Bank,UBI Bank,Bank of India

2efense Research and Development Organisation(DRDO)


3:Railway recruitment board(RRB)

4:Airport authority of India(AAI)

5:Electronic cooperation of india limited(ECIL)

6:Union Public Service Commission(UPSC)
7:Steel authority of india(SAIL)

8:Gas Authority of India Limited(GAIL) etc.

So,always keep touch with these home websites of the above organizations,to get latest updates about those exams .
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2nd June 2011, 07:37 PM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

Dear Guest
First of all make clear weather you are looking forward for career in engineering core branches or for any Government job available. An engineering degree is treated as a bachelor's degree and that makes you eligilble for varied jobs that have bachelor's degree like BA, BSc as eligibility qualifications.
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2nd June 2011, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

I think in India there is a huge job oppertunity forComputer Science engineering students. There are so many government companies which offers job to Computer Science students like-
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2nd June 2011, 09:56 PM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

if your interest area is computer must do computer engg.

Because if your interest is not satisfied then you have no interest to do work...

Govt. Sector many job available like:-

bsnl,hail,drdo etc other company
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3rd June 2011, 01:55 AM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

There are lots of opportunity in govt. sector after completing your engineering degree. But private sector is also a good choice for you. There are so many software and computer based companies in India.
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3rd June 2011, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i have completed engineering and my strength is computer science i want to go goverment field what shoud i want
you should try for civil services.
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3rd June 2011, 12:06 PM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

dear friend

as you want to join PSU than you have to apply for all the companies like










you have to clear the written test than you have to go for GD and interview after that only you will get job in govt. sector.

all the best.
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3rd June 2011, 04:28 PM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

Hello friend there are many govt. companies are there in India and abroad. As you can go in BSNL India.
Best of luck yar.
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3rd June 2011, 08:38 PM
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

well you have several options

you can directly sit for placement process of various companies

or wait for vacancies to appear and then fill up the forms and

appear in the examinations.

OR, there are several examination like

IES or state level engineer recruitments

where you will have to sit in exams and then you will be placed in various department

some name of companies include

CIL ( vacancies are out right now )





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11th August 2011, 05:50 PM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?


The branch selected by you is truly a Private Sector branch as it contains much better job oportunities in private sector than in government sector as compared to all other branches of engineering .But don't get tensionized as still you have the chance to get a government job.You will have to clear an entrance exam for getting government job.

Since you have completed your B.Tech ,you have completed your graduation so you are eligible to sit in all government exams which need at least graduation degree like -IAS,IPS,IFS.A part from these you can sit in bank P.O exam as well.For more information about upsc exams please visit the official website of upsc that is http://www.upsc.gov.in

You can also sit in exams like BSNL,DRDO,SAIL,CDS e.t.c

For latest information about these exam ,please keep a close look on employement news and internet .

Your branch is very suitable for getting good privated job .So, i can't understand what is the problem in doing a private job.It will offer you good salary package as well.The only disadvantage of private job is that it is little unsecure.
best of luck
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28th August 2011, 02:22 AM
amaan khan ak
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Default Re: What should I do to join Government Sector after completing engineering with interest in Computer Science?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i have completed engineering and my strength is computer science i want to go goverment field what shoud i want
If you want to do a job in public sector than there is so much scope in govt. departments.The only one drawback is you cant give the entrance paper of IES.Its only for some core branches.So dont worry about it.There are other options are present for you.You can give entrance paper for IAS which can help you to get a job in gove sector

There are also so many jobs are present in every govt. department.There is an entrance paper for govt job so it very easy for you to get a job in govt sector.
There are so much scope in indian railway.There is so much requirment for computer engineer and there is so much posts are present for computer engineer.

These are some posts in railway.
Database adminstrator
Project Engineer Signaling for Signaling Design - Construction manager
Railway mail service (RMS) adminstrator
Technical adminstaror
Telecommunication engineer
Station Controller
Junior computer operator
Customer Relations Assistant
Junior Engineer
Indian Railways Stores Service

All the best
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