6th March 2018, 02:32 AM
Why IBPS gives more preferences to B.Tech graduates?
I want to make my career in Banking Sector. I am a B.Com graduate. I want to know that why IBPS is giving more chances of recruitments to B.Tech candidates. They have more scope in many field then why they are coming in Banking Sector through IBPS? Why IBPS is giving more opportunities to B.Tech graduate?
29th March 2018, 11:24 PM
As far as my views are concerned IBPS is an autonomous body that is independent to conduct recruitment process for various posts in banking sector which are clerk, officer, specialist officer etc. and IBPS reserves all the rights to recruit candidates as per their requirement.
As much as I know IBPS for the past 7 years it has given equal opportunity to candidates to participate in open recruitment for various posts in banking industry which are clerk and probationary officer so there is no such partiality I see and no other preference is given by IBPS for these posts to candidates who have degree in engineering. IBPS conduct common recruitment process including interview which is fair and transparent enough in which a candidate scoring higher marks than others is preferred first for the job means no matter which stream's degree he/she has received from university it all depends on the marks of exam and interview so you should let this thought go out of your brain and think positive. You are a B.com graduate and you are going to have a great future ahead in banking industry so you should think positive and start preparation for the exams like clerk and officer and once you become officer in any nationalised banks then you can achieve the post of CMD of the bank if you keep working harder and collect good knowledge of banking industry. IBPS offers specialist officer jobs to those who have degree in engineering for the post of IT officer so that recruitment does not have so many vacancies it has only a few vacancies launched so do not worry its all fair enough and you must be positive about the process and IBPS provides equality in recruitment. |
30th March 2018, 01:35 PM
No, there is no special preference given to candidates from B.Tech stream as compared to the other candidates.
Candidates are eligible for recruitment only after qualifying the minimum criteria of selection in various stages. To get complete procedure for selection in IBPS jobs visit at www.ibps.in. |
31st March 2018, 12:20 AM
There is no any special preference or relaxation for candidates who have passed the B.Tech course in recruitment in banking jobs.
Candidates with required standard from any background will get the job after selection. So do not compel yourself towards any illusion. DO better preparation to qualify in various stages of examination. For syllabus and other information regarding the examination visit at http://www.ibps.in. |
31st March 2018, 01:49 PM
It is totally a wrong notion among candidates that Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection gives preference to Bachelor of Technology candidates.
All graduates are eligible for this exam. Only those students are selected who clear all stages of IBPS CWE for Clerk or Probationary officer. B.Tech candidates are nowadays getting inclined to banking sector and working hard to grab job in banks. You should study well instead of making excuses. If you prepare well, you will get job definitely. |
31st March 2018, 05:40 PM
B.Tech candidates are coming in banking sectors through IBPS because of 2 reasons.
=> 1. Banking career in India is secure. 2. Banks offer better salary package than other sectors. IBPS recruits B.Tech students for the below mentioned reasons. >> ATMs, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Credit/Debit Card Management all these banking departments need engineers. >>Engineers have really good mathematics & analytical skills - something that the job demands. |
1st April 2018, 10:02 AM
There is nothing like IBPS gives importance to only B.Tech Graduates. Basically IBPS is an examinations conducting agency which conducts several recruitment's every year for various posts. But finally the selection of each and every candidates depends only upon the performance in the selection stages and not on the basis of educational background.
Hence, as the selection is not on the basis of educational background studies and only on the merit marks secured in the stages (Prelims, Mains), I can say that what have you heard is absolutely wrong. In the educational qualification required for IBPS recruitment's as mentioned in the notification itself, it's clearly mentioned that candidates with Graduation in any stream are certainly eligible to apply. Hence, you are from B.Com background you can also score well in preliminary and main exam stages and get selected finally as the final selection is done only on the basis of marks secured in selection rounds. |