27th September 2022, 10:38 PM
Age limit for ex service men in UPPCS (J) exam
I am ex service men My question is what is upper age limit for ex service men in the uppcs(j) exam and how much maximum relaxation is given to ex service men.
28th September 2022, 12:28 PM
The candidate has to be between 21-40 years of age to attend the examination. The candidate needs to satisfy other eligibility criteria like nationality, minimum qualification.
In UPSC CSE, there is the provision of age relaxation up to a maximum of five years for ex-servicemen (including Commissioned Offers and SSCO/ECOs) who have been released from service and provided they have served a minimum of five years of Military Service. |
28th September 2022, 06:16 PM
Age limit for ex service men in UPPCS (J) exam.
In UPSC CSE, there is the provision of age relaxation up to a maximum of five years for ex-servicemen (including Commissioned Offers and SSCO/ECOs) who have been released from service and provided they have served a minimum of five years of Military Service as on August 1, 2021. Website: www.uppsc.up.nic.in. |
28th September 2022, 08:43 PM
In UPPCS (J) exam, there is a provision of age relaxation up to a maximum of five years for ex-servicemen who have been released from service and provided they have completed minimum five years of military service. For further more details regarding this, you can visit the official website of UPPCS exam.
28th September 2022, 09:35 PM
Age criteria required to apply for UPPSC Examination for EX Servicemen Candidates:
The detailed age criteria required to apply for UPPSC Examination for Ex Servicemen candidiates is given below, Name of the Category of the candidiate - Ex Serviceman @ The minimum age required to be eligible for this recruitment is 21 years and maximum age should not exceed 40 years. @ But there is a relaxation for Ex Servicemen candidiates of 5 years for who are having experience of 5 years. Hence, maximum age for Ex Servicemen would be 45 years. If you can meet the above eligibility criteria you can apply for the recruitment. |
29th September 2022, 02:18 AM
The age limit for ex-servicemen in the UPPCS examination as of July of the examination year is a minimum it should be 21 years and the maximum age should be 40 years. The age relaxation for Group B posts for the Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers/Ex-Army Personnel is 5 years age limit relaxation.
The educational qualification required is a candidate must hold a bachelor's degree from a recognized university. The PCS examination eligibility also includes Physical Measurements/Fitness for certain posts. Candidates have to undergo a medical test after the interview. |