1st June 2016, 02:18 PM
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What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

My son fails in 12th. He has got only 24 marks in theory paper of Chemistry but, shown fail in that subject. He is also fail in Physics and Mathematics taking 16 and 21 marks respectively. Please, tell me about Chemistry paper why he has shown fail?

2nd June 2016, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

To pass in Chemistry theory paper of 12th standard, you must have to score at least 35% marks out of total marks. For example, if the examination is conducted for total of 100 marks, you must have to score minimum 35 marks to qualify the examination. Most of the 12th standard boards conducts Mathematics examination paper for 75 marks, Physics and Chemistry examination papers for 60 marks, you need to score 26 marks in Mathematics subject and 21 marks in Physics and Chemistry papers to get qualified in 12th standard board examinations.
3rd June 2016, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

Having secured 16 marks and 21 marks in Physics and Mathematics paper your son has failed in both these paper and hence he has failed overall too.

But you have mentioned that your son has managed 24 marks in the theory paper of Chemistry but he is still shown fail then there can be two cases, whether your son had failed in practical paper of Chemistry i.e; has managed less than 12 marks out of 30 marks or there would be some error.

If your son has managed to pass in practical paper then for correction of error in the result you can refer to the regional office of your son's board of examination.
3rd June 2016, 01:38 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

Your son should have scored a minimum of 34 marks in each subject to pass particularly in that subject and also 34% in aggregate in order to clear your board examination and to be called as a pass candidate.

As your son has not been able to get a minimum of 34 marks in either of the subjects mentioned above, therefore, he is considered to be a failed candidate in those subjects.
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3rd June 2016, 06:03 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

The theory paper of Chemistry and Physics is of 70 marks and practical paper is of 30 marks. In order to pass in both of these subjects, a candidate must score at least 23 marks in theory paper and 12 marks in practical paper out of 30 marks.

So, overall 35 marks out of 100 with 23 marks in theory and 12 marks in practical is required to pass in any subject mentioned above. Your son may have failed in practical paper that is why it is showing overall status of subject as fail. Either he should appear for compartment exam or reappear for board exam.
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6th December 2017, 07:37 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

Sir i got 25 marks out of 85 in chemistry theory part 2 and it show me fail..why? Sir i also got 23 out of 85 in physic theory 2 why it show me fail. Answer me as soon as it possible..thanks for cooperation
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11th March 2018, 11:31 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

If I will passed in bengali, english, physics, mathematics, biology but if I will fail in chemistry then shall I be considered passed?
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16th March 2018, 12:34 AM
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 31
Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

For 100 marks paper of any subject in 12 the passing marks are 35. You should make your child prepare better for internals ad those marks are most likely to get and would easy the burden. Take care & Good luck!
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30th April 2018, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

Sir/madam I got 39 marks in chemistry he is telling fail tell me I am fail or pass I got confused practical -25 and in theory-14 plus tell me I am pass or fail
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11th May 2018, 09:42 AM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

Sir I finished 12th standard and IAM waiting for results IAM a state board student what is the border pass mark in chemistry theory paper sir?
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23rd May 2018, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

My brother got 16 marks in physics therory paper and 28 in physics practical paper and 16 marks in chemistry theory paper and 23 marks in practical paper and in all over he is declared fail bit he got good marks in other subject. Though he is shown fail but his percentage is 49.6%. Please guide us sir what to do .
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27th May 2018, 10:00 AM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

I have all subject pass but in chemistry theory paper i got 21 mark and in practical i got 28 mark shall i pass in chemistry ?
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13th March 2019, 07:45 AM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

I gues 16 marks in chemistry theory and 25 in practical i will pass in board cbse
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29th May 2019, 01:33 AM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

My sister got 34 marks in chemistry n biology either it is pass or fail ....total result is showing fail
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19th June 2019, 10:40 AM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

I have got 16 marks in chem nd 23 marks in phy and they are showing fail m i fail ? By as per my point of view i checked my paper and i was scoring these same marks in mcq and i think didn't get theory marks is it possible that board cn make this type of mistake ?
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13th November 2019, 06:54 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

I will passed lab exam of chemistry. But theory papper i got 11 mark for plua one exam and 30 mark for plu two exam. Shall i passed over all for chemistry papper
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25th November 2019, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

I have got 7.0 points in my 1st year of intermediate
How many points should I get in second year to get 8.7 points?
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23rd June 2020, 08:25 AM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

Could you say how many Mark's do we get for the grade
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18th July 2020, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: What is the pass marks of Chemistry theory paper in 12th standard?

My brother has scored practical 21 and theory 7 then how many marks he should get for passing
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