3rd February 2013, 12:30 PM
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Can a BA student become an IPS officer?

can b.a student become an ips ooficer?...please give me the details for the same

2nd March 2013, 04:42 PM
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Default Re: Can a BA student become an IPS officer?

Yes, graduates in any subject can apply for IPS. Upper age limit for IPS is 30 years. Category wise relaxation in age is offered for reserved category candidates. Selection to IPS is done through written exam, interview and physical efficiency test. UPSC conducts the selection process.
2nd March 2013, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: Can a BA student become an IPS officer?


you can become IPS officer after ba degree.

IPS exam stands for Indian police services

Educational Qualifications: - have completed your Graduation in any
stream from recognized university....

Final year students are also applicable.....

Age Limit :- 21 - 30 years..

nationality of INDIA...($$ For OBC category : up to 33 years
$$ For SC/ST category : up to 35 years)

there are only 4 attempts available for General category (For OBC 7 attempt limit and for SC/ST no attempt limit).....

for more,
2nd March 2013, 06:57 PM
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Default Re: Can a BA student become an IPS officer?


Yes of course a BA student can apply for IAS exam as well as for IPS exam so if you are dreaming to become an IAS or IPS officer then you can do this easily. The details required by you are as follows :-

First of all let me tell you about the eligibility of the exam :-

Age limit :- Age limit is that a candidate should be more then 20 years of age and less then 30 years of age

Age relaxation :- Age relaxation is given to the candidate falling under reserved category and it is as follows :-

For SC & ST candidate :- 5 year relaxation
For OBC Candidate :- 3 Year relaxation
For General relaxation :- No relaxation

Education :- The candidate who want to apply for both of the course of IPS as well as IAS must be a graduate and the graduation of the candidate must be done from a recognized university

Subject :- There is no subject preference and you can go for the exam with any subject

Percentage :- There is no percentage limit and you can go for the entrance exam with any percentage

If you are in Final year then also you can apply as the final year student are also eligible for the exam.

Number of attempts :-

For SC & ST Unlimited attempts
For OBC 7 Attempts
For general 3 attempts

Exam pattern :-

IAS Preliminary
IAS Mains
IAS Interview

There is a physical and medical exam is also there for the candidate going for IPS exam.

Hope it will help

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15th May 2013, 12:59 AM
kapila Chaudhary
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Default Re: Can a BA student become an IPS officer?

IPS exams are conducted by UPSC every year.
To apply for IPS exam minimum qualification required is Graduation from a recognized University.

To become an IPS Officer One Needs to crack Civil Service Exam.

Age Limit:

General - 21 to 30 yrs

OBC - 21 to 33 yrs

SC/ST - 21 to 35 yrs

Defence Personnal - 21 to 33 yrs

Ex serviceman - 21 to 35 yrs

Physical Standard :Candidate should be physically fit

Number of Attempt

General - 4 attempt

OBC - 7 Attempt

SC/ST - No limit on number of attempt

For complete details go to http://www.upsc.gov.in
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21st June 2013, 10:44 PM
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Default Re: Can a BA student become an IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can b.a student become an ips ooficer?...please give me the details for the same
IPS stands for Indian Police Service. The prelims generally takes place in the first week of May and Mains in the second week of October. This exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission.

Whoever have been appointed to the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Service and already working over there cannot apply for this exam.

Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/am-i-eligible-ips-exam-i-am-student-bca-nsou-899573.html#ixzz2WrrePfKv

IPS Exam Eligibility Criteria:-

$$ You need to be a citizen of India.

$$ You need to have a bachelor's degree in any discipline of your choice from a recognized university.

$$ Since it has not been mentioned as to what percentage should be attained at grad level therefore all you need is a graduate degree.

$$ The minimum age limit for giving this exam is 21 years and the upper age limit is 30 years.

$$ Age Relaxation:-
  1. SC/ST Candidates: 5 years
  2. OBC Candidates: 3 years
  3. PWD Candidates: 10 years

$$ Number of Attempts:-
  1. General - max. 4
  2. OBC - max. 7.
  3. SC/ST - No limit.

$$ The Civil Services Examination will consist of two successive stages.
  1. Civil Services Preliminary Examination (Objective type)
  2. Civil Services Main Examination (Written and Interview)

$$ The preliminary exam consists of two compulsory papers of 200 marks each. Mainly MCQ type questions will be asked and for each paper you will get two hours each. The question papers can be solved both in Hindi and English.

Physical Criteria:-

Hope this helps :-> :->
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29th June 2013, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: Can a BA student become an IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can b.a student become an ips ooficer?...please give me the details for the same

Dear Aspirant,

As you have completed you BA that is Bachelor of Arts that is the Graduation degree then surely you are eligible for this examination.....

IPS stands for the Indian Police Service. this exam is conducted under Civil Service Examination by the Union Public Service Commission every year.....

IPS exam is conducted in the two stages :-
  • Preliminary exam and
  • Main Exam.

Preliminary exam consists at least one optional subjects which you have to choose during the exam stages and Main Exam a consists two optional subjects, the Question to be asked in the exam is related to the General Awareness, Political Science, General Knowledge, History, General English etc......

Exam Pattern:-

** Preliminary Exam
** Main Exam
** Interview & Medical test

Consists 200 marks and the time duration for the exam is 2 hours only.

Consists 200 marks and the time duration for the exam is 2 hours only.

Eligibility and Criteria:-

1. At least Graduate in any Discipline. Final years candidate are also applicable.

2. Age of candidate should be between 21 to 30 years.

3. A candidate must have Nationality of India.

4. For OBC category it is applicable up to 3 years on upper age.

5. For SC/ST category it is applicable up to 5 years on upper age.

6. For General category student can max. 4 Attempt.

7. For OBC category student can Max. 7 Attempt.

8. For SC/ST category student can No attempt Limit.

All the best

With Regards.....
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