11th September 2019, 03:11 PM
Job opportunities in the Government Hospitals for BAMS candidate?
Hi Sir, can I know about the job opportunities in the Government Hospitals for me as I am doing BAMS course. I am a 3rd semester student and I want to do job after completing my BAMS. So, kindly let me know about the job opportunities.
16th September 2019, 07:44 PM
Jobs in Government Sector:
Government organisations such as government hospitals, Pharmaceutical labs, colleges etc. Recruit graduates in clinical trials, Healthcare community and educational institutions. They can also serve as duty doctors in hospitals. They can serve as assistant medical officer, assistant medical officer Ayurveda, pharmacist at Government Ayurveda dispensaries, pharmacist at government hospitals, teaching in government colleges, teaching in ayurvedic institutions. |
16th September 2019, 09:32 PM
Job opportunities in the government hospital for BAMS student:-
Assistant Medical Officer (Ayurveda) Pharmacist at Government Hospitals Pharmacist at Government Ayurveda Dispensary Teaching in Ayurvedic Institutes Doctor in Ayurvedic Hospital. |
17th September 2019, 12:28 AM
B A M S graduates can apply as these job profiles in government hospitals:
Assistant medical officers ( Siddha) Assistant medical officer( Ayurveda) Pharmacist at Government Ayurveda dispensaries(GAD) Pharmacist at government hospitals Teaching in government colleges Teaching in ayurvedic institutes |