28th September 2019, 08:23 PM
Course syllabus and fee expenses of BE(Mechanical Engineering) in Basaveshwar Engineering College?
Hi Sir, I would like to know about the course syllabus of BE(Mechanical Engineering) course which is available in Basaveshwar Engineering College. Can you please tell me about the course syllabus as well as the course fee expenses also?
1st October 2019, 09:15 PM
Course syllabus and fee expenses of BE (Mechanical Engineering) in Basaveshwar Engineering College are as mentioned below:-
Fee Expenses - Year 1 - Rs. 31,200/- Year 2 - Rs. 31,200/- Year 3 - Rs. 31,200/- Year 4 - Rs. 31,200/- So, Grand Total Fee - Rs. 1.25 Lakhs Course Syllabus - Semester 1 - English Mathematics I Physics I Chemistry Engineering Graphics Environmental Studies Chemistry Practical Physics Practical I Semester 2 - Mathematics II Physics II Programming Languages Electrical Technology Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Mechanics Value Education Physics II Practical Electrical Technology Practical Semester 3 - Mechanics of Solids Applied Thermodynamics Theory of Mechanics Machine Drawing Computer Graphics Mathematics III Mechanics of Solids Practical Applied Thermodynamics Practical Theory of Mechanics Practical Semester 4 - Fluid Mechanics Dynamics of Machinery Mechanical Engineering Design Electrical Machines and Control Numerical and Statistical Methods Mechanical Engineering Design Practical Electrical Machines and Control Practical Numerical and Statistical Practical Semester 5 - Fluid Machines Heat and Mass Transfer Production Technology I Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design Industrial Engineering and Management Fluid Machines Practical Heat and Mass Transfer Practical Semester 6 - Internal Combustion Engines Mechanical Vibration Production Technology II Computer Aided Design Advanced Solid Mechanics Internal Combustion Engines Practical Mechanical Vibration Practical Semester 7 - Measurement and Instrumentation Energy Conversation Equipment Operations Research Industrial Tribology Mechatronics Waste Heat Utilization Noise Engineering Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Utilization of Non-Conventional Energy Fracture Mechanics Advanced Mechanics Semester 8 - Advance Fluid Mechanics Computer-Aided Manufacturing Automobile Engineering Finite Element Analysis Ergonomics Composite Materials Power Plant Engineering Environmental Engineering |
2nd October 2019, 01:46 PM
The course syllabus of Bachelor of Engineering(Mechanical Engineering) in Basaveshwar Engineering College is mentioned below:-
Year I:- :-Programming languages :-Chemistry :-Electrical technology :-Engineering graphics :-Electronics and instrumentation :-Environmental studies :-Engineering Mechanics :-Chemistry practical :-Value education :-Physics Practical Year II:- :-Mechanics of solids :-Fluid mechanics :-Applied Thermodynamics :-Dynamics of Machinery :-Theory of Mechanics :-Mechanical Engineering Design :-Machine Drawing :-Electrical machines and control :-Computer graphics :-Numerical and statistical methods :-Mathematics :-Mechanical Engineering Design practical :-Mechanics of solids practical :-Electrical machines and control practical Year III:- :-Fluid machines :-Internal Combustion Engines :-Heat and Mass Transfer :-Mechanical Vibration :-Production Technology I :-Production Technology II :-Advanced mechanical Engineering design :-Computer Aided Design :-Industrial engineering and management :-Advanced Solid Mechanics :-Fluid machines practical :-Internal Combustion Engines practical Year IV:- :-Measurement and Instrumentation :-Advance fluid mechanics :-Energy conversation equipment :-Computer-aided manufacturing :-Operations research :-Automobile engineering :-Industrial tribology :-Finite element analysis :-Mechatronics :-Ergonomics :-Waste heat utilization :-Composite materials :-Noise engineering :-Power plant engineering :-Refrigeration and air conditioning :-Environmental engineering The fee expenses of pursuing Bachelor of Engineering(Mechanical Engineering) in Basaveshwar Engineering College would be Rs.31,200 per year. You can visit the website http://www.becbgk.edu/ for more information. |
2nd October 2019, 11:16 PM
Course syllabus and fee expenses:--
For Semester 1 English Mathematics I Physics I Chemistry Engineering graphics Environmental studies Chemistry practical Physics practical I Physics II practical Electrical technology practical For Semester 2 Mathematics II Physics II Programming languages Electrical technology Electronics and instrumentation Engineering Mechanics Value education Physics II practical For Semester 3 Mechanics of solids Applied Thermodynamics Theory of Mechanics Machine Drawing Computer graphics Mathematics III Mechanics of solids practical Applied Thermodynamics practical Numerical and statistical practical For Semester 4 Fluid mechanics Dynamics of Machinery Mechanical Engineering Design Electrical machines and control Numerical and statistical methods Mechanical Engineering Design practical Electrical machines and control practical Applied Thermodynamics practical Theory of Mechanics practical For Semester 5 Fluid machines Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanical Vibration Production Technology I Advanced mechanical Engineering design Industrial engineering and management Fluid machines practical Heat and Mass Transfer practical For Semester 6 Internal Combustion Engines Mechanical Vibration Production Technology II Computer-Aided Design Advanced Solid Mechanics Internal Combustion Engines practical Mechanical Vibration practical For Semester 7 Measurement and Instrumentation Energy conversation equipment Operations research Industrial tribology Mechatronics Waste heat utilization Noise engineering Refrigeration and air conditioning Utilization of non-conventional energy Fracture Mechanics Advanced Mechanics For Semester 8 Advance fluid mechanics Computer-aided manufacturing Automobile engineering Finite element analysis Ergonomics Composite materials Power plant engineering Environmental Engineering Fees For B.E For 4 years of duration fee is Rs. 25,000 to 2 Lakhs per annum |