6th May 2013, 05:40 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 1

When are the CBSE results of class 10th going to be declared?

when will the cbse results of class 10 2013 be declared?in one paper it was on may 6 2013 at 5 p.m. whether it is true?

15th July 2015, 11:33 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2015
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Default Re: When are the CBSE results of class 10th going to be declared?

CBSE will declare the result of the 10th class in the month of he May.

Generally the result for the matriculation will be declared in the end days of May month.

For seeing your result you simply have to visit at the official website of the CBSE and then click on the result section.

There you can easily get your result after filling your correct Roll number and class.

Also there is a caption that you have to fill for getting your result.

My suggestion to you is that you should take care of case sensitivity of the caption otherwise you will not be able to see your result.
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