13th August 2011, 08:20 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 1

Can I appear for RAS if I am presently serving in Army?

Sir, Myself presently serving in the Army. My date of birth is 19 Jul 1972 and academic qualification is MA (Eng). can I appear for R A S Exam ?

21st October 2011, 12:42 PM
Bishwajit Giri
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Location: Kolkata,West Bengal,India
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Default Re: Can I appear for RAS if I am presently serving in Army?

RAS exam is conducted by Rajasthan Public Service Commission(RPSC)
The exam will be conducted in September every year.

The selection will be done through written test
1:Prelims Exam
2:Main Exam

Preliminary exam will consist of two papers Compulsory Paper,
Optional Subjects Paper

each containing 200 marks and of 2 hours duration
Primarily exam is for qualifying only for the main exam
Optional papers are:

Agriculture,Geology,Agricultural Engineering,Home Science,Animal Husbandry & Veterinary science,

Indian History,Botany,Law,Chemistry,Mathematics,Civil

Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Commerce,Mining Engineering,Crop

Husbandry with Horticulture,Philosophy,Computer

Engineering,Physics,Computer Science,Political Science,Dairy Processing &

Technology,Psychology,Economics,Public Administration,Electrical

Engineering,Sociology,Electronics & Telecommunication


Compulsory paper will have
General Knowledge & General Science

There will be three sections A, B, and C in each paper.
All three sections are compulsory.

Section A: It will have 20 questions of 2 marks each and all questions are compulsory.Each answer should not exceed 15 words

Section B : It will have 12 questions of 5 marks each and all questions are compulsory. Each answer should not exceed 50 words

Section C : It will have 7 questions and one has to attempt five questions from them, each question is of 20 marks each and its answer should not exceed 200 words

Rajasthan GK and GS paper Pattern :

Both papers carry 100 marks each and divided into three sections A, B and C
i)Section A of 30 marks having 15 questions of 2 marks each.

ii)Section B of 40 marks having 10 questions of 4 marks each.

iii)Section C of 30 marks having 7 question and one has to attempt 5 question and each question carries 6 marks each

The General Knowledge & General Science will contain:
1:Current Affairs

2:General Science

3:Geography and Natural resources

4:Agriculture and Economic Development of India

6:History and Culture


8:Agriculture & Industry

9: Economic Development and Planning

For details syllabus visit:http://rpsc.gov.in/ras_exam_2010.pdf

for more details visit:www.rpsc.gov.in

For preparation,there is an attachment below,in which there are some papers
for the RAS examination:
Attached Files
File Type: docx RAS paper.docx(17.3 KB, 64 views)
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