Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam 2012
Anna University was established in 1978 in Chennai. The institute provides courses in different streams. The university offers courses in Engineering and Technology as well as in allied Sciences. Anna University is situated in the southern part of Chennai in Adyar. Various entrance exams are conducted by the institute for different post graduate courses. The institute conducts entrance exam for admission to M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics).
Structure of Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam
The question pattern in the entrance exam of M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) will be multiple choice types. Each question will have four alternative answers. The candidate has to shade the correct choice. The total number of questions in M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) exam is 100. Each wrong answer will be awarded negative marking. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 mark and ¼ marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. If a candidate does multiple shading then the answer will be considered wrong and there will be negative marking.
Syllabus of Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam
- Linear and angular Velocity
- Linear and Angular Acceleration
- Projectile
- Impulse and Impact
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Moment of Inertia
- Theory of moments friction
- Simple Machines
- Centre of gravity
- Virtual work
- Thrust Centre of pressure
- Floating bodies
- Metacentre
- Atmospheric Pressure Versus Altitude
- Equation of continuity
- Bernoulli’s theorem and applications.
General Physics, Sound, Heat And Thermodynamics
- Gravitation and elements of space science
- Elasticity
- Surface tension
- Viscosity
- Lissajou’s figures
- Velocity of sound
- Ultrasonics and applications
- Acoustics of buildings
- Recording and Reproduction of sound
- Doppler effect
- Calorimetry
- Kinetic theory of gases
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd Laws of thermodynamics
- Heat engines
- Low temperature physics
- Convection
- Conduction and radiation
Optics And Spectroscopy
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Mirrors
- Lenses
- Defects in lenses
- Optical instruments
- Photometry
- Velocity of light
- Interference
- Diffraction
- Polarisation
- Crystal optics
- Classification of spectra infra-red
- Ultra violet and Raman spectroscopy
Electricity ,Magnetism And Electromagnetism
- Electrostatics
- Current electricity
- Elecrolysis
- Thermoelectricity
- Heating effect
- Magnetic materials
- Hysteresis
- Galvanometers
- Electromagnetic induction
- Bridge circuits
- LCR circuits
- Motors and generators
Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics And Electronics
- Cathode rays
- Electron theory of metals
- Atomic structure
- X-rays
- Application to crystallography
- Special theory of relativity
- Wave mechanics
- Size, charge, mass, spin of nucleus
- Radioactivity
- Particle accelerators
- Nuclear reactions
- Nuclear energy
- Cosmic rays
- Elementary particles
- Series and parallel resonance circuits
- Valves
- Semiconductors
- Power supply amplifiers
- Oscillators
- Modulation and detection
- Radiation and wave propagation
- Microwaves Electronic measuring instruments
- T.V and Radar
Eligibility Criteria
The candidates should have completed B.Sc. Physics with Mathematics as an Ancillary Subject (or) B.Sc. Applied Science from any recognized university. The candidates who are in final year of their studies can also apply for the entrance exam.
How to Apply?
The application form along with the instructions and brochure can be obtained from the Examination Centre, Anna University Chennai, Chennai -600025. The candidates can also download the form from the website of Anna University The completed application form should be sent to the Director (Admissions), Anna University Chennai, Chennai 600 025. The filled application form should reach the Director on or before the last date of submission. The applicant should send a demand draft of Rs. 600/- along with the completed application form. The demand draft should be taken in favor of The Director (Admissions), Anna University Chennai from a nationalized bank payable at Chennai.
How to fill the Form?
The applicant should fill in the form correctly and carefully. The candidate should enter all the details regarding name, father’s name, date of birth as per the higher secondary school certificate. The applicant should fill in all the details personally. The candidate should enter the address completely including the pin code. The applicant should refer to the draft before entering the bank details. The candidate should cross check all the details before submitting the form.
Important Dates (Tentative)
[Please note that we only provide tentative dates based on previous years dates. For exact dates related information it is always best to check official websites only.]
Date of issue of application forms: Third week of April, 2012
Last date of receipt of completed Application forms : Second week of May, 2012
Date of Entrance Examination: First week of June, 2012
Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam Centers
The center for Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam is Chennai.
Contact Address for Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam
- Address : Anna University, Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600025, Tamil Nadu
- Phone: 2352312, 2351126 PBX
- Fax: 91-44-2350397
- E-Mail:
- Website:
Colleges Accepting the Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam Score
Anna University
Reference Books for the Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam
- Mechanics by Mathur
- The Mechanicals by Richard Kelly, Brett Weldele
- Mechanics by John Clarke Slater, Nathaniel H Frank, John C Slater
- Mechanics by Shubhra Kakani, C Hemrajani, S L Kakani
- Mechanics By C G Cleveland
- Mechanics of Materials By Adarsh Swaroop
- Heat Thermodynamics And Statistical Physics by Dr N Subrahmanyam, Brij Lal, P S Hemne
- Feynman Lectures on Physics, The: Volume 1: Mainly Mechanics, Radiation and Heat by R P Feynman , R B Leighton , M Sands
- Heat Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics by Brij Lal Subrahmanyam
- Heat Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics by Singhal
- Heat & Thermodynamics by Dass Vn
- Polarized Light in Optics and Spectroscopy by David S Kliger, Cora E Randall, James W Lewis
- Optics and Spectroscopy at Surfaces and Interfaces by Vladimir G Bordo, Horst Gunter Rubahn
- Modern Atomic and Nuclear Physics by Fujia Yang, Joseph H Hamilton
- Modern Atomic And Nuclear Physics by Gupta
Coaching Centers for the Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam
- T.I.M.E (Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd
- Aakash
- Sreekrishna Entrance Coaching Center
- Brilliants Tutorial Pvt.Ltd
- Tandem
- Career point
- Sahil study circle
- J .R. S Tutorials
- Pathfinder Academy
- Sri Krishna Academy
- VPM classes
Study Plan
The candidate should prepare for the exam from the final year of qualifying examination. The aspirant should keep a note of all the formulas and should understand the derivations well. The candidate should practice the numerical type problems nicely. The candidate should manage time well and plan accordingly. The candidate should discuss with seniors about the pattern of the exam and prepare accordingly. The candidate should refer to the old question papers available. The aspirant should revise the portion once again before the examination.
How and Where To Get the Results?
The results of the entrance exam will be published in the official web site
Score Validity
Validity of the score obtained in M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) entrance test is for one year.
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8 Responses to “Anna University M.Sc. (Material Science) & M.Sc. (Medical Physics) Entrance Exam 2012”
i completed,physics and also did B.Ed.,in regular.Now Iwant to do M.Sc.,Medical physics.Is it possible to do that in part time
i want to download medical physics application form, can u pls tell me the procedure
when is the admission procedure starting for msc physics in anna university???
Anna University 2013 Batch (M.Sc Medical Physics Course) Entrance Exam date
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is it central university?