24th May 2015, 01:27 AM
What is the eligibility criteria followed for applying primary school teacher job in West Bengal?
What is the eligibility and upper age limit to enroll as a primary school teacher in West Bengal? Can you please provide me the complete details about the criteria which need to be followed to apply for the job? Am just looking for applying for the job and I need to know the details!
24th May 2015, 02:45 AM
If you have done B.Ed than you can surely apply for job as a primary teacher in any school in West Bengal, as they entertain B.Ed degree for recruitment of primary teachers.
However, you must have done B.Ed from a recognised University. Age of the candidate should not exceed more than 30 years(relaxation is however provided in case of SC/ST/OBC/ex-service man). For recruitment however, you will have to clear entrance examination(TGT and PGT) conducted by Central Government. Recruitment is done in two stages: > Written Examination > Personal Interview |
26th May 2015, 09:58 PM
Aspirants who wants to do a job in teaching field they had apply for TET ( teacher eligibility test),and must have clear the exam.
Eligibility criteria for TET are :- -candidate must have done graduation in any discipline from recognised university. -must have done B.Ed with 50% . *B.Ed finsl year student can appear for the TET. - to apply for TET:- its an online process. *the cost for application form is Rs 250/- (general and obc) ** for sc/st the cost for application form is Rs 80/- Exam pattern:- 1)paper 1 2)paper 2 3)interview **total marks is 150 marks. To qualify the test,candidate must get 60 marks. Teaching experience:- 5 marks Personality:- 5 marks. |