15th May 2010, 06:47 PM
Career in Hotel management & catering after 12th commerce without maths?
Can my daughter who is studying in 12th commerce without maths join any catering college. she is inclined to do hotel management & catering. If so has she to go through CET exams. Which r the colleges she can attend to |
15th May 2010, 08:55 PM
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there are many college foe hotel management dehradun hotel management college ok like there are more by the way ur daughter will doing 12th from commerce then its my sugestion u have to provide in acomputer field it will helps u i think my answer will satisfied u ......... |
15th May 2010, 10:32 PM
hey friend this course is one of the best course which you can do after completing your 12th.........if you do this course from very reputed institute then you will be appointed as an chief chef in any of the good hotel............after that you can also go for the MBA for much better job opportunity........
bestwishes |
15th May 2010, 10:57 PM
After 12th you can go for various courses then why only these two. But as per your interest you can go for Hotel Management which is a beeter career prospect in comparison to catering |
17th May 2010, 09:53 AM
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Name of the Institute Survey name Phone and E-mail Oberoi Centre, Delhi 7, Sham Nath Marg, Delhi-110 054, India. Ph +91-11-2389 0505 Email: [email protected] Web: www.oberoihotels.com/careers IHM, Mumbai Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar (WR), Mumbai- 400 028 Ph: 022-4457241/42, Fax: 022-4449779 WGSHA. Manipal Valley View, Manipal 576119 Ph: 08252-571101, Fax: 08252-571327 Email: [email protected] IHM, Delhi National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Pusa New Delhi Ph: 5751756, 5782799, 5781060, 5717411 IHM, Aurangabad Dr Rafiq Zakaria Campus, Rauza Bagh, Aurangabad 431 001, Maharashtra, India Tel: 0240-238 1113, 0240-2381127 Fax: 0240-2381104, Email: [email protected] IHM, Bangalore S.J. Polytechnic Campus, Seshadri Road, Bangalore 560 001,India Ph: 91-80-2226 2960, 91-80-2238 6763 Fax: 91-080-22268562, E-mail: [email protected] IHM, Chennai CIT Campus, TTTI - Taramani P.O., Chennai - 600 113, Phone: 044-22542029, Fax: 044-22541615 EMail: [email protected] IHM, Calcutta P-16, Taratola Road, Calcutta - 700 088 Ph: 033-4784218, Fax: 033-4784281 IHM, Ahmedabad Govt. Polytechnic Compound, Ahmedabad - 380 015 Ph: 079- 401339, Fax: 079-6568017 Christ College, Bangalore Hosur Road, Bangalore 560029 Ph: 080-25526169/164, Email: [email protected] Institute Affiliated to NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING TECHNOLOGY - NCHMCT Website: www.nchmct.org 1.Institute of Hotel Management,Bhaijipura, Patia Adalaj, Kudasan, Gandhinagar 382 421 Tel.: 079-23276656/ 57 / 58 e-mail: ihmahd @vsnl.net 2.Institute of Hotel Management,S.J.Polytechnic Campus, Seshadri Road,Bangalore 560001 Tel.: 080-22262960 Fax: 080-22268562 e-mail:ihm@vsnl. Com 3.Institute of Hotel Management,1100 Quarters, Near Academy of Administration,Bhopal 462016 Tel.: 0755-2464397 Fax: 0755-2468046 e-mail: ihmbh@ sancharnet.in 4.Institute of Hotel Management, Veer Surendra Sai Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751004 Tel.: 0674-2581864 Fax: 0674-2581241 e-mail: hospitalty @ihmbbs.org 5.Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Hotel Management, Sector 42 D, Chandigarh 160036 Tel.: 0172-2604833 Fax: 0172-2611956 e-mail: ihmchd@sify. Com 6.Institute of Hotel Management, CIT Campus, TTTI-Tharamani, Chennai 600113 Tel.: 044-22542029 Fax: 044-22541615 7.Institute of Hotel Management, Library Avenue, Pusa Complex, New Delhi 110012 Tel.: 011-25842429 / 25840147 Fax: 011-25843177 e-mail: ihmpusa @rediffmail.com 8. Delhi Institute of Hotel Management, Behind Lady Sriram College, Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi 110024 Tel.: 011-26435883 / 26422174 Fax: 011-26214812 9.Institute of Hotel Management, Dara Gaon, Tadong Gangtok 737102 Tel.: 03592-270735 Fax: 03592-222707 e-mail : ihmgangtok@rediffmail .com 10. Institute of Hotel Management, Alto Porvorim, Bardez, Goa 403521 Tel.: 0832-2417252 Fax: 0832-2417209 e-mail: ihmgoa @sancharnet.in 11. Institute of Hotel Management, Village Bariar, GT Road, Gurdaspur 143521 Tel.: 01874-222501 Fax: 01874-222502 e-mail: ihmgsp @jla.vsnl.net.in 12. Institute of Hotel Management, G.S.Road, Bhangagarh, Guwahati 781005 Tel.: 0361-2452273 E-Mail: ihmctanghy @hotmail .com 13. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering & Applied Nutrition, Garhi Cantt. Near ONGC Helipad Dehradun-248001 Tel.: 0135-3257003 Fax:0135-2550271/2550272 E-Mail: ihm_ddn@hotmail .com 14. Institute of Hotel Management, Airport Road, Maharajpura PO, Gwalior 474020 Tel.: 0751-2471477, 2471250 Fax: 0751-2471230 e-mail: ihmgwl@ sanchar net.in 15. Institute of Hotel Management, F Row, Durgabai Deshmukh Colony, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad 500007 Tel.: 040-27427569 Fax: 040-27427898 e-mail: ihm hyderabad@ rediff mail.com 16. Institute of Hotel Management, Near Bani Park Police Station, Sikar Road, Jaipur 302016 Tel.: 0141-2202812, 2200402 Fax: 0141-2200402 e-mail: ihmjpr-jp1 @sancharnet.in 17. Institute of Hotel Management, Govt. Polytechnic Campus, Jodhpur 342001 Tel.: 0291-2616929, e-mail: sihm @rediff mail.com 18.Institute of Hotel Management, P-16, Taratola Road, Kolkata 700088 Tel.: 033-24014218 / 24014353 Fax: 033-24014281 e-mail: ihmcal@ .vsnl.net. 19. Institute of Hotel Management, Seed Farm, Sector G, Aliganj, Lucknow 226024 Tel.: 0522-2326772 Fax:2221776 e-mail: ihm@ sancharnet.in 20. Institute of Hotel Management, Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar (W), Mumbai 400028 Tel.: 022-24457241 / 24457242 Fax: 022-24449779 e-mail: mumcat@vsnl. Com 21. Institute of Hotel Management, Near Ramashish Chowk Opp. State Circuit House Hazipur ,Vaishali (Bihar) Ph: 06224- 274937; 275354 Fax: 276486 22. Institute of Hotel Management, Lumpyngad, Bishop Cotton Road, Shillong 793001 Tel.: 0364-2501616 e-mail: msootingl@ hotmail.com 23. Institute of Hotel Management, Kufri, Shimla 171012 Tel.: 0177-2648322 Fax: 0177-2648208 e-mail: hmkufri @sancharnet.in 24. Institute of Hotel Management, Bouleward Road, Nehru Park, Srinagar 190001 Tel.: 0194-2474828 Fax: 2474828 E-Mail: dnasa2001 @yahoo.com 25. Institute of Hotel Management, G.V.Raja Road, Kovalam PO, Thiruvananthapuram 695527 Tel.: 0471-2480283 E-Mail : ihmctkov@ eth.net 26. Chandigarh Institute of Hotel Management Sector 42-D Chandigarh-160036 Tel.: 0172-2609472 Fax:0172-2610037/2662740 E-Mail: fcichd@hotmail .com Webasite : www.foodcraftchandigarh.com 27. SRM Institute of Hotel Management, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur, Kancheepuram - 603203 Tamil Nadu Tel.: 044-27453147, 27453148 e-mail: [email protected] 28. Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, 11, R.A. Lines, Dogra Mandir Lane, Meerut Cantt. (U.P.) Tel.: 0121-2643590, 2656096 e-mail: [email protected] 29. Shri Shakti College of Hotel Management, Venus Plaza, Adjacent to Airport Exit Road, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016 Tel.: 040-27908585, 27908787, 66906504 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.sschm.com 30. Oriental School of Hotel Management, Valley View, Lakkidi P.O. - 673576 Vythiri Taluk, Wayand (Kerala) e-mail: [email protected] 31. John Bauer College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology , 12-13-85-88, Hidayat Arcade, Adj: Flyover, Tarnaka, Secunderabad - 500017 Andhra Pradesh India Telephone: +91-40-32420016 Fax: +91-40-40181188 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website : www.jbchmct.in Other Institute: 1. Academy of Culinary Education, Cidade de Goa Beach Resort, Vainguinim Beach, Goa-403 004. 2. AE & C.S. Maruti College of Hotel Management, 3rd Cross, Bangalore-27. 3. Ai-Ameen Arts, Science & Commerce College, Bangalore-27. 4. Anjuman-I-Islam's A.K. Hafizka Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, 92, D.N. Road, Next to Times of India Building, Mumbai-400 001, Maharashtra, Ph: +91-22-2265 2272/2263 2817 5. Army Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, C/O. ASC Centre (South) P.O. Agram, Bangalore-560 007 (only for children of service army personnel/regula army pensioner). 6. Blooms College of Hotel Management, 12, Om Nagar, Langar Houx, Hyderabad-8. 7. Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Hotel Management, Dr. D.Y. Vidyanagar, Sector-7, Nerul New Mumbai-400 706. 8. Faculty of Management Studies, Rohikhand University, Bareilly. 9. Garden City College of Science and Management Studies, No, 9, BCIF, Old Market Road, Doorvani Nagar, Bangalore-49. 10. Graduate School of Business & Administration, Opp-Alt Centre, R-13/8, Raj Nagar, Post Box No-5, Ghaziabad-1. 11. Hindustan Academy of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Ollanker, Bangalore-8. 12. Hotel Management College, AE-486, Salt Lake, Calcutta-64. 13. IIAS-School of Hotel Management, CD 52, Salt Lake, Calcutta-700 064. 14. Indian Institute of Business Management, Budha Marg, Patna-800 001. 15. Indian Institute of Hotel Management & Catering, 435, Old Station Bazar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa-751 006. 16. Indian Institute of Hotel Management (Assisted by the Taj Group of Hotels), Rauza Bagh, Aurangabad-1. 17. Indian Institute of Science and Management, IISM Campus, Pundag, Ranchi-834 004. 18. Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Sector 8, CBD, New Bombay-400 614. 19. Institute of Hotel Management & Catering, 191, Saharanpur Road, Patel Nagar, Dehradun, Khatyari, Almore, Uttar Pradesh. 20. Institute of Hotel Management, II R.A. Lines, Teh Mall, Meerut Cantt-250 001. 21. Institute of Hotel Management , Kufri, Shimla-171 012. 22. Institute of Professional Science and Professional Management, A, B, Scheet Circle, Mangalore-1. 23. International Institute of Hotel Management, EC 37, Salt Lake, Calcutta-700 064. 24. Kadankale Krishna Rao Memorial College of Hotel Management, Woodlands Hotel Complex, 5 Raja, Rammohan Roy Road, Bangalore-560 025. 25. Karnataka Valley College of Hotel Management, Pipe Line Road, Bangalore-86. 26. KLE Society, Nijalingappa College (Bangalore University), Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore-560 010. 27. Kodaikanal Christian College, Paradise Hill, Kodaikanal-624 104, Ph: 04542 242216/242216, 28. KPHRA Education Trust College of Hotel, Kaveri Continental, Kannimgham Road, Bangalore-1. 29. Maurya Institute of Hotel Management, No-9, Wheelers Road, Frazer Town, Bangalore. 30. Motimahal College of Hotel Management, Falnir Road, Management-1. 31. National Institute of Hotel & Tourism Management, Aurangabad-431 005. 32. NIPS School of Hotel Management, EC-98, Sector1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064. Ph: 033-2358 6476, 2334 3079; 33. Niraj College of Hotel Management, Sadaat Manzil, ameerpet, Hyderabad-500 016. 34. NR Institute of Hotel Management, P.R. Palaya, Bangalore-72. 35. NRI Institute, No, 6, Papreddy Palya, Nagarabhavi, 2nd Stage, Bangalore-560 072. 36. Oberoi Centre for Learning and Development (Oberoi School of Hotel Management), 1 Sham Nath Marg, New Delhi-110 054. 37. Oriental School of Hotel Management, Valley View, Lakkidi-673576, Kerala. 38. People's Education Society, 50, Ft Road, Hanumantha Nagar, Bangalore-560 050. 39. Presidency College of Hotel Management, Hotel Royal Orchid,#1, Golf Avenue, Adj. KGA Golf Course,Off. Airport Road,Bangalore - 560 008 Ph: 9180 2520 2793 -96 Website: www.presidencycollege.edu.in 40. Institute of Hospitality Management, N.13, Sainik Farms (South), New Delhi-110 062, Ph: 6569006, 6867827. 41. Ram Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, 59/3, Rajpur Road, Dehra Dun, Uttaranchal, ph: 91-135-2749500, 42. Razvi College of Catering Technology, Bandra (West), Mumbai-400 050. 43. RN Shetty College of Hotel Management & Catering Technology , No, 4, Kaviraja Marg, Bailappanavar Nagar, Hubli-29. 44. S, College of Hotel Management, B.E.M.L. Nagar, K.G.F. 563 115. 45. Sambhram Group of Educational Institutions, 28, 1 Main Road, Jayamahal Extention, Bangalore-560 046. 46. Saptagiri College of Hotel Management, Kavoor, Mangalore-575 015, Ph: 91-0824-481672 (7 lines), 47. Sarosh Institute of Hotel Administration (S.I.H.A), Pentagon Complex, Kankanady PO, Managalore. 48. Sarva North India Institute of Hotel Management, Gulmohar Complex, Zirakpur-Shimla Highway, Nr-Railway Crossing (Opp. Hotel Sunpark), Zirakpur, Punjab, Ph: +91-172-5070304, 3095748. 49. Shri Shakti College of Hotel Management, Venus Plaza, adjacent to Airport, Begumpet, Hyderabad-16. 50. Srinivas College of Hotel Management (Under Mangalore University), G.H.S. Road, Managalore-1. 51. Srinivas College of Hotel Management, GHS Road, Managalore-575 001. 52. SRM Institute of Hotel Management, 2, Veerasamy Street, West Mambalam, Chennai-600 033. 53. St. John's College of Hotel Management, Vijaya Nagar, Second Stage, Bangalore-11. 54. Subhalalkshmi Lakshpathy College of Science, T.V.R. Nagar, Madurai-625 022, Tamil Nadu. 55. Tjohn Institute of Hotel Management SG-4, Manipal Centre, 47 Dickenson Road, Bangalore-560 042. 56. Tirupude College of Social Work, Sadar, Nagpur. 57. Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, Valley View, Manipal -576 119. 58. Indian Institute of Hotel Management and Culinary Arts,7 - 91/5, Nagendra Nagar, Habsiguda X Roads,Hyderabad - 7. Ph: 040 - 27154304, 27171591 Website: www.iihmca.org 59. Culinary Academy Of India, 6-3-1219/6A ,Umanagar,Begumpet,Hyderabad 5000 16,Phone No : 040-23418064,Fax No : 91-40-23403440,Email : [email protected] , [email protected] Website : www.iactchefacademy.com 60. R M Institute of Hospitality Management, Lane W-17K (N-13), South of Sainik Farms, New Delhi 110062, India Telephone: +91 11 29 555 827/ 29 555 006/ 29 551 952/ 32 973 178 , Hotline Nos. +91 9310256004/ 9310256005 Fax: +91 11 29553 685 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.rminstutesindia.com Following Institutes in Tamil Nadu Conduct 3 year Degree Course in Hotel Management and Catering: 1. Bhaktha Valsum College of Women, Korattur, Madras-81 2. Cheran Arts and Science College, Kakayam, Periyar 3. Jaya J College of Science, Old Pallavaram, Madras 4. MGR College, Hosur-9. 5. MGR Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Madras-87. 6. PGP College of Arts & Science, Namakal, Salem District 7. Punga College of Arts & Science, Babu Rajendra Prasad Road, West Mambalam, Madras-33. 8. Sapttagiri College of Engineering Chinna Swami Street, Dharmapuri-636 701. 9. SNR Sons College, Avarampalayam, Coimbatore-16. 10. Sreeram Institute of Hotel Management, Madras. 11. Star International Academy of Hotel Management, Greems Road Madras-6. 12. VJP College of Catering Technology & Hotel Management, Narayanagar, Tiruchirapally-3. International Reference: 1. Chefs de Cuisine Association of America, 155, East 55th Street Suite 302B, New York, NY-10022. 2. Culinary Institute of America, 433, Albanya Post Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538-1499, 1200 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036. 3. IHTTI School of Management Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland. Head Office: IHTTI, Box 4006, Basel, Switzerland. 4. Le Cordon Bleu (London) 114, Marylebone Lane, London W1M 6HH. 5. Swiss Hotel Association Hotel Management School, LES ROCHES, CH-3975 Bluche-Crans-Montana, Valais-Switzerland. |
19th May 2010, 08:08 AM
dear freind,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
these subjects are necessary for you but if you give the entrance exam so that you ave to only clear it ......... |
15th June 2010, 01:17 PM
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17th June 2010, 02:15 PM
i have completd my 12th board examz,from commerce without maths...
and i m interestd in hotel management but i think i m too late 2 get admission ... can such institute is der for late admission...? |
23rd June 2010, 10:56 AM
hi, im kavita.
now im in 12th commerce student without maths. after my 12th i want to do hotel management but i don't know anything about it. like after 12th which exam i should do or which institute. to enter in hotel management should i do cet exam? |
30th July 2010, 02:28 PM
here is some list of collge....
MGR Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Madras-87. PGP College of Arts & Science, Namakal, Salem District sanga College of Arts & Science, Babu Rajendra Prasad Road, West Mambalam, Madras-33. Sapttagiri College of Engineering Chinna Swami Street, Dharmapuri-636 701. SNR Sons College, Avarampalayam, Coimbatore-16. Sreeram Institute of Hotel Management, Madras. Star International Academy of Hotel Management, Greems Road Madras-6. VJP College of Catering Technology & Hotel Management, Narayanagar, Tiruchirapally-3. IHM, Mumbai Veer Sawarkar Marg Institute of Hotel Management, |
5th August 2010, 09:03 PM
Subhalalkshmi Lakshpathy College of Science, T.V.R. Nagar, Madurai-625 022, Tamil Nadu.
Tjohn Institute of Hotel Management SG-4, Manipal Centre, 47 Dickenson Road, Bangalore-560 042. Tirupude College of Social Work, Sadar, Nagpur. Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, Valley View, Manipal -576 |
9th November 2010, 02:21 AM
hi friend,
You ward is eligible for admission in BSc Hotel management and catering. Here is the list of institutes into which you can take admission after clearing NCHMCT JEE exams. (These institutes have proper significance in the filling of seats): (1) S.J.Polytechnic Campus, Shesadri Road, Bangalore - 560001 (2)1100 Quarters, Near Acad. of Admn., Bhopal-462016 (3) Veer Surendra Sai Nagar, Bhubaneswar - 751004 (4) Sector 42-D, Chandigarh-160036 (5) CIHM,Sector 42-D, Chandigarh-160036 (6) CIT Campus, TTTI- Tharamani P.O., Chennai – 600113 (7) Near ONCG Helipad, Garhi Cantt. Dehradun (8) Library Avenue, Pusa Complex, New Delhi-110012 (9) Behind LSR College,Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi-110024 (10) Bhaijipura, Patia, Kudason Gandhinagar- 382421 (11) Dara Gaon, Tadong, Gangtok-737101, (12) P.O. Alto Porvorim, Bardez, Goa-403521 (13) Bariar, G.T. Road, Gurdaspur-143521 (14) Airport Road, Maharaj Pura, Gwalior-474020 (15) G.S.Road, Bhangagarh, Guwahati-781005 (16) Near Ramashish Chowk, Opp. State Circuit House, Hazipur, Vaishali(17) ‘F' Row, D.D. Colony, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad-500007 (18) Near Bani Park Police Station, Sikar Road, Jaipur- 302016 (19) Govt. Polytechnic Campus, Residency Road, Jodhpur-342001 (20) P-16, Taratola Road, Kolkata - 700088 (21) Seed Farm, Sector- G, Aliganj, Lucknow-226024 (22) Veer Savarkar Marg, Dadar (W), Mumbai-400028 (23) Bishop Cotton Road, Shillong-793001 (24) Kufri, Shimla –171012 (25) Bouleward Road, Nehru Park, Srinagar-190001 (26) G.V.Raja Road, Kovalam - P.O. Thiruvananthpuram- 695527 (27) Jyotisar Road, Kurukshetra (28) West Hills, Kozhikode (29)NH-58, Delhi Dehradun Highway, Daurala, IHM-Meerut; (30) Oriental School of Hotel Management, Calicut, Valley, Lakkidi, Wayanad, Calicut (31) Shri Shakti College of Hotel Mngt., Venus Plaza, Near Begumpet Airport, Hyderabad (32) IHM-SRM,, SRM Nagar, Kulathur, Kancheepuram, Chennai. (33) Ranjita Institute of Hotel Management, Bidyanagar, Mahura, Janla, Bhubaneswar-752054 (34) Chitkara Institute of Hotel Management Chandigarh-Patiala National Highway, Rajpura, Patiala-140401 (35) Chandigarh College of Hotel Mangement,Landran Road, Mohali, (36)MGR Institute of Hotel Management, Chennai, (37)Oreintal School of Hotel Management, Valley View, Lakkidi, Vythiri, Wayanad, Kerala [SIZE=1]---------- Post added at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 AM ----------[/SIZE] Quote:
Since you are in 12th , so you are eligible to take admission in hotel management & catering course. There are many institutes in chennai for hotel management but top three of them are:
3rd December 2010, 04:53 PM
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i am a passout student of 12th from sub science can i do this n what is the scope of hotlemanagement |
19th January 2011, 08:16 PM
Res/ Mam
I am from haryana and I completed my 12th standard with non-medical . I want to join hotel management course. please give me your good advice that it is good for my future or not.. |
15th April 2011, 05:35 PM
There are various institutes in India offering Diploma and bachelor courses in Hotel management.The basic eligibility criteria is that the candidate 12th passed out or its equivalent exam.The candidate can be of any stream,but will have to be 10 + 2 passed from a recognized educational board of India.The course duration for the course of Bachelor of Hotel management is 3 years split into 6 semester's.
National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology conducts an entrance exam for post graduate courses you can visit the following link for more details NCHMCT-click here The below mentioned best colleges in India offering Hotel Management course Institute of Hotel management Indian Institute of hospitality and management Green institute of management Studies Bangalore management Academy You can get the list of the colleges in the following link http://entrance-exam.net/list-of-hot...ment-colleges/ |
15th April 2011, 06:55 PM
hello dear
yes, you can do Hotel management & catering courses after 12th commerce without maths. as any stream student can do hotel management courses. math is not compulsory. all the best............. |
15th April 2011, 09:09 PM
Hello friend,
Mathematics doesn't need in the field of Hotel management and catering field. If you want to built your career in the field of Hotel management and catering after 12th then this is really good option for you as you don't have maths in 12th. Now for the admission you have to face an entrance exam for hotel management. however you can take direct admission in any private hotel management colleges across country. There are some good colleges for Hotel management and catering: *Institutes of Hotel Management *Indian Institutes of Hotel management and hospitality *Green institutes of management |
15th April 2011, 09:09 PM
You can apply in following colleges for hotel management:
Oberoi Centre, Delhi IHM, Mumbai WGSHA. Manipal IHM, Bangalore IHM, Aurangabad Christ College, Bangalore |
15th April 2011, 11:52 PM
here are the best colleges for your daughter
1.Institute of Hotel Management,Bhaijipura, Patia Adalaj, Kudasan, Gandhinagar 382 421 Tel.: 079-23276656/ 57 / 58 e-mail: ihmahd @vsnl.net 2.Institute of Hotel Management,S.J.Polytechnic Campus, Seshadri Road,Bangalore 560001 Tel.: 080-22262960 Fax: 080-22268562 e-mail:ihm@vsnl. Com 3.Institute of Hotel Management,1100 Quarters, Near Academy of Administration,Bhopal 462016 Tel.: 0755-2464397 Fax: 0755-2468046 e-mail: ihmbh@ sancharnet.in 4.Institute of Hotel Management, Veer Surendra Sai Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751004 Tel.: 0674-2581864 Fax: 0674-2581241 e-mail: hospitalty @ihmbbs.org 5.Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Hotel Management, Sector 42 D, Chandigarh 160036 Tel.: 0172-2604833 Fax: 0172-2611956 e-mail: ihmchd@sify. Com 6.Institute of Hotel Management, CIT Campus, TTTI-Tharamani, Chennai 600113 Tel.: 044-22542029 Fax: 044-22541615 7.Institute of Hotel Management, Library Avenue, Pusa Complex, New Delhi 110012 Tel.: 011-25842429 / 25840147 Fax: 011-25843177 e-mail: ihmpusa @rediffmail.com 8. Delhi Institute of Hotel Management, Behind Lady Sriram College, Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi 110024 Tel.: 011-26435883 / 26422174 Fax: 011-26214812 9.Institute of Hotel Management, Dara Gaon, Tadong Gangtok 737102 Tel.: 03592-270735 Fax: 03592-222707 e-mail : ihmgangtok@rediffmail .com 10. Institute of Hotel Management, Alto Porvorim, Bardez, Goa 403521 Tel.: 0832-2417252 Fax: 0832-2417209 e-mail: ihmgoa @sancharnet.in 11. Institute of Hotel Management, Village Bariar, GT Road, Gurdaspur 143521 Tel.: 01874-222501 Fax: 01874-222502 e-mail: ihmgsp @jla.vsnl.net.in 12. Institute of Hotel Management, G.S.Road, Bhangagarh, Guwahati 781005 Tel.: 0361-2452273 E-Mail: ihmctanghy @hotmail .com 13. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering & Applied Nutrition, Garhi Cantt. Near ONGC Helipad Dehradun-248001 Tel.: 0135-3257003 Fax:0135-2550271/2550272 E-Mail: ihm_ddn@hotmail .com 14. Institute of Hotel Management, Airport Road, Maharajpura PO, Gwalior 474020 Tel.: 0751-2471477, 2471250 Fax: 0751-2471230 e-mail: ihmgwl@ sanchar net.in 15. Institute of Hotel Management, F Row, Durgabai Deshmukh Colony, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad 500007 Tel.: 040-27427569 Fax: 040-27427898 e-mail: ihm hyderabad@ rediff mail.com 16. Institute of Hotel Management, Near Bani Park Police Station, Sikar Road, Jaipur 302016 Tel.: 0141-2202812, 2200402 Fax: 0141-2200402 e-mail: ihmjpr-jp1 @sancharnet.in 17. Institute of Hotel Management, Govt. Polytechnic Campus, Jodhpur 342001 Tel.: 0291-2616929, e-mail: sihm @rediff mail.com 18.Institute of Hotel Management, P-16, Taratola Road, Kolkata 700088 Tel.: 033-24014218 / 24014353 Fax: 033-24014281 e-mail: ihmcal@ .vsnl.net. 19. Institute of Hotel Management, Seed Farm, Sector G, Aliganj, Lucknow 226024 Tel.: 0522-2326772 Fax:2221776 e-mail: ihm@ sancharnet.in 20. Institute of Hotel Management, Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar (W), Mumbai 400028 Tel.: 022-24457241 / 24457242 Fax: 022-24449779 e-mail: mumcat@vsnl. Com 21. Institute of Hotel Management, Near Ramashish Chowk Opp. State Circuit House Hazipur ,Vaishali (Bihar) Ph: 06224- 274937; 275354 Fax: 276486 22. Institute of Hotel Management, Lumpyngad, Bishop Cotton Road, Shillong 793001 Tel.: 0364-2501616 e-mail: msootingl@ hotmail.com 23. Institute of Hotel Management, Kufri, Shimla 171012 Tel.: 0177-2648322 Fax: 0177-2648208 e-mail: hmkufri @sancharnet.in 24. Institute of Hotel Management, Bouleward Road, Nehru Park, Srinagar 190001 Tel.: 0194-2474828 Fax: 2474828 E-Mail: dnasa2001 @yahoo.com 25. Institute of Hotel Management, G.V.Raja Road, Kovalam PO, Thiruvananthapuram 695527 Tel.: 0471-2480283 E-Mail : ihmctkov@ eth.net 26. Chandigarh Institute of Hotel Management Sector 42-D Chandigarh-160036 Tel.: 0172-2609472 Fax:0172-2610037/2662740 E-Mail: fcichd@hotmail .com Webasite : www.foodcraftchandigarh.com 27. SRM Institute of Hotel Management, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur, Kancheepuram - 603203 Tamil Nadu Tel.: 044-27453147, 27453148 e-mail: [email protected] 28. Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, 11, R.A. Lines, Dogra Mandir Lane, Meerut Cantt. (U.P.) Tel.: 0121-2643590, 2656096 e-mail: [email protected] 29. Shri Shakti College of Hotel Management, Venus Plaza, Adjacent to Airport Exit Road, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016 Tel.: 040-27908585, 27908787, 66906504 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.sschm.com 30. Oriental School of Hotel Management, Valley View, Lakkidi P.O. - 673576 Vythiri Taluk, Wayand (Kerala) e-mail: [email protected] 31. John Bauer College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology , 12-13-85-88, Hidayat Arcade, Adj: Flyover, Tarnaka, Secunderabad - 500017 Andhra Pradesh India Telephone: +91-40-32420016 Fax: +91-40-40181188 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website : www.jbchmct.in Other Institute: 1. Academy of Culinary Education, Cidade de Goa Beach Resort, Vainguinim Beach, Goa-403 004. 2. AE & C.S. Maruti College of Hotel Management, 3rd Cross, Bangalore-27. 3. Ai-Ameen Arts, Science & Commerce College, Bangalore-27. 4. Anjuman-I-Islam's A.K. Hafizka Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, 92, D.N. Road, Next to Times of India Building, Mumbai-400 001, Maharashtra, Ph: +91-22-2265 2272/2263 2817 5. Army Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, C/O. ASC Centre (South) P.O. Agram, Bangalore-560 007 (only for children of service army personnel/regula army pensioner). 6. Blooms College of Hotel Management, 12, Om Nagar, Langar Houx, Hyderabad-8. 7. Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Hotel Management, Dr. D.Y. Vidyanagar, Sector-7, Nerul New Mumbai-400 706. 8. Faculty of Management Studies, Rohikhand University, Bareilly. 9. Garden City College of Science and Management Studies, No, 9, BCIF, Old Market Road, Doorvani Nagar, Bangalore-49. 10. Graduate School of Busi |
16th April 2011, 12:21 AM
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You should get admitted in good colledges. that will help your career bright... So I think you should go for it.......... |
31st May 2011, 10:44 AM
hey friend this course is one of the best course which you can do after completing your 12th.........if you do this course from very reputed institute then you will be appointed as an chief chef in any of the good hotel............after that you can also go for the MBA for much better job opportunity........
1st June 2011, 05:24 PM
it is one of the best course.it has a good future and opportunity.try to do the course from a good reputed institution and you can yearn more money.this is one of the rapidly growing sector.
8th June 2011, 12:32 AM
hi friend........ this course is one of the best course which you can do after completing your 12th.
>if you do this course from very reputed institute/university then you will be appointed as an chief in any of the good hotel after that you can also go for the MBA for much better job opportunity........ " best of luck" |
23rd July 2011, 03:01 AM
i m 12 commerce student n want 2 do career in hotel management 4 the post of manager..so may i know wat all is needed to do?????And are der any specific exams to be given 4 that....?????and if yes then wen are they....???please reply fast
26th July 2011, 05:53 PM
sir/madam iam complete in hsc in 2009 & fybcom in 2010 so i am work in already in ramada powai hotels so iam intrested in hotel mang course but i am commerce students & hotel mang course is only bsc students sir my full intrest in this course so suggest mee
30th November 2011, 05:30 PM
![]() Quote:
All the best! "Dont hesitate to drop a comment if you have any question or would like to share some more information" Thank You! |
19th February 2013, 06:07 PM
Bharati Vidyapeeth College Of Hotel and Tourism Management Studies ,Navi Mumbai is not listed . It is also one of the top Hotel Management College in Mumbai-Navi Mumbai .
www.chtms.bharatividyapeeth.edu ,27572268. [email protected] |
26th July 2014, 05:37 PM
I am Bachelor of arts with subjects sociology and political science. can i apply and am i eligible for masters related hotel management? What subjects are suitable for me for hotel?
3rd June 2017, 07:27 PM
Dear, After 12th you can go for various courses then why only these two.
But as per your interest you can go for Hotel Management which is a better career prospector and join in comparison to catering Thanking you Francis Sunder Raj |
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