Download MP PET 2009 Sample Papers
MP PET stands for Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test which is conducted for admission into various courses such as Engineering, Pharmacy, Dairy, Agriculture, and Forestry. The entrance test is a state level examination and this year around it will be conducted in the month of June. For your consideration, some sample papers and detailed syllabus in included which will help you prepare well for the examination.
Download MP PET 2009 Sample Papers:
• MP PET 2009 Physics Sample Paper 1
• MP PET 2009 Physics Sample Paper 2
• MP PET 2009 Chemistry Sample Paper 1
• MP PET 2009 Chemistry Sample Paper 2
• MP PET 2009 Mathematics Sample Paper 1
• MP PET 2009 Mathematics Sample Paper 2
MP PET 2009 Syllabus
Unit 1 Units and Measurement Units for measurement, system of units-S.I., fundamental and derived units. Dimensions and their applications.
Unit 2 Description of Motion in one dimension Motion in a straight line, uniform motion, its graphical representation. Uniformly accelerated motion, and its applications.
Unit 3 Description of Motion in Two and Three dimensions Scalars and vectors, vector addition, multiplication of a vector by a real number, zero-vector and its properties. Resolution of vectors. Scalar and vector products, uniform circular motion and its applications, projectile motion.
Unit 4 Laws of Motion Force and inertia-Newton’s Laws of motion. Conservation of linear momentum, rocket propulsion. Inertial frames of references. Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling friction.
Unit 5 Work, Energy and Power Concept of work, energy and power, Energy-kinetic and potential. Conservation of energy. Elastic collisions in one and two dimensions. Different forms of energy.
Unit 6 Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia Centre of mass of a two-particle system. Centre of mass of a rigid body, general motion of a rigid body, nature of rotational motion, torque, angular momentum., conservation of angular momentum and its applications. Moment of Inertia and its physical significance, parallel and perpendicular axes theorem, expression of moment of inertia for ring, disc and sphere.
Unit 7 Gravitation Acceleration due to gravity, one and two-dimensional motion under gravity. Universal law of gravitation, variation in the acceleration due to gravity of the earth. Planetary motion, artificial satellite - geostationary satellite, gravitational potential energy near the surface of earth, gravitational potential and space velocity.
Unit 8 Properties of Matter Inter-atomic and inter-molecular forces, states of matter
(A) Solids : Elastic properties, Hook’s law, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity.
(B) Liquids : Cohesion and adhesion. Surface energy and surface tension. Flow of fluids, Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications. Viscosity, Stoke’s Law, terminal velocity.
(C) Ideal gas laws.
Unit 9 Oscillations Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion and its equation of motion, energy in S.H.M., Oscillations of a spring and simple pendulum.
Unit 10 Waves Wave motion, speed of a wave, longitudinal and transverse waves, superposition of waves, progressive and standing waves, vibration of strings and air-columns, beats, resonance. Doppler effect in sound.
Unit 11 Heat and Thermodynamics Thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases and their specific heats, relationship between Cr and Cu for gases. First law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic processes. Second law of thermodynamics, carnot cycle, efficiency of heat engines.
Unit 12 Transference of Heat Modes of transference of heat. Thermal conductivity. Black body radiations, Kirchoff’s law, Wien’s law, Stefan’s law of radiation and Newton’s law of cooling.
Unit 13 Electrostatics Charges and their conservation. Coulomb’s law. S.I. unit of charge, dielectric constant, electric field, lines of force. Field due to dipole and its behaviour in a uniform electric field, electric flux, Gauss’s law in simple geometries. Electric potential, potential due to a point charge. Conductors and insulations, distribution of charge on conductors. Capacitance, parallel plate capacitor, combination of capacitors, energy of capacitor, Van de Graff generator.
Unit 14 Current Electricity Current as a rate of flow of charges, sources of energy, cells-primary and secondary, grouping of cells, resistance of different materials, temperature dependence, specific resistance, Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s law, series and parallel circuits. Wheatstone Bridge, measurement of voltages and currents, potentiometer.
Unit 15 Thermal and Chemical Effects of Currents Heating effects of current, electric power, simple concept of thermo electricity - (Seeback effect and its explanation), thermocouple, Chemical effects of current and laws of electrolysis.
Unit 16 Magnetic Effects of Currents Oersted’s experiment, Biot-Savert’s law (magnetic field due to a current element), magnetic field due to a straight wire, circular loop and solenoid, force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field (Lorentz force), forces and torques on currents in a magnetic field, force between two current carrying wires, moving coil galvanometer, ammeter and voltmeter.
Unit 17 Magnetostatics Bar magnet, magnetic field, lines of force, torque on a bar magnet in a magnetic field, earth’s magnetic field, tangent galvanometer, vibration magnetometer, para, dia and ferro-magnetism, magnetic induction, magnetic susceptibility.
Unit 18 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Induced e.m.f., Farady’s Law, Lenz’s Law, self and mutual induction, alternating currents, impedance and reactance, power in a.c. circuits, LCR series combination, resonant circuits. Transformer, simple motor, and A.C. generator.
Unit 19 Ray Optics Sources of light, luminous intensity, luminous flux, illuminance and photometry (elementary idea). Reflection and refraction of light at plane and curved surfaces, total internal reflection, optical fibre, deviation and dispersion of light by a prism; Lens formula, magnification and resloving power; microscope and telescope.
Unit 20 Wave Optics Wave nature of light; Interference ? Young’s double slit experiment. Diffraction ? diffraction due to a single slit. Elementary idea of polarization, Doppler effect of light.
Unit 21 Electromagnetic waves Electromagnetic oscillations. Electromagnetic wave spectrum from gamma to radio waves - their use and propagation, properties of the atmosphere w.r.t. electromagnetic spectrum.
Unit 22 Electrons and Photons Discovery of electrons, cathode rays, charge on an electron, e/m for an electron, photoelectric effect and Einstein’s equation of photoelectric effect.
Unit 23 Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei Rutherford model of the atom, Bohr’s model, energy quantizations, hydrogen spectrum, Atomic masses, size of the nucleus; Radioactivity; rays and their properties - alpha, beta and gamma decay; half life and mean life of radio-active nuclei, Binding energy, mass energy relationship, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
Unit 24 Solids and Semi-Conductor Devices Energy bands in solids, conductors, insulators and semi-conductors, PN junction, diodes, diode as rectifier, junction transistor, transistor as an amplifier.
Unit 1 Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic Measurement in chemistry (significant figures, Dimensional analysis). Chemical classification of matter (mixtures, compounds and elements, and purification), Law of chemcial combination and Daiton’s Atomic theory, Atomic Mass (mole concept, determination of chemical formulae). Chemical equation (balancing of chemical equation and calculations using chemical equations).
Unit 2 Elements, their Occurrence and extraction Earth as a source of elements, elements in biology, extraction of metals (metallurgical process, production of concentrated ore, production of metals and their purification). Mineral wealth of India. Qualitative test of metals.
Unit 3 States of Matter Gaseous state (measurable properties of gases, Boyle’s Law, Charle’s Law and absolute scale of temperature, Avogadro’s hypothesis, ideal gas equation, Dalton’s law of partial pressure). Kinetic molecular theory of gases (the microscopic model of gas, deviation from ideal behaviour).
The solid state (classification of solids, X-ray studies of crystal lattices and unit cells, packing of constituent particles in crystals). Liquid state (Properties of liquids, Vapour pressure, Surface tension, Viscosity).
Unit 4 Atomic Structures Constituents of the atom (Discovery of electron, Rutherford model of the atom).
Electronic structure of atoms (nature of light and electromagnetic waves, atomic spectra. Bohr’s model of Hydrogen atom. Quantum mechanical model of the atom, electronic configurations of atoms, Aufbau principle).
Dual nature of matter and radiation. The uncertainty principle. Orbitals and Quantum numbers. Shapes of orbitals, Electronic configuration of atoms.
Unit 5 Chemical Families - Periodic Properties Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, Modern Periodic Law, Types of elements (inner transition elements-f-block elements). Periodic trends in properties. (lonization energy, electron affinity, atomic radii, valence, periodicity in properties of compounds).
Unit 6 Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure Chemical bonds and Lewis structure shapes of molecules (VSEPR theory). Quantum theory of the covalent bond (Hydrogen and some simple molecules, carbon compounds. Hybridization, Boron and Beryllium compounds).
Coordinate covalent bond (lonic bond as an extreme case of polar covalent bond, ionic character of molecules and polar molecules. Bonding in solid state (lonic, moelcular and covalent solids, metals). Hydrogen bond, Resonance.
Molecules: Molecular orbital method. Formation of H2,O2, N2, F2 on the basis of MOT. Hybridisation, Dipole moment and structure of molecules.
Unit 7 The Solid State Structure of simple ionic compounds. Close-packed structures. lonic-radii, Silicates (elementary ideas). Imperfection in solids (point defects only). Properties of solids, Amorphous solids.
The Gaseous state.
Ideal gas equation-Kinetic Theory (fundamentals only)
Unit 8 Solutions Types of solutions, Vapour-pressure of solutions and Raoult’s law. Colligative properties, Non-ideal solutions and abnormal molecular masses. Mole concept-stoichemistry, volumetric analysis-concentration unit.
Unit 9 Chemical Energetics and Thermodynamics Energy changes during a chemical reaction, Internal energy and Enthalpy (Internal energy, Enthalpy, Enthalpy changes, Origin of Enthalpy change in a reaction, Hess’s Law of constant heat summation, numericals based on these concepts). Heats of reactions (heat of neutralization, heat of combustion, heat of fusion and vaporization).
Sources of energy (conservation of energy sources and identification of alternative sources, pollution associated with consumption of fuels. The sun as the primary source).
Second law of thermodynamics : Entropy, Free energy, Spontaneity of a chemical reaction, free energy change and chemical equilibrium, free energy available for useful work.
Unit 10 Chemical Equilibrium Equilibria involving physical changes (solid-liquid, liquid-gas equilibrium involving dissolution of solid in liquids, gases in liquids, general characteristics of equilibrium involving physical processes).
Equilibria involving chemical systems (the law of chemical equilibrium, the magnitude of the equilibrium constant, numerical problems).
Effect of changing conditions of systems at equilibrium (change of concentration, change of temperature, effect of catalyst-Le Chateliar’s principle).
Equilibria involving ions (ionization of electrolytes, weak and strong electrolytes, acid-base equilibrium, various concepts of acids and bases, ionization of water, pH, solubility product, numericals based on these concepts).
Unit 11 Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Oxidation and reduction as an electron transfer process. Redox reactions in aqueous solutions-electrochemical cells. EMF of a galvanic cell. Dependence of EMF on concentration and temperature (nearest equation and numerical problems based on it). Electrolysis, Oxidation numbers (rules for assigning oxidation number, redox reactions in terms of oxidation number and nomenclature). Balancing of oxidation-reduction equations.
Electrolytic conduction, Voltaic cell. Electrode potential and Electromotive force, Gibb’s free energy and cell potential. Electrode potential and Electrolysis.
Unit 12 Transference of Heat Rate of reaction, Instantaneous rate of reaction and order of reaction. Factors affecting rates of reactions (factors affecting rate of collisions encountered between the reactant molecules, effect of temperature on the reaction rate, concept of activation energy, catalysis). Effect of light on rates of reactions. Elementary reactions as steps to more complex reactions. How fast are chemical reactions?
Rate expression. Order of a reaction (with suitable examples). Units of rates and specific rate constants. Order of reaction and effect of concentration (study will be confined to first order only). Temperature dependence of rate constant - Fast reactions (only elementary idea). Mechanism of reaction (only elementary idea). Photochemical reactions.
Unit 13 Chemistry of Hydrocarbons Alkanes (Structure, isomerism, conformation).
Stereo isomerism and chirality (origin of chirality, optical rotation, recemic mixture).
Alkenes (isomerism including cis-trans).
Arenes (structure of benzene, resonance structure, isomerism in arenes).
Sources of hydrocarbons (origin and composition of coal and petroleum, Hydrocarbon from coal and petroleum cracking and reforming, quality of gasoline-octane number, gasoline additives).
Laboratory preparation of alkenes (preparation from alcohols, alkyl halides).
Laboratory preparation of alkynes (preparation from calcium carbide and accetylene).
Physical properties of alkanes (boiling and melting points, solubility and density).
Reactions of hydrocarbons (oxidation, addition, subsitution and miscellaneous reactions).
Unit 14 Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds Purification (crystallization, sublimation, distillation, differential extraction, chromatography).
Qualitative analysis (analysis of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and halogens).
Quantitative analysis (estimation of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, halogens, sulphur, phosphorus and oxygen).
Determination of molecular mass (Victor Mayer’s method, volumetric method).
Calculation of empirical formula and molecular formula.
Numerical problems in organic quantitative analysis, modern methods of structure elucidation.
Unit 15 Organic Chemistry, Based on Functional Group-I (Halides and Hydroxy compounds)
Nomenclature of compounds containing halogen atoms and hydroxyl groups : haloalkanes, haloarenes; alcohols and phenols.
Correlation of physical properties and uses.
Preparation, properties and uses of following:
Polyhalogen compound : Chloroform, Idoform
Polyhydric compounds, Ethane 1, 2-diol; Propane-1,2,3 triol
Structure and reactivity - (a) Induction effect, (b) Mesomeric effect, (c) Electrophiles and Nucleophiles. (d) Types of organic reaction.
Unit 16 Magnetic Effects of Currents (Ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives)
Nomenclature of ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives.
(acylhalides, acid anhydrides, amides and esters)
General methods of preparation, correlation of physical properties with their structures, chemical properties and uses.
(Note : Specific compounds should not be stressed for the purpose of evaluation)
Unit 17 Organic Chemistry Based on Functional Group-II (Cyanides, isocyanides nitrocompounds and amines)
Nomenclature and classification of amines, cyanides, isocyanides, nitro compounds and their method of preparation; correlation of physical properties with structure, chemical reactions and uses.
Unit 18 Chemistry of Non-metals-I (Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen)
Hydrogen (position in periodic table, occurrence, isotopes, properties, reactions and uses)
Oxygen (occurrence, preparation, properties and reactions, uses, simple oxides; ozone)
Water and hydrogen peroxide (structure of water molecule and its aggregates, physical and chemical properties of water, hard and soft water, water softening, hydrogen peroxides-preparation, properties, structure and uses).
Nitrogen (Preparation, properties, uses, compounds of Nitrogen-Ammonia, Oxides of Nitrogen, Nitric Acid-preparation, properties and uses).
Unit 19 Chemistry of Non-metals-II (Boron, Carbon, Silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, halogens and the noble gases)
Boron (occurrence, isolation, physical and chemical properties, borax and toxic acid, uses of boron and it compounds).
Carbon, inorganic compounds of carbon (oxides, halides, carbides), elemental carbon.
Silicon (occurrence, preparation and properties, oxides and phosphorus, chemical fertilizers).
Sulphur (occurrence and extraction, properties and reaction oxides; Sulphuric acid - preparation, properties and uses, sodium thiosulphate).
Halogens (occurrence, preparation, properties, hydrogen halides, uses of halogens).
Noble gases (discovery, occurrence and isolation, physical properties, chemistry of noble gases and their uses).
Unit 20 Chemistry of lighter Metals Sodium and Potassium (occurrence and extraction, properties and uses, important compounds - NaCl, Na2Co3, NaHCO3, NaOH, KCl, KOH).
Magnesium and calcium (occurrence and extraction, properties and uses, important compounds MgCl2, Mg SO4, CaO, Ca(OH)2,CaCO3,CaSO4, plaster of paris).
Aluminium (occurrence, extraction, properties and uses, compounds - AICI3, alums).
Biological role of Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium.
Unit 21 Chemistry of heavier Metals Iron (Occurrence and extraction, compounds of iron, oxides, halides, sulphides, sulphate, alloy and steel).
Copper, silver and gold (occurrence and extractions, properties and uses, compounds - sulphides, halides and sulphates, photography).
Zinc and Mercury (occurrence and extraction, properties and uses, compounds - oxides, halides; sulphides and sulphates).
Tin and Lead (occurrence and extraction, properties and uses, compounds - oxides, sulphides, halides).
Unit 22 Chemistry of Representative Elements Periodic properties - Trends in groups and periods (a) Oxides-nature (b) Halides-melting points (c) Carbonates and sulphates-solubility.
The chemistry of s and p block elements, electronic configuration, general characteristic properties and oxidation states of the following:-
Group 1 elements - Alkali metals
Group 2 elements - Alkaline earth metals
Group 13 elements - Boron family
Group 14 elements - Carbon family
Group 15 elements - Nitrogen family
Group 16 elements - Oxygen family
Group 17 elements - Halogen family
Group 18 elements - Noble gases and Hydrogen
Unit 23 Transition Metals including Lanthanides Electronic configuration: General characteristic properties. States of transition metals. First row transition metals and general properties of their compounds - oxides, halides and sulphides.
General properties of second and third row transition elements (Groupwise discussion).
Preparation, properties and uses of Potassium dichromate, Potassium permanganate. Inner Transition Elements General discussion with special reference to oxidation states and earmthanide contraction.
Unit 24 Coordination Chemistry and Organs Metallics Coordination compounds, Nomenclature : Isomerism in coordination compounds; Bonding in coordination compounds, Werner’s coordination theory.
Unit 25 Nuclear Chemistry Nature of radiation from radioactive substances; Nuclear reactions; Radioactive disintegration series; Artificial transmutation of elements; Nuclear fission and Nuclear fusion; isotopes and their applications: Radio carbon-dating.
Unit 26 Synthetic and Natural Polymers Classification of Polymers, natural and synthetic polymers (with stress on their general methods of preparation) and important uses of the following:
Teflon, PVC, Polystyrene, Nylon-66, teryleneEnvironmental pollution - pollutants - services - check and alternatives.
Unit 27 Surface Chemistry Surfaces : AdsorptionColloids :
(Preparation and general properties), Emulsions, MicellesCatalysis :
Homogeneous and heterogeneous, structure of catalyst.
Unit 28 Bio Molecules and Biological Processes The Cell
Carbohydrates : Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides
Amino Acides and Peptides - Structure and classification.
Proteins and Enzymes - Structure of Proteins, Role of enzymes.
Nucleic Acids - DNA and RNA
Biological functions of Nucleic acids - Protein synthesis and replication
Lipids - Structure, membranes and their functions.
Unit 29 Chemistry in Action Dyes, Chemicals and medicines (antipyretic, analgesic, and tranquilisers), Rocket propellants. (Structural formulae non-evaluative).
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