18th October 2020, 09:07 PM
What kind of questions are asked in the Online Test of NLC India Limited Graduate Apprentice Trainee recruitment?
Respected Sir/Madam, I have applied for NLC India Limited Graduate Apprentice Trainee recruitment and preparing for the test. I came to know that Online Test would be conducted for the selection. I would like to know what questions generally come in this test? Kindly let me know about the questions as soon as possible.
25th October 2020, 02:31 AM
Questions will be related to General aptitude, Reasoning, English, General Knowledge and Technical knowledge.
Candidate have to complete paper in given time. Candidate must have to clear each section to be eligible for interview. Last date to apply for this recruitment is 10.11.2020. |
25th October 2020, 10:47 AM
No, there will be No Online Test for recruitment of Applicants as Graduate Apprentice Trainee under NLC (Neyveli Lignite Corporation) India Limited and the selection of applicants for the Apprenticeship will be entirely based on the marks secured in their prescribed educational qualification which is a B.E./B.Tech degree in concerned discipline from a recognized university.
As there is no recruitment test to be held for offering apprenticeship under the same recruitment, you need not have to be worried about the question types to be asked in the same test. For complete details regarding the same apprenticeship program, you can refer to the link https://www.nlcindia.com/new_website...rs/trainee.htm. |