5th May 2014, 07:01 PM
Syllabus and papers for Management Trainee in General?
respected sir/madam
I have to appear for management trainee general. i want to know the syllabus of management trainee general. could you please send me the previous paper,model paper and syllabus of exam. kindly send me the complete information on y id [email protected] regards swati |
8th January 2015, 11:13 PM
Syllabus for Management Trainee Entrance Exam (Geology) in CIL
Paper-I General Awareness Awards Books and Authors Budget Business Current events Five Years Plan National and International affairs Persons in News Science and Technology Sports General Aptitude Arithmetic Aptitude Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning Verbal Reasoning Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper-II Technical Knowledge (Geology) Crystallography Concept of unit cell Concept of Point Group Concept of Space lattice Concept of Space Group X-ray diffraction methods Twinning in crystals Mineral Chemistry Mineral Optics Plane polarized and cross-polarized light Birefringence Interference of light waves Convergent polarized light Dispersion of light Absorption of light by minerals Principles of Stratigraphy Stratigraphic procedures (Surface and Subsurface) Lithofacies and Biofacies Stratigraphic Correlation Standard stratigraphic code Lithostratigraphic Biostratigraphic Chronostratigraphic Magnetostratigraphy Chemostratigraphy Event Stratigraphy Sequence Stratigraphy Paleontology Invertebrate Paleontology Vertebrate Paleontology Introduction to Micropaleontology Types of Microfossils Paleopalynology Foraminifera & Ostracods Gravity, Interior and Figure of the Earth The Earth’s figure and Gravity Application of Global Positioning System Seismology Elastic Rebound Theory Seismic waves and their propagation Seismic waves and Internal Structure of the Earth Travel-time Tables and Velocity-depth Curves Introduction to Geodesy, Geodetic Datum and Co-ordinate Systems Seismic Tomography Seismograms Thermal, electrical, mechanical properties of the Earth, and Geomagnetism Heat-flow measurements Heat-flow and Radioactivity Introduction to Rock Mechanics Geomagnetism Geomagnetism and Magnetic Field of the Earth Physics of Magnetism and Rock Magnetism Palaeomagnetism Rock Magnetic Applications in Geosciences Magnetic Survey Other Topics Hydraulic and Structure Environment and Facies Geochemical tracers of mantle processes Magma Crystallisation and Evolution Here i have attached question paper for Management Trainee. You can download the link. |