30th November 2011, 10:30 PM
Which books are the best for preparation of MCA entrance exam?
sir,please suggest me which book is best for the preparation of mca entrance exam
18th January 2012, 01:47 PM
There are several entrance examination like NIMCET, AIMCET etc. Some of the books to prepare for the MCA entrance test are given below;
Objective Book for NIMCET MCA Entrance Exam by JB Dixit MCA Test by a Team of Experts MCA Test by Anil Kumar Garg MCA Mathematics by Santanu Roy MCA Entrance Exam Guide by RPH Editorial Board The Pearson Guide to MCA Entrance Examination by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe |
17th March 2012, 03:41 PM
iam bca final year student.I got 65 percent mark in 10 ,but i took commerce as main stream in 2.am i eligible for writing IIT MCA ENTRANCE test.if so,please give me information about the books to be prepared.Thank you.