25th May 2012, 07:18 PM
chawla raj
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Am I eligible to give UPSC CSE exam while pursuing B.E? How to become an IPS?

my name is raj chawla from ahmedabad. i am persuing 4thB.E. am i eligible to give upsc cse exams held in 2013? .please help to become an ips and please give me better and clear information regarding this

27th May 2012, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible to give UPSC CSE exam while pursuing B.E? How to become an IPS?

Originally Posted by chawla raj View Post
my name is raj chawla from ahmedabad. i am persuing 4thB.E. am i eligible to give upsc cse exams held in 2013? .please help to become an ips and please give me better and clear information regarding this
Candidate in the final year of Bachelors Degree program can definitely apply for Civil Service Examination.
Civil Service Examination is basically conducted in three levels:
Preliminary Examination
Main Examination

Being in the final year of your bachelors degree program, you can write the Civil Service Preliminary Examination but in order to appear for the Main Exam, you will need to produce the proof of qualifying the bachelors degree examination. So, before you apply for the Preliminary Examination, make sure that you will be able to produce your Marksheet/Certificate of the final year examination of your bachelors degree program, other wise, no matter how well you do in the preliminary examination, if you fail to produce the documents while applying for the Main Examination, you will not be considered to sit for the examination and move on to the next level of the selection procedure.
29th May 2012, 08:12 PM
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Smile Re: Am I eligible to give UPSC CSE exam while pursuing B.E? How to become an IPS?

Originally Posted by chawla raj View Post
my name is raj chawla from ahmedabad. i am persuing 4thB.E. am i eligible to give upsc cse exams held in 2013? .please help to become an ips and please give me better and clear information regarding this
Yes you are eligible to apply for the post of IPS after the completion of your engineering. You can apply for the Indian Police services through civil service examination. Civil service examination is conducted by the Union Public service commission every year. The eligibility required for the civil service examination is given below:

Education Qualification
For the civil service examination a candidate should be graduate in any discipline from the recognized university. A candidate having the degree of engineering, medical or any other higher degree are also eligible to apply for the civil service examination.
Those who are in final year are also eligible to apply for the civil service examination.

Age Limit
For the civil service examination candidate age should be between 21 to 30 years. Relaxation in age is given to the reserved category candidates as per the govt. rule.

For more information on civil service examination you can also visit at the below given web site:

29th May 2012, 08:50 PM
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dear friend,

Civil Services Examination is the most prestigious examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission for recruitment to various All India Services including I.A.S., I.P.S., I.F.S.,I.R.S., and various Group A Services and Group B Services.

(1) Plan of Examination

Normally applications are invited by UPSC notifications in leading News Papers during December every year.

The Civil Services Examination consists of three stages.

Civil Services Preliminary Examination ( Objective Type) (Usually conducted in May)
Civil Services Main Examination (Written) (Conducted during October/November)
Interview and final Selection (During April/May)

1. Minimum Educational Qualification :

Degree of any recognized university. However candidates studying in final year examination may apply for Preliminary. When he applies for Main Examination, he shall be a Graduate. But the following Engineering discipline are eligible :-

* Civil Engineering,
* Mechanical Engineering,
* Bio Technology,
* Electrical Engineering,
* Physics
* Chemistry
* Statics
* Geology etc.

So you are not eligible in U.P.S.C.

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29th May 2012, 08:58 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible to give UPSC CSE exam while pursuing B.E? How to become an IPS?

dear friend,

Civil Services Examination is the most prestigious examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission for recruitment to various All India Services including I.A.S., I.P.S., I.F.S.,I.R.S., and various Group A Services and Group B Services.

(1) Plan of Examination

Normally applications are invited by UPSC notifications in leading News Papers during December every year.

The Civil Services Examination consists of three stages.

Civil Services Preliminary Examination ( Objective Type) (Usually conducted in May)
Civil Services Main Examination (Written) (Conducted during October/November)
Interview and final Selection (During April/May)

1. Minimum Educational Qualification :

Degree of any recognized university. However candidates studying in final year examination may apply for Preliminary. When he applies for Main Examination, he shall be a Graduate. But the following Engineering discipline are eligible :-

* Civil Engineering,
* Mechanical Engineering,
* Bio Technology,
* Electrical Engineering,
* Physics
* Chemistry
* Statics
* Geology etc.

So you are not eligible in U.P.S.C.

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29th May 2012, 10:13 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible to give UPSC CSE exam while pursuing B.E? How to become an IPS?

hi dear

Eligible for IAS exam:-

*Candidate pass graduation
*age- 21 to 30 years
5 years relaxation for Sc/St candidates
3 years relaxation for Obc candidates

Yes, you also apply for IAS exam because all Graduation candidates apply for this exam.............
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29th May 2012, 10:52 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible to give UPSC CSE exam while pursuing B.E? How to become an IPS?

Yes, you are eligible to apply for UPSC Civil Service Exam in the final year of your Graduation Degree exam.

To become an IPS(Indian Police Service) officer you have to crack Civil Service exam conducted by UPSC once every year.

The candidate having Graduation degree in any discipline within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate with a good Physical Fitness, is eligible to apply for IPS of Civil Service Exam. The final year graduation candidate can also eligible to apply for this.

Physical Requirement for IPS:-


General Male-165cm and Female-150cm
SC/ST Male-160cm and Female-145cm


Female-79cm expandable to 5cm in both the cases.

For further information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in
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29th May 2012, 11:21 PM
Sayyed Shahrukh
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Cool Re: Am I eligible to give UPSC CSE exam while pursuing B.E? How to become an IPS?

Hello Friend..........

Yes you are eligible to apply for the post of IPS after the completion of your engineering. You can apply for the Indian Police services through civil service examination. Civil service examination is conducted by the Union Public service commission every year.

Education Qualification
For the civil service examination a candidate should be graduate in any discipline from the recognized university. A candidate having the degree of engineering, medical or any other higher degree are also eligible to apply for the civil service examination.
Those who are in final year are also eligible to apply for the civil service examination.

Age Limit
For the civil service examination candidate age should be between 21 to 30 years. Relaxation in age is given to the reserved category candidates as per the govt. rule.

For Details :http://www.upsc.gov.in

Thank yOu!!!!!!
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30th May 2012, 12:17 AM
nagendra vijayasree
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Smile Re: Am I eligible to give UPSC CSE exam while pursuing B.E? How to become an IPS?

Originally Posted by chawla raj View Post
my name is raj chawla from ahmedabad. i am persuing 4thB.E. am i eligible to give upsc cse exams held in 2013? .please help to become an ips and please give me better and clear information regarding this
[SIZE=4][/SIZE][SIZE=3]hi friend,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]To get into the IPS, you will have to give the "UPSC held Civil Services Examination". [/SIZE]

It is a common exam for getting into the IAS, IPS etc.
To succeed in the "Civil Services Examination" you first need to understand how the examination is conducted or the "examination format"!
[SIZE=6]Pattern or Format of Civil Service Exam!

[/SIZE]The Civil Service Examination has a complicated format! The complete exam stretches over a period of one year! So, before you go ahead, let us first try to understand the "format" of the exam.
First of all, in the month of May or June there are the"Preliminary examinations". Now, in this examination, there are two papers. The papers are on:
1. General Studies (150 marks)
2. Some optional subject (300 marks)

This exam is just to get you to the next round of the"main exam". This is just to short list candidates. The score you get here is NOT added to your final score.
Now, you are probably wondering what "general studies"and "some optional subject" means, so let us clear that up!

[SIZE=5]General Studies Paper….

[/SIZE]General Studies paper consists of questions on:
Indian Polity & Economy
History of India including Indian National Movement
Indian and World Geography
Current Affairs of National and International Importance
General and day-to-day Science
Mental Ability and Basics of Statistics etc.
Questions on planning, budgeting, developmental programs, latest issues of political and constitutional importance, panchayati raj, electoral reforms, natural resources, culture, growth of nationalism, Committees, Commission etc can be expected every year.
Now-a-days, there is a lot of emphasis on "current affairs" in the general studies paper!
Basically, the syllabus is HUGE and vague. But, don’t worry we shall try to help you with what you need to do. How to prepare for these papers is given later on in the "How to prepare"section…

[SIZE=5]"Some optional subject" paper

[/SIZE]Here you have to give a paper on a subject of your choice. You can choose from the following subjects:
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Indian History
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration
As, you know, to give the exam you need to be a"graduate" in some field. People generally choose their optional subject as the same subject that they graduated in. However, there is no such compulsion. You can choose any subject and give your "optional subject paper" for that subject.
To get the syllabus for the optional subject you pick, you cancheck out this link!
Okay, now after you have given the prelims, you have to wait for the result and see if you got selected for the "Main Examination"! The results generally come out by July or August!
Once the results are out, you will know whether you are going to be appearing for the "Main Examination" or not!

Now, in the main examination, there are "9" papers that you have to give! These papers include:

1 Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
1 English Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
1 General Essay type paper (200 marks)
2 General Studies papers (300 marks each)
4 Optional subjects papers (300 marks each)

you must be an Indian National having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream of Education within the age of 21 to 30 years with an upper age relaxation for SC/ST candidate up to 5 years and for OBC candidate up to 3 years.

Apart from this the candidate applying for IPS has to undergo a standard prescribed Physical Fitness Test.

The Height of the General male candidate should be 165cm and that of female should be 150cm and in case of ST/SC/OBC male candidate should be 160cm and that to female should be 145cm.

The chest of the male candidate should be 85cm and that of female should be 79cm expandable to 5cm for both the cases.

The selection is through three stages:-

CSAT-Civil Service Aptitude Test-Preliminary Exam

Civil Service Main Exam

Personal Interview

For more information you may log on to

[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]good luck[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
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20th July 2012, 11:35 PM
guri kaur
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Default Re: Am I eligible to give UPSC CSE exam while pursuing B.E? How to become an IPS?


-->please check the eligibility criteria given below:-

*you must be indian.

*age limit 21-30 years.

*age relaxation is there for SC/ST/OBC


*height of male candidate 165cm and female 150cm.

*chest of male candidate must be 85cm and female 79cm

*there are three stages for selection:-


-civil service main exam

-personal interview

-->For more information please visit the website:-

all the best....go ahead!!!
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