28th July 2019, 03:32 PM
Relaxation available in Spices Board Trainee Analyst recruitment for a SC candidate?
Respected Sir/Madam, I belong to SC category and I want to apply in Spices Board Trainee Analyst recruitment. Can I know what kind of relaxation is available for me in this recruitment? Please help me to know about this.
31st July 2019, 05:07 PM
Species Board Trainee Analyst recruitment:
>> Relaxation available for SC candidate:- 5 years age relaxation for an SC candidate. There is no Application Fee. For detailed information regarding this recruitment, log on to http://www.indianspices.com. |
31st July 2019, 06:04 PM
Since, the current openings for Trainee Analyst recruitment is exclusively available for SC/ST category candidates only, therefore there is no scope of any relaxation for SC category candidate in such recruitment.
For more details regarding the trainee analyst recruitment, you can refer to the link http://www.indianspices.com/opportunities. |
31st July 2019, 06:16 PM
Being a SC candidate a trainee analyst in Spice Board recruitment, will get 5% marks relaxation in the qualifying examination. The maximum age to apply for the recruitment is 35 years. Candidates from SC/ST category will get relaxation of 5 years as per government norms.
31st July 2019, 08:48 PM
There are no relaxations available in Spices Board Trainee Analyst recruitment for a SC candidate.
There is no application fee required for this recruitment for all categories and all categories have the same age limit. The upper age limit to apply for the recruitment is 35 years as on the walk-in-test i.e. 07/08/2019. More information is available at; http://www.indianspices.com/sites/de...L%20Mumbai.pdf |
31st July 2019, 11:03 PM
The recruitment notice released on 22nd July, 2019 by Spices Board is exclusively for Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST) Candidates.
The upper age limit should not exceed 35 years as on the date of walk-in test. Walk-in test will be on 8th August, 2019, 10:00am. Eligible SC/ST candidates may appear for the walk-in test along with biodata, recent passport size photograph, original certificates and a set of self-attested copies of certificates on the date given above at Spices Board, Quality Evaluation Lab, Mumbai, Plot No. EL- 184,T.T.C. Industrial Area MIDC, Mahape, Navi Mumbai- 400 710, Maharashtra. Phone No.9497140326/9953705642. |