29th June 2022, 04:18 PM
Wht are the rules followed forGrace marks in post graduate medical entrance examination?
Hello sir..I've completed my internship in medical school and I've given pre pg medical entrance examination for MD,MS course of our university...I've qualified the exam provided that I've been given 40 marks of grace which is distributed to all the students whether they hv qualified or not on verge of equitable distribution ...so I want to know if we students who are graced are eligible to take admission in post graduate course or not ??are there any other universities or medical colleges that had given grace in post graduate medical entrance examination (MD,MS) in previous years?what are the rules followed by those for giving grace?kindly guide me regarding this
20th May 2023, 07:57 AM
Grace marks are additional marks that are given to students in an examination, usually to help them qualify for the next level of study. The rules for giving grace marks vary from university to university, but they are typically given to students who have performed well in the examination but have not scored high enough to qualify.
In the case of post-graduate medical entrance examinations, grace marks are usually given to students who have scored close to the qualifying mark. For example, if the qualifying mark for the examination is 500, and a student scores 490, they may be given grace marks to bring their score up to 500. The rules for giving grace marks are usually set by the university or medical college that is conducting the examination. These rules may vary from year to year, so it is important to check with the university or college before you take the examination. In general, students who are given grace marks are eligible to take admission in post-graduate courses. However, it is important to check with the university or college to make sure that they have a policy in place for admitting students who have been given grace marks. Here are some of the universities that have given grace marks in post-graduate medical entrance examinations in previous years: