28th January 2014, 05:28 PM
JRF ICAR question papers for Horticulture
Please send me jrf-icar question papers of last 5 yrs of horticulture. I am in urgent need for the horticulture jrf question paper as i need to start preparation for it asap. Thanking you in advance.
30th January 2014, 07:06 PM
J.R.F --- JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP You can find the previous papers of ICAR JRF questions from the following books.You must first know the syllabus and Pattern for the examination.Then only you will be able to crack the ICAR JRF examination. The best books for the previous papers of ICAR JRF examination are : >> General Horticulture for ICAR examination ( TOTAL SOLVED QUESTIONS MORES THAN 2950 ) by Muniraj Singh Rathore >> Question Bank of Horticulture by Jain Brothers ,Satyanarayan Gupta >> Objective Horticulture ARS NET JRF ICAR examinations by Uadal Singh >> Objective Horticulture by Anil Kumar Verma ( New India Publishing Agency ) The exam paper consists of 150 multiple choice questions and also there will be 10 cross matching type questions.The cross matching type questions are ranked from 151-160 questions. For M.C.Q Correct answer - 4 Marks For Cross matching type answer - 5 Marks There will be 1 mark for each correct answer pairing with marks of 650 which is the maximum one for each major subject group paper.There are total of 20 subject groups in total. For M.C.Q Wrong answer - (-1 mark ) For Cross matching wrong answer -( -0.2 mark ) The above marks will be deducted from particular section wise questions.Make sure you firstly attempt the question which you feel the questions are correct exactly.Be careful while marking the options,since there is a negative marking. |
26th February 2014, 04:24 PM
show me the question of icar jrf hortiulture
10th January 2016, 12:58 AM
I want to horticulture mcqs question with answer in comptetive examanation in bpsc.
17th June 2016, 10:57 AM
Do you have any question paper or sample paper for icar jrf horticulture? , if yes then send it to my e-mail [email protected] will be thankfull to you.
16th June 2017, 12:50 AM
If you could kindly help me sending the question paper of Jrf horticulture 2016_17
I shall be very grateful to you Thank u |
7th December 2017, 12:28 PM
Sir, kindly send me the previous 10 years jrf horticulture question papers with answer key to the email address [email protected]