4th October 2019, 12:06 AM
How many rounds are there in KLA Tencor Chennai Software Engineer interview?
Hi Sir, I am going to attend the interview of KLA Tencor Chennai for the post of Software Engineer. I want to know how many rounds are there in this interview so that I can prepare for each and every rounds?
6th October 2019, 09:01 PM
Company Name: KLA Tencor
Multiple rounds are there in KLA Tencor Chennai Software Engineer interview as follows. -Online apptitude or written test. -Technical test. -HR interview. |
7th October 2019, 02:15 AM
Selection process of KLA Tenor Chennai Software Engineer :
1.Written examination 2.Technical and HR. If it is online campus then there is one more level called GD. But in general the selection will be completely based on the above mentioned rounds. Mainly you should concentrate on technical concepts as there is a chance to face technical questions in both written as well as Technical.interview. |