2nd July 2012, 11:02 PM
sir plz send me the answer key of net in education paper first, sevond and third on [email protected] Thanks
3rd July 2012, 03:15 PM
pls send me answerkey for ugc net 2012 commerce papper 2, 3 and general papper [email protected]
3rd July 2012, 03:41 PM
sir,send me answer key of paper 1st(set-y) and paper 2nd and 3rd of music (ugc-net exam.june2012) of my email: [email protected]
3rd July 2012, 04:22 PM
Please send me the answer key of net 2012 in library and information science x series paper first,second.third on [email protected]. Thanks |
3rd July 2012, 04:27 PM
Please send me the answer key of net 2012 in library and information science x series paper first,second.third on [email protected]. Thanks |
3rd July 2012, 08:51 PM
Following are Questions with guessed answers for Paper-1 of UGC NET June 2012:
1] Of the following libraries in India,which one is the oldest library? (A) Asiatic Society Library, Bombay (B) Connemara Public Library, Madras (C) Delhi Public Library, Delhi (D) National Library of India, Calcutta. ANS- ) Asiatic Society Library, Bombay 2] “Shodhganga” is a national level repository of: (A) E-Books (B) E-Journals (C) E-Theses (D) Journal Articles ANS- : E-Theses 3] ‘Cornfield Studies’ are an example of (A) Survey Research (B) Experimental Research (C) Historical Research (D) Case Study ANS – Experimental Research 4] First university to introduce MPhil and PhD in LIS in India (A) Aligarh Muslim University (B) University of Calcutta (C) University of Delhi (D) University of Madras ANS-: University ofDelhi 5] The Head Office of IASLIC located at (A) Kolkata (B) Delhi (C) Mumbai (D) Chennai ANS- Kolkata 6] Who had given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service? (A) C. M. Winchell (B) S. R. Ranganathan (C) James I Wyer (D) Samuel Rothstein ANS-(C) James I Wyer 7] CODEN related with A)Books B)Serials C)Reports D)Gray Literature ANS- Serials 8] What is Solomon four group design? Answer: Pre- Test – Post Test- 9] calculation of impact factor: group of 1& 3 1.web of science 2.science direct 3.scopus 4.ebsco ANS-? 10] chlorofluro carbon- ANS- AC & REFRIGERATION 11] heart & soul of constitution- ANS-CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDIES 12] Indian Institute of Advanced Studies- ANS- SHIMLA 13] TRP ANS- TELEVISION RATING POINT 14] Mc university- ANS- BHOPAL 15] If Petrol price increases by 25% how much decrease in consumption for remaining at same level of consumption ANS-TWENTY(20%) 16] Regional offices of NCTE ANS- 4 17] S & P waves ANS- EARTHQUAKES 18] DAVP ANS- DIRECTORATE OF ADVERTISING & VISUAL PUBLICITY 19] Internet explorer is ANS–BROWSER 20] next number in sequence ANS- 72 21] Missing alphabet ANS- M 22] Two or many people associated with a same work ANS– “et.al” 23] Blind boy in a class ANS- ARRANGE A FRONT SEAT & TEACH AT HIS PACE 24] Not a programming Language ANS- MICROSOFT OFFICE 25.] Xerography is also called as? Ans.Electrophot ography / Electrostatic 26] Inference Engine is available in? Ans. Expert System 27] Internet filtering is Ans. A type of Censorship 28] Minimum, Middling and MaximumTheories is given by? Ans. Samuel Rothstein 29] TCP/IP protocol is used to connectto? Ans. Internet 30] The protocol used to transfer file from one system to anther system is? Ans. File Tansfer Protocol(FTP) 31] In 1974, Zurkowski has given which term? Ans. Information Literacy 32] For what purpose, Solomon Four Group Design is used? Ans. Quantitative Analysis i.e. data analysis 33] In which year AIR was officially known as Akashvani ? ANS– 1956 34] Broadcasting standard used in India ANS– PAL 35] Who introduced the district collector system? ANS– Warren Hastings 36]hear & soul of constitution ANS- CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDIES 37] which is the oldest form of organization? a- Line b- functional c-line & staff d-none of the above Correct Answer- FUNCTIONAL 38]concept of marketing myopia was given by- a- Fayol b- Kotler c- Levitt d- Mclleand Correct answer-THEODERR E LEVITT 39] For a Monpolistic firm profit maximization condition is a-MR>MC b- MR=MC c-MR<MC d- Noneof the above correct answer- MR=MC 40] concept of cardinal utility is associated with- a-Utility Theory b- Indifference curveanalysis c-Rvealed preference d- none Correct answer-UTILITY THEORY 41]Probability that thesum of numbers on throw of two dices will be greater than 10- a-1/12 b-1/9 c- 1/4 d- None Correct answer- 1/12 42] Matching- Correct Answer- NORMAL DISTRIBUTION- SYMMETRIC CHI SQUARE- POSITIVELY SKEWED BINOMIAL-MEAN IS GREATER THAN VARIANCE POISSON-MEAN & VARIANCE ARE EQUAL 43] Find the odd one from the following- a- INTUC B- AITUC C-FICCI D- BMS Correct answer- FICCI 44] In an organization Whistle blowers should be- a- Promoted b- Terminated c- protected because they reveal the truth d-none correct answer- PROTECTED BECAUSE THEY REVEAL THE TRUTH 45] WTO was established on- correct answer- 1995 46] Matching Correct answer- KINKED DEMAND CURVE-PAUL SWEEZY WEALTH OF NATION-ADAM SMITH 47] what will be the mean & variancein a set of 32 items where the probability of getting a defective item is 1/2 (a) 16,8 (b) 8,16 (c) 8,4 (d)none of the above ANS-16,8 48] Which of the following doesn’t come in Michael Porter five force analysis of competition? (a)buyer (b) Supplier (c) substitutes (d) segmentation ANS- segmentation |
4th July 2012, 12:57 PM
sir plz send me the answer sheet of sanskrit paper 1,2,3. my email id is [email protected]
4th July 2012, 06:13 PM
please submit answer key of net june 2012 for general paper w series & library science paper 2nd, 3rd please replay my mail :- [email protected]
5th July 2012, 07:00 PM
1 ?. According tor B. R. Ambedkar which of the following Fundamental rights is Heart and Soul of indian constitution. ?.Chlorofluro carbons are related to Ans. Gases from AC and Refrigerators ?. Non-renewable energy source 1 TRP stands for Ans. Television ratings Points 1 DAVP stands for Ans. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity 1 Where is the MC College of Mass Communication? Ans.Bhopal [ not sure ] .S&P Waves are related to: Earth Quakes District Collector system was established by:Warren Hastings Warren Hasting 1 Black Board Indian Institute of Advance Tecjnology- Solan 1 5 Question Paragraph-4 1 Less Mind- Ok 1 Internet Bowser-ok 1 Microsoft Excel-not Language-ok 1 6 Friends- D Anwser 1-chlorofluro carbon- AC & REFRIGERATION 2-hear & soul of constitution- CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDIES 3-Indian Institute of Advanced Studies-SHIMLA 1 6-If Petrol price increases by 25% how much decrease in consumption for remaining at same level of consumption- * *TWENTY(20%) 1 7-Regional offices of NCTE- 5 1 8-S & P waves- EARTHQUAKES 1 9-DAVP- DIRECTORATE OF ADVERTISING & VISUAL PUBLICITY 1 10-Internet explorer is - BROWSER 1 11- next number in sequence- * *72 1 12- Missing alphabet- M 1 13- Two or many people associated with a same work- *et.al 14- Blind boy in a class- *ARRANGE A FRONT SEAT & TEACH AT HIS PACE 1 15-Not a programming language- MICROSOFT OFFICE 16- Minimum Bits-10 1 Radio Station-1926 1) Of the following libraries in India, which one is the oldest library? – (A) Asiatic Society Library, Bombay (A) Asiatic Society Library, Bombay (B) Connemara Public Library, Madras (C) Delhi Public Library, Delhi (D) National Library of India, Calcutta. 2) “Shodhganga” is a national level repository of: E-Theses (A) E-Books (B) E-Journals (C) E-Theses (D) Journal Articles 3) ‘Cornfield Studies’ are an example of : – Experimental Research (A) Survey Research (B) Experimental Research (C) Historical Research (D) Case Study 4) First university to introduce MPhil and PhD in LIS in India : University of Delhi (A) Aligarh Muslim University (B) University of Calcutta (C) University of Delhi (D) University of Madras 5) The Head Office of IASLIC located at (A) Kolkata (A) Kolkata (B) Delhi (C) Mumbai (D) Chennai 6) Who had given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service?- (C) James I Wyer / (D) Samuel Rothstein (A) C. M. Winchell (B) S. R. Ranganathan (C) James I Wyer (D) Samuel Rothstein 7)CODEN related with – B)Serials A)Books B)Serials C)Reports D)Gray Literature What is Solomon four group design? Answer: Pre- Test – Post Test- 9) calculation of impact factor: group of 1& 3 1.web of science 2.science direct 3.scopus 4.ebsco 10-chlorofluro carbon- AC & REFRIGERATION 11-heart & soul of constitution- CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDIES 12-Indian Institute of Advanced Studies-SHIMLA 13-TRP- TELEVISION RATING POINT 14-mc university-BHOPAL 15-If Petrol price increases by 25% how much decrease in consumption for remaining at same level of consumption -TWENTY(20%) 16-Regional offices of NCTE- 4 17-S & P waves- EARTHQUAKES 18-DAVP- DIRECTORATE OF ADVERTISING & VISUAL PUBLICITY 19-Internet explorer is -BROWSER 20- next number in sequence- 72 21- Missing alphabet- M 22- Two or many people associated with a same work – “et.al” 23- Blind boy in a class- ARRANGE A FRONT SEAT & TEACH AT HIS PACE 24-Not a programming anguage- MICROSOFT OFFICE Some more questions are given below: 1- which is the oldest form of organization? a- Line b- functional c-line & staff d-none of the above Correct Answer- FUNCTIONAL 2- concept of marketing myopia was given by- a- Fayol b- Kotler c- Levitt d- Mclleand Correct answer-THEODERRE LEVITT 3- For a Monpolistic firm profit maximization condition is a-MR>MC b- MR=MC c-MR<MC d- None of the above correct answer- MR=MC 4- concept of cardinal utility is associated with- a-Utility Theory b- Indifference curve analysis c-Rvealed preference d- none Correct answer-UTILITY THEORY 5-Probability that thesum of numbers on throw of two dices will be greater than 10- a-1/12 b-1/9 c- 1/4 d- None Correct answer- 1/12 6-Matching- Correct Answer- NORMAL DISTRIBUTION- SYMMETRIC CHI SQUARE- POSITIVELY SKEWED BINOMIAL-MEAN IS GREATER THAN VARIANCE POISSON-MEAN & VARIANCE ARE EQUAL 7- Find the odd one from the following- a- INTUC B- AITUC C-FICCI D- BMS Correct answer- FICCI 8-In an organization Whistle blowers should be- a- Promoted b- terminated c-protected becasue they reveal the truth d-none correct answer- PROTECTED BECAUSE THEY REVEAL THE TRUTH 9-WTO was established on- correct answer- 1995- 10-Matching- Correct answer- KINKED DEMAND CURVE-PAUL SWEEZY WEALTH OF NATION-ADAM SMITH 11-what will be the mean & variance in a set of 32 items where the probability of getting a defective item is 1/2 (a) 16,8 (b) 8,16 (c) 8,4 (d)none of the above Correct answer-16,8 12-Which of the following doesn’t come in Michael Porter five force analysis of competition? (a)buyer (b) Supllier (c)substitutes (d) segmentation correct answer-segmentation - – - – - – - – - – - – - If you found Mistake in answer, feel free to write to us for correction. and Please try to remember the Questions and Email us on [email protected] and lets f UGC Net 2012 Paper 1: Here are the some of the answers to some questions. i dont have exact question number. Please refer the answer. *According tor B. R. Ambedkar which of the following Fundamental rights is Heart and Soul of indian constitution. Ans. Constitutional remedies *Chlorofluro carbons are related to Ans. Gases from AC and Refrigerators *TRP stands for Ans. Television ratings Points *DAVP stands for Ans. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity *Where is the MC College of Mass Communication? Ans.Bhopal * S&P Waves are related to: Ans.Earth Quakes *District Collector system was established by: Ans.Warren Hastings * 2,6,12,20,30,42,56,? Ans. 72 *Internet Explorer is a: Ans.Browser *Regional centres of NCTE in India Ans.4 *Which is not a computer language Ans. Microsoft office * Which gas cause eye irritation Ans.Sulphur dioxide *All India Radio renamed in Ans.1936 Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/ugc-net-exam-answer-key-general-paper-785045.html#ixzz1zqRGhM9V |
5th July 2012, 08:38 PM
imran ali
7th July 2012, 05:26 PM
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This is Akhilesh Singh from varanasi, i am also trying to find out the answer keys of paper code 93 (Tourism Management), if u will get than kindly inform me on this id [email protected] |
7th July 2012, 08:28 PM
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8th July 2012, 09:44 AM
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8th July 2012, 07:48 PM
mail your keys to me at [email protected] or publish here
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