1st August 2012, 05:51 PM
What is the start of PGECET Civil Engineering counseling?
when will be start for pgecet civil engineering 2012 counciling
11th August 2016, 02:39 PM
PGECET stands for the Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test.
IMPORTANT TENTATIVE DATES- PGECET Civil Engineering counseling will start on June month. Issue of Notification :28.02.2017 Date of commencement of online applications:05.03.2017 Last Date for submission of online applications: 20.04.2017 Examination Dates :26.05.2017 to 29.05.2017 For more detailed information you can contact on the following address: CONVENER PGECET -2014 IDC Building Behind Engineering College Library Osmania University Hyderabad - 500 007. Phone : 040-27097124 / 9160815762 / 9160814753 Email : [email protected] |