23rd September 2019, 03:01 PM
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What is the syllabus and exam pattern for RBI Grade B - Phase 1 & 2?

Hi, can anybody please provide the detailed and updated syllabus of and exam pattern details of RBI Grade B - phase 1 and 2? What is the marking scheme of this exam? Is there any negative marking also?

8th December 2019, 11:18 AM
sagarika 199193
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Default Re: What is the syllabus and exam pattern for RBI Grade B - Phase 1 & 2?

RBI (Reserve Bank of India) conducts recruitment of Officer Grade B through examination in phase I and phase II. Applicants who crack both phases of exam will be called for interview. Final selection will be based on merit which is prepared on the basis of performance of applicants in phase I, phase II and interview. There will be negative marking of 1/4th mark for objective type questions in both preliminary as well as mains examination.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern

Preliminary : Phase I
- General Awareness : 80 Questions, 80 Marks
- English Language : 30 Questions, 30 Marks
- Quantitative Aptitude : 30 Questions, 30 Marks
- Reasoning Ability : 60 Questions, 60 Marks

Mains : Phase II
1) Economic and Social Issues
- Objective Questions, 100 Marks, 90 Minutes
2) English Language
- Descriptive Questions, 100 Marks, 90 Minutes
3) Finance and Management
- Objective Questions, 100 Marks, 90 Minutes

Phase III : Interview (50 Marks)


General Awareness
- Current Affairs
- Banking, Financial and Economic News
- Static General Knowledge

English Language
- Spotting Error
- Reading Comprehension
- Cloze Test
- Para Jumbles

Quantitative Aptitude
- Quadratic Equations
- Number Series
- Data Interpretation
- Miscellaneous

Reasoning Ability
- Puzzle Test
- Seating Arrangement
- Linear Arrangement
- Syllogism
- Input-Output
- Logical and Analytical Reasoning
- Data Sufficiency
- Inequality
- Coding Decoding

Economical and Social Issues
Economical Issue : Inflation, Poor Educational Standards, Poor Infrastructure, High Level Private Debt, Large Budget Deficit, Rigid Labor Laws, Inefficient Agriculture, Slowdown Growth
Social Issues : Poverty, Illiteracy, Child Marriage, Child Labour, Casteism, Cammunalism, Regionalism, Language Conflicts
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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