18th April 2012, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

Hi frnd..
Refer Integrals and other 12th maths solutions here http://www.1guider.com/cbse-maths-class-12th-7th-chapter-integrals.html
Good one..
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18th April 2012, 11:06 PM
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 1
Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

hi frnd
refer this link for integrals and 12th maths
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19th April 2012, 12:12 AM
priyanka ingle
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 3
Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

Firstly in case of physics you have to read and understand the units carefully.
Then only you can solve the problems and questions properly.
But in case of maths you have to practice it daily. You have to practice one unit daily. First practice the solved problems and then the unsolved one.
But don't turn over the next unit until you are satisfied with what you have done. And don't worry about the studies, " All Is Well " ...
Best Luck........
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20th April 2012, 11:43 PM
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 253
Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

Dear friend,
Practise R S Agarwal Quantitative as much as you can.
To answer English verbal you can also do verbal reasoning and non-reasoning.

Am sending you ebook of R S Agarwal verbal reasoning and non-reasoning.
Also practise previous papers to get the idea of the pattern.

All da best!!!

Bank Probationary Officer examination :-

The applicant's have to qualified graduation in any desire subject from a recognized University or equivalent qualification and the candidate must score at least 50-60% marks in their examination.5% relaxation is given to the other reserved categories and the categories like SC/ST/PD.........etc.The applicant's must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years at the time of appearing and Upper age relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen.5 year relaxation for SC/ST categories,3 years relaxation for OBC categories and 5 years relaxation for Ex-Servicemen.

Syllabus of this examination :-
Quantitative Aptitude
General awareness
Computer Knowledge

Books for Bank Probationary Officer examination :-

By R.Gupta's

By Upkar's

By R.Gupta's

By Upkar's

You have not Specified which bank exam books you need............
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29th April 2012, 12:30 AM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

First of all relax there is nothing to worry !

like you every science student face this problem,learn to tackle the problems.

dont forget 'problems' itself contains 's' which means 'solution'

I think Your problem is really not your problem; your reaction to your problem is your problem.

please frankly discuss your problem inthis forum,we will help you.
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12th June 2012, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

iam angel how can i got centum in chem,bio,phy any guide needed for this
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14th June 2012, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

hi dear friend,
First of all relax there is nothing to worry !
like you every science student face this problem,learn to tackle the problems.
their is only one golden rule to be a master and that is practice.it makes a man perfect.
so i suggest you to practice a lot of questions,first practice easy questions then go for hard questions.
for physics HC VERMA is too good ,
for math K C SINHA is good some
other good books are also available in market
you join some tuition classes
good luck ..........

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14th August 2012, 05:08 AM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

i have some questions which i am unable to do it in maths can you help me..?..
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14th August 2012, 11:04 AM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

practice is what can make you feel comfortable with integrations and physics problems......i must tell you that what you say is difficult is just the basics of integration if you go for higher studies then these basics are going to help you ....at that time no one will be teaching you that........

so do a lot of practice of integration .....it is a fact that no one is perfect with integration......but if your basics are clear then at least you can give a try to it......
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14th August 2012, 01:08 PM
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Wink Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

Hi dear..

Physics and Maths are the most easy subjects if you are following these simple rules.

First of all don't panic, just relax.

Today, children just panic because they want fast results. In getting ahead, they think refreshers are the best, but mind it, that if you want to build a strong foundation, nothing LESS than NCERT would work at all.

First read the chapters yourself, have any doubt, go to teachers and ASK ( Ask means don't hesitate in asking, you would be called a donkey by your classmates for a day or so , but then you will be ahead of them when you have deeper knowledge of each and every concepts)

Now , you should do these things :-

~> Practise NCERT for both Physics and Maths. ( Do in text questions as well as back exercise questions in physics)

~> If you find any difficulty, try to read the chapter again, and then try to solve that problem again.

~> After this take a refresher and just go through their important points (Generally given at the back of each chapter)

~> Then solve numericals from re fresher like Modern's ABC , or Pradeep for Physics and for Maths R.D. Sharma and R.S. Aggarwal.

~> This much is more than sufficient to get you ahead, and one more thing, never think that if you know the theory in physics , you can solve the numericals and never think vice versa too because practise is the only thing by which you can learn something..!!

Always remember , Practise makes you perfect.!!!

And yes, one more thing, after preparing for your board exams like this, you have to prepare for entrance too ( and there's nothing new in entrance syllabus)

You just have to know the tricks (which you can't use in CBSE ) to solve questions ( mathematical problems ) easily , fast and most important Correctly..!!

Just read a book Quiker Maths by M.Tyra which will guide you through the shortest techniques for entrance exams..!!

All the best..!!

With Warm Regards

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14th August 2012, 01:13 PM
anu kumari 2
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

First of i suggest you that you read your text book and school notes.and learn your maths

formula and physics defination I hope it will help you

For more help you can join coaching centre

1).Gyaan Academy

Entrance Exam Training, Tuitions

2).Ace Creative Learning

Entrance Exam Training, CAT Entrance Exam Training, Engineering Entrance Exam Training

3).Ace Creative Learning

Entrance Exam Training, CAT Entrance Exam Training, GMAT Entrance Exam Training
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15th August 2012, 04:01 AM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

how can i secure 100% numbers in 2 mathematics ?
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4th September 2012, 08:57 PM
being aman
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

Physics and Maths are very much related subject.
If you get mastery in maths half of your problems in physics is solved
For solving integration problem learn all the formulas by making a list
While solving numericals
Try to relate those formulas with each other and try to simplify the equations as
much as possible .
You can refer to books of R.D sharma , for practicing maths
For physics you can take help in understanding it form H.C verma,try solving as much as
numericals as possible ,there are many books available in market for it.
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21st November 2012, 09:26 PM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

I hate math i said plz. give some idea about 12th math i want to study math but my Q. dos'nt solve
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27th November 2012, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

For mathematics I will rather suggest you to take a tutor, if you are facing the problems at its extreme. Tutors can guide you how to use a particular formula and when at all to use it. What happens is that you know the things, but you are not being able to use it properly or you are making mistakes that you are not able to recover. So in that case you will get help if you get a mathematics tutor, who can channelize your mathematics studies properly. Now, for Physics part, it will be better if you buy books like Resnick Halide. You will a lot more information in it than any other book in Physics. So you will get to know the subject from a different angle. All the Best.
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8th February 2013, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

hiiiiiii........i am pranita 11 th g.sci student ....bt preparing for 12 ........ iam so much of deepression becoz of 12 th mayhs and physics...problem give me suggestion for tht wht to and wht to do not..........
and also i dnt hane tutn for bio.....so wht do .....plzzzz sugeest me.........wating for ur reply :(
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24th February 2013, 12:23 PM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

i m a student of class 12 and will give board next year .i want your help, please suggest me which books should i prefer to make my basic concept clear in maths???
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25th February 2013, 11:21 PM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

how much minimum marks are necessary for passing in physics in theory of maharastra board of 12th in year2013
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16th March 2014, 09:07 AM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

Find the rate of change of the area of a circle with respect to its radius r when r=3 cm
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8th May 2014, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

If f(x)=4^(x)-2^(x 1) 1÷1-cos x,for x is not equal to 0 is continuous at x=0, find f(0).
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24th December 2014, 08:57 PM
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Smile Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

Originally Posted by jamin View Post
what must i do inorder to memorise the formula for maths and physics because i always got confuss between maths and physics formula?
u can just study them thoroughly as possible so that u don't get confused...
for better memorisation , better understanding of the the subject is neccessary...
as the saying goes on "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT " u will really be able to differentiate between them..
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13th February 2019, 11:18 AM
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

Originally Posted by Rahul56 View Post
I'm Rahul in 12 (Phy,chem,bio,eng,math)
I'm felling really hard in solving maths sum(integration) and phy's numerical please provid me help to tackle this problem and if there is any easier method to solve the sum. Please mail me at ([email protected]), if u get any solution.
Hi Rahul,

I think more practice will help you to solve the math sum and physics numerical. There are many videos available on youtube integration solving you should watch & learn. If you did not get a proper solution from youtube videos then you should take the help of a tutor for solving these problems.

Good Luck....
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14th February 2019, 07:48 PM
Join Date: Feb 2019
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Default Re: 12th class Maths and physics problems

For the mathematics and physics problems you need to first read the NCERT maths and physics books of class 12 and understand the basic concept then learn the formulae and start solving solved example from ncert book and then go for exercise.
You can also watch video on YouTube and byjus.
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