13th April 2020, 10:11 PM
Procedure to apply for State Health Society Bihar Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery recruitment 2020?
I would like to know about the application procedure as I am interested in applying for the State Health Society Bihar recruitment of 2020 for the post of Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery. Please let me know about the application procedure. Kindly tell me how to apply?
15th April 2020, 02:31 AM
Procedure to apply for State Health Society Bihar Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery recruitment 2020 are as mentioned below:-
Interested candidates can apply online through the official website @ http://statehealthsocietybihar.org/ before 30th of April 2020. Total number of vacancies - 865 vacancies |
15th April 2020, 01:36 PM
Procedure to apply for State Health Society Bihar Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery recruitment 2020 is Interested candidate may apply online through their official website which is given below.
Cost of State Health Society Bihar Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery recruitment 2020 application form is For UR/EWS/BC/MBC category Candidates is Rs. 500/- and For SC/ST/ Women category Candidate is Rs. 250/-. For more information, you can visit their official website http://statehealthsocietybihar.org/. |
15th April 2020, 02:35 PM
Procedure to apply for State Health Society Bihar Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery recruitment 2020:-
> Visit official website www.statehealthysocietybihar.org. > On the homepage click on career tab. > Fill the complete form carefully and upload the required documents. > Pay exam fee by internet banking, credit / debit card. > Click on submit button. > Save the form and fee receipt for future reference. |
15th April 2020, 04:15 PM
Procedure to apply for State Health Society Bihar Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery
Procedure: Candidates applying for ANM posts through SHS Bihar Recruitment 2020 must register online on the official SHS Bihar website at www://statehealthsocietybihar.org/ and submit their applications through on or before April 30, 2020. The selection process of candidates to ANM posts through SHS Bihar Recruitment 2020 will be done through Shortlisting, Computer-Based Test (CBT) and Certificate Verification. Experience and freshers can apply this post.Salary scale : Rs.11,500 per month, physical and medical fitness needed this post. |
15th April 2020, 05:08 PM
Procedure to apply for State Health Society Bihar Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery recruitment 2020 are as follows:-
Interested candidates who are eligible should apply through the official website- http://statehealthsocietybihar.org Starting date to apply- 09/03/2020 Last date to apply- 30/03/2020 |
15th April 2020, 05:40 PM
procedure to apply for State Heath Society Bihar auxiliary nurse midwifery recruitment 2020 are:
1) Visit the official site. 2) Go to apply online and fill the form. 3) Pay the payment through net banking. 4) Cross check the details and submit it. 5) Take a print of the details for future reference. |
15th April 2020, 08:15 PM
To apply for State Health Society, Bihar openings for ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery) 2020, all you need to do is to fill its online application form by referring to the link by 30.04.2020.
Also, the cost for filling an online application for the same recruitment is Rs 500/- in case of candidates belonging to General/EWS/EBC/BC category and Rs 250/- for candidates belonging to SC/ST or PH category (Bihar domicile). Also, the application fee in case of all female candidates irrespective of their category is Rs 250/-. |
15th April 2020, 09:29 PM
An application for recruitment as ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery) in State Health Society, Bihar can be filled by referring to the recruitment portal of State Health Services, Bihar i.e; by 30.04.2020.