20th February 2012, 10:48 PM
sir soon i am going to complete my 4th semester in mechanical branch from ie and it,durgapur ,so please provide me the name of the companies where i can do the industrial training in my email anantachallenger@gmail.com
24th February 2012, 09:23 PM
Hello Sir....
I m a B.tech 2nd year student of mechanical engineering..... Can u pls inform me the whole procedure of having training in different companies during summer vacations.. Sir i m more interested in automobile companies |
29th February 2012, 12:20 PM
How to apply for summer training in Mechanical Companies for 5 week duration? Companies offering summer training for Mechanical Engineering Students?
Sir/madam I'm a B.tech student .. Sir i want know the whole process of training in Automobile-Company like Honda, Toyota, Maruti-Suzuki, Hyundai... So please tell me the procedure.... Thanking you My email id: ashabalam007@yahoo.com |
4th March 2012, 07:33 PM
hello sir,i am vivek doing b.tech from sharda university ,greater noida.I am in mechanical branch and i want to do summer training in my summer vacations .so plz tell me the comapnies and procedure to apply for training ..reply asap @ vikaskhulbey@gmail.com
9th March 2012, 02:14 AM
respected sir,
i am b.tech student of 4th sem...i want the whole process of training in tata motors,jamshedpur.in summer vacation.so please tell me procedure.my email id is kumar.ranjeet862@gmail.com.i am waiting for reply.... |
11th March 2012, 10:24 AM
Respected Sir,
I am student of B.E. 6th semester Mechanical branch in Central college Raipur(C.G.) I want to do my industrial training from a big industry,how should I appy for that. please tell me the complete procedure. Please send me the required information in my email address which is manoj.python@gmail.com . I will be thankful to you. Name: MANOJ SONI STD : B.E. 6th sem(mech) |
19th March 2012, 12:44 PM
Respected sir,
I am a diploma 3 years student of me branch from punjab group of college chandigarh.Sir,I want to do 6 weeks training from tatamotorslimited jamshedpur so please suggest me that how to apply it.I want to do traing started in june 2012.plz give more ideas for it........................... my email id-kumaranurag143@gmail.com contact plz-09041777832 |
19th March 2012, 01:01 PM
Respected sir,
I am student of 3 years diploma m.e branch from punjab group of college chandigarh.I am study in 4th semester and my 6 weeks training will started in after examinition that means june 2012.so sir i want to do traing from tatamotorslimited jamshedpur.plz suggest me how to apply for training.................... sir plz show me right ways............. I m waiting for ur reply. my email id-amitjee2011@gmail.com contact no.-09041777832 |
19th March 2012, 09:08 PM
sir ,
i am 2nd year mechanical engineering student from vijayawada , i am intrested in doing summer internship . can u suggest me some companies who offer internshipsprogram for 3rd year appearing student . kndly plzzzz reply ........ megasujit@gmail.com |
21st March 2012, 02:08 PM
Respected Sir,
I'm a B.tech student from UP Technical University... Sir i want know the whole process of training in Automobile-Company like Honda, Toyota, Maruti-Suzuki, Hyundai and other mechanical company So please tell me the procedure... my email id is ajeet.tech45@gmail.com i'm waiting for your reply thank you sir... |
26th March 2012, 08:15 PM
hello sir,
i m the student of b tech 3rd year mechanical branch. i want to do training in rajasthan. Sir, plz tell me the procedure |
27th March 2012, 06:05 PM
hello sir
I am student of b-tech 6th sem student of mechanical engineering i want to know the whole process of training in delhi metro railway carporation So please tell me the procedure my email id ali.nawajish092@gmail.com .i am waiting |
27th March 2012, 06:33 PM
Re: How to apply for summer training in Mechanical Companies for 5 week duration? Companies offering summer training for Mechanical Engineering Students?
Respected Sir, I'm a B.tech student from rajasthan.. Sir i want know the whole process of training in Automobile-Company like Honda, Toyota, Maruti-Suzuki, Hyundai... So please tell me the procedure... my email id is majoka.avinash16p@gmail.com i'm waiting for your reply ................ |
2nd April 2012, 02:31 PM
i m a studant of machanical engg. 3rd year studant in summer i m go to summer traning plz sugast me haw to apply in mechanical companies for 5 week .give me list..
on my id- ajeet.tech45@gmail.com |
3rd April 2012, 08:57 PM
Respected Sir,
I am a student of Diploma 3rd year..Mechancial Engineering from Lucknow. I want do my summmer industrial training for 1 month from any of the automobile industry of india. Sir Plz tell me which automobile companies offer the training sessions and how to apply.. thanks! my email id is: mohdkamar15@yahoo.com |
12th April 2012, 08:00 PM
I am the student of B.Tech 3rd year (MECHANICAL) from M.D.U university .........my college provide me to summer vacation training....so i request you to give suggestion that how can i apply in companies like...ESSAR,L&t,ntpc OR RELIANCE indutries at SURAT............ MY EMAIL ID IS:-pankajvaish@rocketmail.com MY MOBILE NO IS:-..9375861662 |
27th April 2012, 10:10 PM
i am student of m.e 2nd year from MDU rohtak....so kindly let me know about the procedure for 6 weeks summer trainiing in various companies..
email:-kr.amritranjan@gmail.com |
26th May 2012, 01:50 PM
Respected Sir,
I'm a B.Tech student, 2nd year completed , mechanical engineer...sir i want to know the whole process of training in automobile company like Honda, Hero Moorcorp,Toyota, Maruti-Suzuki,etc.. So plearse tell me the procedure...my email id is bharatvardhan@ymail.com i'm wating for your reply thank you sir... |
4th July 2012, 04:36 PM
I'm a B.tech student...Sir i want to know those companies of mechanical in which registration process for industrial training starts in july and training starts at the mid of july.I want 5-6 weeks of training.So please tell me....my email id is paliwal486@gmail.com.i'm waiting for your reply as soon as possible.
24th July 2012, 07:21 PM
hello sir, i m SANDEEP SHARMA want to do a summer trang ....my branch is mechanical ...plz suggest me .nd i also wana do my ST in jaipur ....i m waitg 4 ur reply ..plz suggest me ...thank u sir i ll be very thnkfull ..my mobile no. is 919828561345
24th July 2012, 07:53 PM
Respected Sir,
I'm a B.tech student from jagannath University... Sir i want know the whole process of training in Automobile-Company like Honda, Toyota, Maruti-Suzuki, Hyundai... So please tell me the procedure... my e-mail id is sandeepsharma.sharma416@gmail.com.....I am waiting for ur reply. my mob. no. is 919828561345 thank you.. Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/how-apply-summer-training-mechanical-companies-5-week-duration-companies-offering-summer-training-mechanical-engineering-students-96468.html#ixzz21ax2CgOD |
23rd August 2012, 10:06 PM
dear sir,
i am a b tegh 3rd year student i need info about the internships n the appling process kindly send details my mail: sesi.bhanu@gmail.com plzzzzzzzzzzzz |
24th August 2012, 04:48 PM
I'm doing my final year mechanical engineering sir,
please guide me to know what are all the opportunities looks for my discipline. |
3rd October 2012, 03:33 PM
Respected sir, I am the student of B.Tech 3rd year mechanical branch, i want to do trainning in ''TATA MOTARS''........... So, sir please tell me the procedure. My email id is- harshul.isnehil@gmail.com |
5th November 2012, 01:46 AM
Sir, i am BE 2nd year student i want to go to IPT to ashok leyland in ennore. What i have to do ? An what is the procedure?
6th December 2012, 08:37 PM
Very few companies offer a well structured Industrial training programmes.
The best option would be to explore organizations in your vicinity who employ mechanical devices and approach them. Simple things like study of lathes, NC machines, boilers, furnaces, compressors, etc. will be useful for a budding mechanical engineer to further his knowledge. So, there is no necessity to aim for very high level of organizations. Use your connections, your parents' connections, your college's placement cell and your seniors to persuade the management of the shortlisted organizations to accept you for their training prog. |
12th January 2013, 07:10 AM
respected sir,
I m a student of b.tech mechanical 2nd year.i want know the procedure and name some companies for industrial training in chennai.my email id is 'narmujha@gmail.com' nd mo. no. is 919557678526. |
12th January 2013, 07:12 AM
respected sir,
I m a student of b.tech mechanical 2nd year.i want know the procedure and name some companies for industrial training in chennai.my email id is 'narmujha@gmail.com' nd mo. no. is 919557678526.i m waiting for ur reply. i'll be vry much obliged to yew. thank u! |
2nd February 2013, 06:02 PM
i have taken gap in BE 3rd(mechanical) year and i will join my last year in upcoming June-July.. i want to self prepare IES , so plase guid me which books should i refer for whole syllabus... please send me list of books... plz plz plz.... my email add. gmpimparkar@gmail.com ( 8626070920)
25th February 2013, 06:29 PM
Respected Sir,
[QUOTE=shabbir;Respected Sir, I'm a B.tech student from Govt. Engg. College Bharatpur(RTU university), Bharatpur in 3rd year... Sir i towant know the whole process of training in -Company like Honda, Toyota, Maruti-Suzuki, Hyundai... So please tell me the procedure... my email id is goruramroj1@gmail.com i'm waiting for your reply for this i shall be highly obliged to you... ....................Thanking. Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/how-apply-summer-training-mechanical-companies-5-week-duration-companies-offering-summer-training-mechanical-engineering-students-96468.html#ixzz2LuYPWhg4 |
12th March 2013, 08:07 PM
Sir, I am doing Btech- Mechanical from UP Tech university. I want to do training from Delhi. Please tell me procedure to get training In PSU's in delhi. Along with their names.
Please mail me on: sabbygera@gmail.com |
4th April 2013, 05:58 PM
Respected Sir,
My son, Ravi Pratap, student of Diloma Mechaniacal Engg. needs summer training from 101.06.2013 to 18.07.2013.Kindly give the name of place for training. S.N.Thakur e.mail: shambhunathThakur@yahoo.co.in |
4th April 2013, 09:42 PM
helo sir
I'm a B.tech 6sem mechanical student .sir i want to do summer training in uttarakhand state pls refer me some companies and their procedure.my e-mail i.d is deepak.saudiyal79@gmail.com. i m waiting for your reply thank u sir..... |
9th April 2013, 10:50 PM
sir i m Ashutosh singh i m persuing B.E. in mech. branch i want to do my vocational traing for 4 week duration. sir please suggest me how to aplly in mech. company which offers to provided training for B.E. mechanical student. my mail address is. ashtoshsingh.singh4@gmail.com. thank u
24th April 2013, 08:52 PM
Respected Sir,
I'm a diploma student .. Sir i want know the whole process of training in Automobile-Company like Honda, Toyota, Maruti-Suzuki, Hyundai... So please tell me the procedure... my email id is avchoudhary11@gmail.com. i'm waiting for your reply thank you sir... |
25th April 2013, 08:27 PM
Sir I am aditya singh and persuing B.Tech (Mechanical) from G.L.Bajaj Institute Of Technology And Management,Gr.Noida.I am in 3rd year now and would like to apply for the summer training after completing my 3rd year.
Please provide me the details of the documents required for the same and any other information that can help me. thank you. |
28th April 2013, 09:53 PM
i m doing 3rd year mechanical eng . want to do industrial training for 1&1/2 month. my email id akashgawalimar20@gmail.com
29th April 2013, 08:43 PM
Respected Sir,
I'm a B.tech 3rd year (6 sem) student from Rajshree College Bareilly....Sir,I have submit summer taining letter in ashok layland Rudrapur plant.Please Sir, Inform to me for confirmation detail done the industrial taining . My name is Rohit Kumar Sharma Email Id- rokingrohit98@gmail.com Contect No-9719979700 Thanking You.. |
7th May 2013, 04:46 PM
I doing external b.tech mechanical ...I want use this time for experience ..plz help me how can I get experience in running study...
2nd June 2013, 05:40 AM
i'm B.tech student from Automobile in 2nd year.. i want know the process of training in automobil company in 2013. so please tell me the way.. EMAIL ID akash301092@gmail.com plzz ans me as soon as possibal.. |
11th June 2013, 08:32 AM
i m a btech me 3 year student and wanted a list of companies giving training in noida ....please send me the list of me companies my email id is abhishekchaudhary111@yahoo.com............
10th October 2013, 09:14 PM
e: How to apply for summer training in Mechanical Companies for 5 week duration? Companies offering summer training for Mechanical Engineering Students?
Respected Sir, I'm Naushad saba alam , B.E 2 nd yr mechanical Engg student from V.T.U,(BELGUM), Karnatka.. Sir i want know the whole process of training in Automobile-Company like Honda, Toyota, Maruti-Suzuki, Hyundai... So please tell me the procedure... my email id is 7saba786@gmail.com i'm waiting for your reply ................ |
25th November 2013, 11:57 PM
I am a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student of IE & IT Durgapur,
I am keenly interested to have winter vocational training in any Government Organization viz Railways, Heavy Engineering, ONGC etc. Pls respond Sourav Biswas biwas1957@yahoo.in |
29th November 2013, 03:38 PM
I have told before it.that those job seekers who want to impress their requiters it s a best way to go for summer training.it not only give millage but also give a verry clarrity on your practical knowledge which is verry verry important.so atmost all govt. Company and some private companies are providing summer trainning.are.bhel,rsp,cgspl,hal,bel,bsnl,cttc,nal co,ntpc,tata steel,balco etc.you have to register your name by refference letter from your college.then with respect to avialability the companies are send you conformation.then you may start your trainning.all the very best
30th November 2013, 07:39 PM
hello sir,i m pankaj want to do a summer training....my branch is mechanical...plss suggest me.nd i also wana do my st near delhi .gr noida....i m waiting 4ur reply ..plss suggest ne..thanku sir..my mob no is 8950099662
15th January 2014, 04:45 PM
please give me the list of training institutes in punjab for mechanical engg.............reply me upto20th feb,2014 on my email username
2nd March 2014, 02:34 PM
My name is Devendra Biloliya and now I am in 4th sem(Mechanical). I want to get summer training in automobile company so please suggest me some companies and also the processor to apply in company. My email id is devendrabiloliya93gmail.com. Please rply me as sson as you can. Thank you |
17th March 2014, 02:34 PM
i m a b tech student in mechanical branch .sir give me right way to go in summer training in plant . |
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