16th April 2014, 02:11 PM
Solved papers of Life Science for CSIR NET
dear sir i am examinae of csir -net life sciensce .for this i would like to have some solved previous year question paper for csir-net life sciensce?
15th September 2014, 03:01 AM
There are no CSIR NET Life Sciences solved papers available over internet but there are model papers available which would help you to prepare for the exam. I have attached some of the model papers in this post for your reference. Go through it and try to understand the question type and pattern which are followed and try to prepare for them accordingly. Also attached the exam syllabus in this post for your reference. Make sure that you will cover all the topic given in the syllabus to score well and clear the exam. For any other information regarding the exam visit the official website - http://www.csirhrdg.res.in/ |