24th May 2019, 01:56 AM
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Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Aerospace Engineering) in Amity University-Gurgaon?

Hi Sir, can you please help me to know about the structure of BTech(Aerospace Engineering) course which is available in Amity University-Gurgaon? Please tell me the course structure as well as course fee expenses also. Thank you!

26th May 2019, 03:59 PM
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Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Aerospace Engineering) in Amity University-Gurgaon?

BTech(Aerospace Engineering) in Amity University-Gurgaon is full time 4 years duration of under graduate course. Candidates have to clear the 10+2 or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects with minimum 60% marks from a recognized institute to study that course. Candidates are admitted on the basis of merit of Amity Joint Entrance Examination (Amity JEE) conducted by the university. JEE Main qualified candidates are exempted from appear in Amity JEE.
Total fee expenses for that course is around Rs. 8.9 lacs.

For more details, you can visit the below mentioned website link;
26th May 2019, 08:23 PM
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Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Aerospace Engineering) in Amity University-Gurgaon?

The fee expenses to study BTech in Aerospace Engineering at Amity University, Gurugram is given below.

Year I

Semester I

Tuition Fee - Rs.109000
Other Fees - Rs.15000

Semester II - Rs.109000

Total - Rs.2.33 Lakhs

Year II

Semester III - Rs.114450
Semester IV - Rs.114450

Total - Rs.2.29 Lakhs

Year III

Semester V - Rs.120172
Semester VI - Rs.120172

Total - Rs.2.4 Lakhs

Year IV

Semester VII - Rs.126180
Semester VIII - Rs.126180

Total - Rs.2.52 Lakhs

Grand Total - Rs.9.55 Lakhs

BTech in Aerospace Engineering is a 4 years duration and is divided into 8 semesters. This course deals with the design, manufacture, functioning and maintenance of airborne vehicles like aircraft's, spacecrafts, helicopters and missiles.

The detailed syllabus is given below.

Semester I

English I
Engineering Mathematics I
Engineering Physics I
Engineering Chemistry I
Engineering Graphics
Computer Programming

Semester II

English II
Engineering Mathematics II
Engineering Physics II
Engineering Chemistry II
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Engineering Mechanics

Semester III

Engineering Mathematics III
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
Environment Science and Engineering
Aero Engineering Thermodynamics
Solid Mechanics
Introduction to Aero Space Engineering

Semester IV

Numerical Methods
Aero Space Structures I
Aerodynamics I
Propulsion I
Control Engineering
Elements of Avionics

Semester V

Aerospace Structures II
Flight Mechanics I
Aerodynamics II
Propulsion II
Aircraft Maintenance Practices
Elements of Vibration

Semester VI

Propulsion III
Flight Mechanics II
Advanced Materials and Performance
Elective I
Elective II
Elective III

Semester VII

Flight Mechanics III
Introduction to Composite Materials and Structures
Satellites and Space System Design
Rockets and Missiles
Total Quality Management
Professional Ethics/Humanities

Semester VIII

Elective IV
Elective V
27th May 2019, 02:14 AM
Infant angel
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Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Aerospace Engineering) in Amity University-Gurgaon?

Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Aerospace Engineering) in Amity University-Gurgaon is given below:-

Course structure of B.Tech(Aerospace Engineering) in Amity University-Gurgaon:-

Semester I

:-Engineering Mathematics I
:-Engineering Physics
:-Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies
:-Engineering Mechanics
:-Engineering Graphics
:-Basic Civil Engineering
:-Basic Mechanical Engineering
:-Basic Electrical Engineering
:-Basic Electronics Engineering & Information Technology
:-Mechanical Workshop
:-Electrical and Civil Workshop

Semester II:-

:-Engineering Mathematics II
:-Economics and Communication Skills
:-Fluid Mechanics
:-Basic Thermodynamics
:-Elements of Aeronautics
:-Basic Strength of Materials
:-Basic Strength of Materials Lab
:-Fluid Mechanics Lab

Semester III:-

:-Engineering Mathematics II
:-Economics and Communication Skills
:-Fluid Mechanics
:-Basic Thermodynamics
:-Elements of Aeronautics
:-Basic Strength of Materials
:-Basic Strength of Materials Lab
:-Fluid Mechanics Lab

Semester IV:-

:-Engineering Mathematics III
:-Gas Dynamics
:-Propulsion I
:-Aerodynamics I
:-Aircraft Structure I
:-Electrical Technology and Machines
:-Structures Lab
:-Propulsion Lab

Semester V:-

:-Engineering Mathematics IV
:-Principle of Management
:-Computer of Programming
:-Flight Dynamics I
:-Aerodynamics II
:-Propulsion II
:-Wind Tunnel Lab
:-Propulsion Lab II

Semester VI:-

:-Experimental Aerodynamics
:-Aircraft Structure II
:-Heat Transfer
:-Theory of Vibration
:-Elective I
:-Heat Engines Lab
:-Aero Engines lab

Semester VII:-

:-Computational Fluid Dynamics
:-Experimental Stress Analysis
:-Aircraft Design
:-Fight Dynamics II
:-Aircraft System and Instrumentation
:-Elective II
:-Experimental Stress Analysis Lab
:-Vibration Lab

Semester VIII:-

:-Rocket Missiles
:-Introduction to space technology
:-Air Transportation and Aircraft maintenance
:-Elective III
:-Elective IV
:-Aerodynamics Lab
:-Viva Voce

Fee expenses of B.Tech(Aerospace Engineering) in Amity University-Gurgaon:-

Semester I fee:- Rs.109000

Semester II fee:- Rs.109000

Semester III fee:- Rs.114450

Semester IV fee:- Rs.114450

Semester V fee:- Rs.120172

Semester VI fee:- Rs.120172

Semester VII fee:- Rs.126180

Semester VIII fee:- Rs.126180

You can visit the website https://www.amity.edu/Gurugram/ for more information.
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