20th October 2010, 06:40 PM
Rohit Vashisht
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Socholarship is like a helping hand among the students. Several other scholarships are provided to the student which is helpful to them but here the method of providing scholarship is helpful to both the poster and the replier.
But i would like to suggest you that the number of scholarships and certificates must be increase. There should also be one option of rating the posts like star rating
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22nd October 2010, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

hello friends...!!!
i em back
nice to see you all!!

as far as this forum is concerned...even i used to get many answers from this page...
and i feel honoured to be a part of it...
its great that i can earn my pocketmoney from it..hehehe

i have a suggestion...ADMIN,there have been a lot of querries about this programme i.e. how to earn scholarships and all...so why dont you select a regular answerer or two only for answering these basic questions............
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23rd October 2010, 06:37 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

The change which I noticed is very good that the points increase very quickly and the checue delivery time for two session incresed.
The way or payments of cheque is fine through speed post as many like me live in villages.
So through courier we cannot hope to receive it.
one think i want that the points should be given to each thread and accordingly the the ranking given to each memeber.
At last a certain point be made so after getting that point we get that much of amount
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23rd October 2010, 02:41 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Unlike other forums this forum is very much user friendly..

I wanted to suggest some important points to increase the usefulness of the forum post and knowledge of others through this forum.

1. One thread must be introduces to improve vocabulary of the students..Like students/professionals can post atleast one word each day with meanings and usage..(It will help us in improving our vocab)

2. one thread should be for increasing generalawareness...where the students/professionals will discuss about current affairs and Facts..

I hope this suggestions will work out well...
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29th October 2010, 03:26 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

1. It is a good scheme but it will surely become a panic for you guys. Have a look at these points:
Problem: It is quite sure that you will be checking more than 600-1000 answers perday to know about quality of top rank gainer. In order to do that do you think that you can check them within 10hrs of working hrs?
Remedies: Please do not start scholorship scheme for each day, you can do it for the period of 5 or 10 days. This would obviously reduce some onus. If you follow 5 days scheme then, offer Rs.500/- to top ranker and 50 to the bottom one.
Similarly if you follow 10 days schemes then offer 1000/- to top ranker and 100/- to bottom one.
However continue your monthly scheme alongwith this
We are well aware of all the pros and cons the daily scholarships contest can bring along. We are still pondering a lot over this and nothing has been finalized yet.

(You may also introduce some gifts like wrist watch or T shirt or college bag etc so that this will increase your publicity and can have a option of money at the place of this gift which is slightly less than the cost of the gift , Hence in this way option will be totally in the hand of participant or winner whether he choose a blind gift or money-cheque of lesser amount)
That is a very good suggestion, it had been brought up by a colleague several times. Let's see.

2. I think there should some jumper exist, here 'jumper' word refers to some promotional offers which are meant for popularity and increment of members(likewise in mobile companies prepaid scheme or sms schemes). You can follow these :
i) Can announce a special prize for best answer of the month or top 5 best answers of the month and rewarding them only to those person who are included in top 20 list-candidates(because payment problem will arise if you take those candidates who are out of list. Since you have to make individual payment of small amount(which can be Rs.100 or 50/-) and upon which you have to spend half of the postage charges of the reward, which is not advisable )
ii) Can announce a special prize for the best newcomer of the month, which is included in top 20 list at the end of the each month. Prize may vary from Rs. 50 to 150/-
Weekly and Monthly prizes like answer of the [time period] are good way to motivate members and make the forum more alive. We are still a relatively young forum and have just started to build up some staff, volunteers and awesome members. So, all these things require resources, volunteers etc.. I think we are going in right direction and try all these things as we grow a little more and the community becomes a bit more mature.

4. Please have a sharp criteria for being a senior or junior or senior ++ member upon which they will get marks.
Right now.. the user titles are a great mess. They are in fact irrelevant. We are thinking about a more fair, scalable and robust way to impart reputation points to members.

5. It is good that you are thinking about answer qualities but still some members are giving irrelevant answer to questions like if questioner wants answer regarding a college list related to a exam then one member answers about the eligilibty of the exam. Although in this way the provided information is true but it is not correct in question respect. Hence this difference between true and correct has to be minimum.
It's nature of such open forums. We can always try to to minimize the unwanted things but can never effectively remove it. Yeah minimizing is all what we are doing... the deletion criteria has become little more strict recently.

6. It is a good practise to fill the tab of educational qualification essentially in order to be a member . By doing this questioner can know the knowledge domain of the answerer. This would also not affect the forum quality and number of participating members. I am not talking about the other tabs.
One can be doing a PhD but may not know how to find his answers by searching google.... while a 10th class student who knows how to search may not know about the subject the PhD guy is searching about but he stil can find an answer. So.. showing educational qualifications on members profile can be little unfair. Also, we will have no way to verify the qualifications. If a member writes he's a NASA's Intern, then he's a NASA's Intern.

7. I think that you should remove further posting in those type of questions into which dates are concerned and their validity has expired. I am not saying that delete those previous posts but stop further posting answers in that thread. It should be stopped since questioner has got his answer and rest of the member/participant will obviously answer to this to increase points which is none of use for questioner and Administrator. I dont think so that by doing this will arise scarcity of questions.
I agree. Like I said in an answer few questions above, we require a team of mods, volunteers and awesome members. We are just starting to build up. Things will settle down gradually.

It would be much better if you again issue certificate only if he/she has got better rank than before.
Multiple certificates will be of no use to any member.
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29th October 2010, 03:45 AM
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Can support send daily message for a member whether who are posting good or bad post?? from this a member can improve himself/herself by posting quality answers.
Thank you!

As a member of this forum may i know about the upcoming Ideas/plan of the forum which will be shortly introduce??
reply soon...........thanx!
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29th October 2010, 02:19 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

according to my opinion every student should get scholarship of minimum 50%
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29th October 2010, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

I see all the post are being awarded by same points ..this is not correct.
This will encourafe copy and paste and raciing condition.
Do something for this.
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2nd November 2010, 02:31 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

This msg is dedicated to all the FEMALE members of the FORUM-
hello gals!
I MRS PRAVEEN GOLA wanted to share a very horrible experience of my life in the Forum.Through this msg I want to suggest you something.so read it carefully:-
As this is a very decent Forum as said above by my friend ,"Saikiran M" and its true but one night i was shocked to see a very - very vulgar msg on my msg page.Firstly i nervoused & didn't think what to do but after sometime I immediately report it to the "ADMIN" & you can't believe that within some hrs "Admin" immediately ban that member permanently.So first thanks to "ADMIN" who takes an earliest action & secondly advises you that if you also face such type of problem ,then no need to panic -just report to ADMIN & relaxed.
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2nd November 2010, 10:00 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Is we want to ask question or we want to answers the question? where we want to answer our question?
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3rd November 2010, 07:22 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by sharmimaran View Post
Is we want to ask question or we want to answers the question? where we want to answer our question?

since you have registered open the forum and for asking a question just type the thread in the option post new thread.
If you want to answer a querry you can answer it by clicking on the question and after answering just post the reply.
Process will get completed
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3rd November 2010, 07:32 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

this forum is really impressive as it is increasing knowledge about career and thus helping students. the scholarship attached with it makes it totally different from other forums. but still i feel it needs some improvement. its notification after winning scholarship needs to be improved. also you should provide certificate to all winners.
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3rd November 2010, 04:48 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Greetings SIR,
Today I want to discuss about the "certificate" which I received with my scholarship of september.Though its a simple piece of paper for others but for ME its a written declaration by "MR. SAHIL" that I am a part of HIS FORUM & He appreciates me for my work.And for my children its a "GREAT HONOUR" that their MOM received.Thanks for giving me a Valueable certificate.
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3rd November 2010, 07:46 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by sharmimaran View Post
Is we want to ask question or we want to answers the question? where we want to answer our question?
Thausands of questions are available you can both ask (post) a question and answer (post reply) for a question @http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/

For any assistance you can conatct me @http://entrance-exam.net/forum/members/support.html
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4th November 2010, 02:55 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Greetings "Admin" sir,
As you know that human being is a curious one & its true for me also.Two days ago I have asked a Ques on your msg page but you didn't reply it.So to continue again,"As you know that 'Admin' is my friend so what does it mean? Friendship with a single person or with the whole FORUM members.If you are a single one then you think yourself that is it not necessary for your FORUM members to know the name of Yours.Are you "MR. Sahil" or someone else?Belive me "name"will not create a panga for you.Actually as it is a Live forum & we daily interact with each other so I want to know it only to keep it as a record.I want to give you a suggestion also-
Sir as we are sometimes become very much confused while posting the Queries & at that time we need someone's support .So if possible then you can conduct every year a seminar statewise so that we can discuss our problems with our seniors.This is the best way not only to know you but to know our TAFP members and staff.
Again wishing you a very Happy Diwali & waiting for your reply.........................
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4th November 2010, 08:52 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by surendergora View Post
I see all the post are being awarded by same points ..this is not correct.
This will encourafe copy and paste and raciing condition.
Do something for this.
We are taking utmost care to avoid copy pasted answers. We are deleting all such answers which do not follow the norms of the forum.

And as said before dont worry about the points. The point system here is very much fare.

Originally Posted by praveen gola View Post
Greetings SIR,
Today I want to discuss about the "certificate" which I received with my scholarship of september.Though its a simple piece of paper for others but for ME its a written declaration by "MR. SAHIL" that I am a part of HIS FORUM & He appreciates me for my work.And for my children its a "GREAT HONOUR" that their MOM received.Thanks for giving me a Valueable certificate.
Congrats ! Thats great to hear
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5th November 2010, 09:23 AM
ashwani avasthi
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Smile Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

dear, on this forum only grammatical english is allowed.Hindi is our language of nation but here only english is allowed without spelling and grammatical errors.
always remain happy. Thank you.
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6th November 2010, 06:37 PM
chandana Reddy
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

this a very nice forum ..its a very good flatform for discussion....its helping me in sharing my knowledge with the others...
thank yoy
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9th November 2010, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

PLACEMENT CELL(Shocked Everyone)
Hello Friends!
Don't shocked! But its true that this FORUM also provides the facility of PLACEMENT.Last week I received a proposal letter from the most reputed institute IIPM to work as an Educational Counseller in their institute & they are ready to give me the handsome commission.Though I still decide to take the decision but I am really feel proud as if we are giving something to others then definitely we are entitled to receive something one day.I know this is all due to my work in the FORUM to let others know my ability to work.Thanks once again to my best friend ,ADMIN.
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9th November 2010, 03:17 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

i didn't find my question posted and there answers??????????
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9th November 2010, 11:38 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by priyanka_swengg View Post
i didn't find my question posted and there answers??????????
Have patience. Your question will be approved soon
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10th November 2010, 11:58 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

i am not find my questions where it is available?........................................ .......
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10th November 2010, 12:32 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by praveen gola View Post
PLACEMENT CELL(Shocked Everyone)
Hello Friends!
Don't shocked! But its true that this FORUM also provides the facility of PLACEMENT.Last week I received a proposal letter from the most reputed institute IIPM to work as an Educational Counseller in their institute & they are ready to give me the handsome commission.Though I still decide to take the decision but I am really feel proud as if we are giving something to others then definitely we are entitled to receive something one day.I know this is all due to my work in the FORUM to let others know my ability to work.Thanks once again to my best friend ,ADMIN.

A big hand for Praveen from "Education and Career Forum"
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10th November 2010, 06:00 PM
Sanjiv sharma
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

There is no doubt that this forum is gaining its name and fame in a vary furious speed. It is an inspirational and knowledgeable forum. One can earn more knowledge and money throug this forum without any hardwork. But I intends to suggest about despatch of scholarship for top 20 members. When you are going to despatch it then kindly inform the forum members on their e-mail id or on profile with speed post or courier number. With this step members will get benefited and get easy excess to their scholarship. there ip no doubt that you have started SCHOLARSHIP UPDATES gm this concern but it is not good enough according to me.
with regards
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10th November 2010, 10:24 PM
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Smile Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

its nice..
even you can build your knowledge about various forums and..discussions
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13th November 2010, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by Admin View Post

As you can see we are almost touching 1,50,000 posts. All made by you. That's really huge. Nobody expected this in such a short time.

Clearly, now we need to try new things, fix our short comings and innovate. Forum is yours so please let us know your suggestions/feedback/ideas. Don't hesitate.

Looking forward.


I'll add your suggestions/questions and our answers here.

1. "FAQ section" for forum members.

Answer: It's already there. "Everything you want to know about the scholarships". But you are right, we need a separate thread for "How to create good answers?"

2. Faster payments?

Answer: Currently we are dispatching cheques for two sessions together. So.. yes the winners of 1-15th session do get cheques little late, while 16th-month-end session winners get their cheques relatively faster. We'll see what we can do.

3. Better formatting of text?

Answer: Actually the forum is built in such a way that it supports limited formatting mainly to keep the forum secure from malicious hacking attempts.

4. Points per answers should be updated quickly according to the quality of answers

Answer: We have increased the frequency of updating the points-per-answer, recently.

5. Better points/grade system?

Answer: We have been looking into this from months, so far we have not been able find any scalable and comprehensive solution. We'll give it another thought.

6. Payments should be done by Courier not Speedpost

Answer: In the beginning we used to send scholarships via courier services, but they do not deliver to very remote places. Whereas speed post covers whole India. Also, we have experienced less lost-cheques with speedposts than with courier.

7. Better looks for the forum?

Answer: While themes are not in our priorities but we do understand that it's always good to have good looking theme. We'll see what we can do but can't promise this is gonna be implemented anytime soon.

8. Facebook Page for the forum?

Answer: Very good suggestion. We will do it.

9. Payments through bank transfers?

Answer: Most of the members here are students and a lot of them do not have their own bank accounts still. So if we give you an option for bank transfer, some members will still have to go with speedpost option. Also, with bank transfers we'll have to deal with erroneous bank account numbers etc. To keep the payments system simple and consistent, we are going to stay with the speedposts for a while.

10: Ads?

Answer: We do serve ads to non-logged in visitors.

11: Separate sections for under graduates, graduates and post graduates?

Answer: A large number of queries are ambiguous and they can't be put under any section.

[This thread got corrupted at the database level, we could only restore the opening post. All the other posts are gone but fortunately all the suggestions and answers are still well documented above. Please keep your suggestions coming.]
this is a very good scheme it helps the student who want to clear their problems as the other student who know answer in desire of gainig the scholarships,they help them
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13th November 2010, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Another BIG DAY,Another BIG ACHIEVEMENT!!!!!
Greetings of the Day.............
To Admin,
Its all bcoz of your FORUM.You Wanna What?Read it:-
One day I was entertaining a Homeopathic Ques Related query.The student wanted to know the online courses of Homeopathy.I suggested HIM.But later on I felt an immense desire in me to also get admitted in it & i did what my Heart wants.As I am a Commerce Postgraduate so science is a tough subject for me.After completed my FORUM work I daily study the chapters of the course.I attempted 3 times the test but failed.But yesterday when I again attempted it ,I got succeed after getting 80% marks & entitled for a beautiful certificate by hpathy.org.So now another qualification is added into my profile i.e. Praveen Gola- "Elementary Homeopathic Course".Isn't looks nice?Yes,Of course.So Friends This is all due to the FORUM that a commerce student get the Knowledge of science also.
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14th November 2010, 10:14 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Hiiiiii friends
I am getting only 3 points for each post as i am new to the post and don't have much information kindly anyone tell me how to improve my post to increase the points per post.
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15th November 2010, 04:16 PM
Sanjiv sharma
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Dear sir
I guess one thing on the ranking page that points for one posting is diferent like 20, 13, 7,5,3 etc. I suggest you to fix the marking system same for all member wheather he/ she at the 1st or 100th place. You can give bonus after screening the answers briefly on the spot different point system is not good. I know that every member of this forum is equal for you then why it is happening. Please check it out and reform it soon for the goodness of the forum and members.
With regards
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16th November 2010, 01:04 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Hello Friends!
This msg is specially for the very Hardworker in this Forum.No doubt,He is the only one man who is really working hard for us day & night.But till now we haven't recognize HIM.But today when I was also caught by Him then I realised my mistake.Sorry sir,I admit that I really do that i.e copy & paste funda to race with others.Though I know that it is not a good practice but then also we repeat this task again & again.ya Sir its easy to write but its very difficult for you to tally & delete.Of course my drug inspector post is copy & pasted.Thanx for deleted.So friends what are you thinking?Yes,its SHRAWAN, our moderator,a C.I.D,a detective who is always ready Like traffic policeman to make our challan & we have no option to bribe HIM.So its better to say sorry & proceed further.
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16th November 2010, 08:12 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::


Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::
i am really happy in joining this forum. it has helped me in many ways.first of all we would receive some amount for the answers that we have e-mailed in search of those we would learn or gain some knowledge.
do make some changes........

good luck.
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16th November 2010, 10:41 AM
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Smile Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Its nice to join this site.
But i want to know about the point system of your system
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16th November 2010, 07:47 PM
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Smile Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Every one can crate different solution not only scholar ship.but we need some suggestion about our topic ...
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16th November 2010, 11:31 PM
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Thumbs up Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by Admin View Post

As you can see we are almost touching 1,50,000 posts. All made by you. That's really huge. Nobody expected this in such a short time.

Clearly, now we need to try new things, fix our short comings and innovate. Forum is yours so please let us know your suggestions/feedback/ideas. Don't hesitate.

Looking forward.


I'll add your suggestions/questions and our answers here.

1. "FAQ section" for forum members.

Answer: It's already there. "Everything you want to know about the scholarships". But you are right, we need a separate thread for "How to create good answers?"

2. Faster payments?

Answer: Currently we are dispatching cheques for two sessions together. So.. yes the winners of 1-15th session do get cheques little late, while 16th-month-end session winners get their cheques relatively faster. We'll see what we can do.

3. Better formatting of text?

Answer: Actually the forum is built in such a way that it supports limited formatting mainly to keep the forum secure from malicious hacking attempts.

4. Points per answers should be updated quickly according to the quality of answers

Answer: We have increased the frequency of updating the points-per-answer, recently.

5. Better points/grade system?

Answer: We have been looking into this from months, so far we have not been able find any scalable and comprehensive solution. We'll give it another thought.

6. Payments should be done by Courier not Speedpost

Answer: In the beginning we used to send scholarships via courier services, but they do not deliver to very remote places. Whereas speed post covers whole India. Also, we have experienced less lost-cheques with speedposts than with courier.

7. Better looks for the forum?

Answer: While themes are not in our priorities but we do understand that it's always good to have good looking theme. We'll see what we can do but can't promise this is gonna be implemented anytime soon.

8. Facebook Page for the forum?

Answer: Very good suggestion. We will do it.

9. Payments through bank transfers?

Answer: Most of the members here are students and a lot of them do not have their own bank accounts still. So if we give you an option for bank transfer, some members will still have to go with speedpost option. Also, with bank transfers we'll have to deal with erroneous bank account numbers etc. To keep the payments system simple and consistent, we are going to stay with the speedposts for a while.

10: Ads?

Answer: We do serve ads to non-logged in visitors.

11: Separate sections for under graduates, graduates and post graduates?

Answer: A large number of queries are ambiguous and they can't be put under any section.

[This thread got corrupted at the database level, we could only restore the opening post. All the other posts are gone but fortunately all the suggestions and answers are still well documented above. Please keep your suggestions coming.]

i have posted already a post about my reviews..but can't stay back to give my review again for this forum
its great and its nice
really nice
it makes some one strong in GD
really great

and all the best for future sucess for this forum
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19th November 2010, 01:15 PM
Sanjiv sharma
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Respected sir
I comes to know that some members are giving answers of one question twice or thrice in a day for merely increasing their points. I suggest you to check the answers of top 20 members daily and if you found that answers are of very low quality or few words then decrease point of that member immediately as a penalty so that next time he thinks about it and provide better answer so that advice seeker gets benefited.
Adopt some strict actions in marking system if you are looking to choose TOP ANSWERER in this session for the goodness and excellency of the forum.
With kind regards
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21st November 2010, 10:47 AM
raja jeganathan
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

this is the good offer for the people ,,, i almost touched nearly 1500 post ,, and it s giving a good idea about education in varies field ,, and giving a knowledge
thank you so much
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21st November 2010, 10:26 PM
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Thumbs up Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

A special thanks for admin,this is a great idea.
Many people send here his/her own view about the given topic,and a few days a huge number of response posted...
i hope that it should be one of the best blog of india in a few month...

Thank You...
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22nd November 2010, 12:47 AM
Saikiran M
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Smile Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by praveen gola View Post
PLACEMENT CELL(Shocked Everyone)
Hello Friends!
Don't shocked! But its true that this FORUM also provides the facility of PLACEMENT.Last week I received a proposal letter from the most reputed institute IIPM to work as an Educational Counseller in their institute & they are ready to give me the handsome commission.Though I still decide to take the decision but I am really feel proud as if we are giving something to others then definitely we are entitled to receive something one day.I know this is all due to my work in the FORUM to let others know my ability to work.Thanks once again to my best friend ,ADMIN.
Thats really Good Ms. Gola. I am curious to know your response to that offer.

Did you let it slip or are you following them..

Let us know!
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22nd November 2010, 02:27 AM
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Thumbs up Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Please differentiate the level of question in some group like 10 standerd 10+2 standard, UG ,pG standard or some different module like Science,computer, Mathematices,History, Geography, pol sc, Ecomomics, english, Physics, Chemistry, biology, electronics, mechanical, IT ect.

Or some topic like politics, ecomomics, sports, film, music etc
and also can implement some quiz and debate...

Dear admin,please try to impliment those things...
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23rd November 2010, 04:53 PM
Sanjiv sharma
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

dear sir
I am very happy today because i received my first ever scholarship today. By viewing the check and a valuable certificate I totally become astonished and happy. It was really a very surprising and beautiful moments of my life. I thankful to all the forum staff and members who are doing a great job for the mankind and humanity.
I have an question that is valuable certificate proves helpful to me in my future competitions. Please tell me the benefits of valuable certificate. I shall be very thankful to you for your gracious response
With regards
-Sanjiv sharma-
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23rd November 2010, 05:14 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by Admin View Post

As you can see we are almost touching 1,50,000 posts. All made by you. That's really huge. Nobody expected this in such a short time.

Clearly, now we need to try new things, fix our short comings and innovate. Forum is yours so please let us know your suggestions/feedback/ideas. Don't hesitate.

Looking forward.


I'll add your suggestions/questions and our answers here.

1. "FAQ section" for forum members.

Answer: It's already there. "Everything you want to know about the scholarships". But you are right, we need a separate thread for "How to create good answers?"

2. Faster payments?

Answer: Currently we are dispatching cheques for two sessions together. So.. yes the winners of 1-15th session do get cheques little late, while 16th-month-end session winners get their cheques relatively faster. We'll see what we can do.

3. Better formatting of text?

Answer: Actually the forum is built in such a way that it supports limited formatting mainly to keep the forum secure from malicious hacking attempts.

4. Points per answers should be updated quickly according to the quality of answers

Answer: We have increased the frequency of updating the points-per-answer, recently.

5. Better points/grade system?

Answer: We have been looking into this from months, so far we have not been able find any scalable and comprehensive solution. We'll give it another thought.

6. Payments should be done by Courier not Speedpost

Answer: In the beginning we used to send scholarships via courier services, but they do not deliver to very remote places. Whereas speed post covers whole India. Also, we have experienced less lost-cheques with speedposts than with courier.

7. Better looks for the forum?

Answer: While themes are not in our priorities but we do understand that it's always good to have good looking theme. We'll see what we can do but can't promise this is gonna be implemented anytime soon.

8. Facebook Page for the forum?

Answer: Very good suggestion. We will do it.

9. Payments through bank transfers?

Answer: Most of the members here are students and a lot of them do not have their own bank accounts still. So if we give you an option for bank transfer, some members will still have to go with speedpost option. Also, with bank transfers we'll have to deal with erroneous bank account numbers etc. To keep the payments system simple and consistent, we are going to stay with the speedposts for a while.

10: Ads?

Answer: We do serve ads to non-logged in visitors.

11: Separate sections for under graduates, graduates and post graduates?

Answer: A large number of queries are ambiguous and they can't be put under any section.

[This thread got corrupted at the database level, we could only restore the opening post. All the other posts are gone but fortunately all the suggestions and answers are still well documented above. Please keep your suggestions coming.]
Scholarship system is a very good option to promote this forum,Many users are profited by this,Wish you All the best...
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23rd November 2010, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by subho19 View Post
Please differentiate the level of question in some group like 10 standerd 10+2 standard, UG ,pG standard or some different module like Science,computer, Mathematices,History, Geography, pol sc, Ecomomics, english, Physics, Chemistry, biology, electronics, mechanical, IT ect.

Or some topic like politics, ecomomics, sports, film, music etc
and also can implement some quiz and debate...

Dear admin,please try to impliment those things...
These things are not priority at this time.

Our present focus is to provide students the solution of there Education and Career related Queries, weather its for a 10th student or a P.hd student presently all are palced in the same medium of tht is "General Discussion".

At this time our main focus is to solve the Entrance exams and other Career related 'Major' Problems of the students.

However, we are feeling the required change and Forum is also moving towards it. Previously we had only "General Discussion", now we have "Question Papers" sections, an in future there will more sections also, depending upon requirement of Time.

And also creating such huge division as you mentioned doesn't fit for what this Forum has been Created.

One more thing, this Forum is of its own kind, and we and all will like to be this Forum Unique.

However, well suggested we are taking 'Note' of it, may be in future your suggestion will be usefull.

Good suggestion let them coming.....
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26th November 2010, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Plz tell me how can i win this money?????????????????????
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27th November 2010, 12:46 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Originally Posted by prakashaaryan21 View Post
Plz tell me how can i win this money?????????????????????
Kindly go through this link:- ::Everything You Want To Know About Scholarships::

step by step instruction are given on how to participate in this scholarship.
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27th November 2010, 01:18 PM
sukirti bilaiya
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Respected sir,
plese send me the online form so i can fill & also give the procedre of fillng form thanx.
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27th November 2010, 02:57 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Dear admin, please Tell me something about point deduction rule in this forum...
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28th November 2010, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

sir, i want the imformation about the admission process in the health science cources in nagpur
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28th November 2010, 09:23 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Good Evening SIR,
::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::
As in this coloumn We can submit our suggestion so I also want to make a request for you.Sir as you know that myself is "Praveen Gola" & you know that Praveen is a boys name so on my msg Page i received the msgs like "Brother","Sir".So its very difficult for me to tell each & every member about my Gender.So if possible then make a GENDER column on the msg page so that one can easily identify that the person with whom He is interacting is a male or female.
Mrs. Praveen Gola
Senior Member
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29th November 2010, 04:43 AM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

Hi Sir,

I just get an idea about setting record list for points on every slot of top 20.
It will set a bench mark for new user to secure atleast at much poing to be in top 20.

I some break record for maximum point in one session of 15 day must be rewarded.

Gaurav Jain
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29th November 2010, 09:35 PM
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Default Re: ::Please Submit Your Suggestions About Scholarships and Forum::

This is the first session iam participating. I feel that some additional changes are required for awarding the points.

Myself I have got only once more than the fixed points. and every time iam trying to post the quality information.

So please show difference in awarding points for a person who posts quality answers from that of the person who posts normal information.
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