15th May 2019, 04:08 AM
How many vacancies are available for Java Developer in ThinkVidya, Bangalore?
Can I know that in ThinkVidya, Bangalore how many vacancies are there for the post of Java Developer? I have heard that they are hiring for this post for Java Developer so I wanted to know about the vacancies.
19th May 2019, 01:18 AM
Vacancies available for Java Developer in ThinkVidya:
As ThinkVidya is hiring freshers and experienced candidates for Java Developer role, so there are multiple openings currently. If you are appearing for the interview and if you will be able to clear all the rounds of interview and impress interviewer with your technical skill you can expect an immediate offer from this company. For more details you can visit the below website: Website- https://www.urbanpro.co |