9th December 2022, 04:10 PM
Where to get the UGC NET Computer Science books for preparation
I want to prepare for UGC NET Exams on COMPUTER SCIENCE. So please tell me which books i should refer for this? Please tell me book names and authors. Where & how i get the book, i am in chennai,this books are avilable in bookshops or in internet
14th December 2022, 10:29 PM
Best books for UGC NET Computer Science subject:
Some of the best books available for UGC NET Computer Science subject are given below, Name of the Examination- UGC NET Name of the Subject- Computer Science @ Trueman's NTA UGC NET Computer Science book by Sanjay Singhal and Sameer Mishra @ R Gupta's UGC NET Computer Science and Applications by M Shamshur Rabb Khan You can also download the previous year papers from online or from the books mentioned above. Once you practice well, you feel really ease to solve any kind of questions in the subject. Whatever the book you follow, you should definitely stick to it without missing any content. You can buy these books online or from book stores offline too. |
15th December 2022, 09:51 PM
Where to get the UGC NET Computer Science books for preparation?
1. You can get UGC NET computer science books at nearby stationary. 2. You can also get them online on any shopping sites. 3. You can get books in coaching centers also. |