11th September 2019, 03:11 PM
How many Bachelor of Optometry seats are available in Acchutha Institute of Optometry Erode?
Respected Sir/Madam, can I know about the seats availability in Acchutha Institute of Optometry Erode for Bachelor of Optometry course? I want to do this course in this institute so I need to know how many seats are there for this particular course? Please tell me immediately.
15th September 2019, 09:38 PM
Acchutha Institute of Optometry Erode
The total number of Bachelor of Optometry seats that are available in Acchutha Institute of Optometry Erode is 40. For more information, you can contact at given below address. CONTACT ADDRESS H3 EVN Road, Periyar Nagar, Surampatty Nall Road Erode, Tamil Nadu 638009, India |