17th August 2018, 04:31 PM
What is the use of TNPS (Tamil Nadu Public Service) exam?
For, what purpose it is useful to write this TNPS (Tamil Nadu Public Service) exam? For, which all jobs it is helpful? Please, provide list of all related jobs.
19th August 2018, 06:40 PM
TNPSC stands for Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission examination conducted by government of Tamil Nadu for recruitment in State or Subordinate services within its purview.
All posts are divided into 8 groups numbered I to VII with different subgroups on the basis of interview or non-interview posts. Posts under various groups are mentioned below GROUP I >Deputy Collector >Deputy Superintendent of Police >District Registrar >Assistant Director of Rural Development Department >Districe Employment Officer >Assistant Commissioner >Divisional Officer in Fire and rescue Department Group I A >Assistant Conservator Officer GROUP I B >Assistant Commissioner, H.R & C.E GROUP I C >District Educational Officer GROUP II (Interview post) >Deputy Commercial Tax Officer >Sub-Registrar >Assistant Section Officer >Probation Officer >Assistant Inspector >Audit Assistant in Accounts Branch in Highway department GROUP II A( Non-interview) >Assistant in secretariat and various department >Junior Technical Assistant >Personal Clerk >Lower Division Clerk GROUP III >State Fire Officer GROUP III A >Junior Inspector of Cooperative society >Assistant Supervisor and Store Keeper GROUP IV >Junior Assistant(Security and Non-security) >Bill Collector >Typist >Steno-typist >Field Surveyor >Draftsman GROUP V A >Assistant in Secretariat(Recruitment by transfer) GROUP VI >Forest Apprentice GROUP VII A >Executive Officer, Grade I GROUP VII B >Executive Officer, Grade III GROUP VIII >Executive Officer, Grade IV Recruitment to all technical posts within purview of Commission is also done by TNPSC exams. For other details about the examination conducted by TNPSC visit http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/recruitment-faq.pdf |