20th June 2012, 10:26 PM
Is the combination of ICWA and CS a good choice?
Is the combination of icwa & cs a good choice or just one of them will be better.does doing both have a good scope in the market?
6th August 2012, 03:56 PM
Re: Is the combination of ICWA and CS a good choice?
The two courses offer scope in different areas. By pursuing ICWA course you will be specialisation in the field of cost and management accounting. CS course on the other hand is suitable for you only if you interested in specialising in corporate law. So even if you pursue both these courses you will have to choose between either of them for making a career. Both the courses have good scope but it is advisable to have additional qualifications like having a law degree along with CS will be useful for making a career in the field.
6th August 2012, 05:38 PM
Re: Is the combination of ICWA and CS a good choice?
ICWA and MBA in Finance/Chartered Accountancy is better combination of courses and Company Secretary if done with law degree create best career opportunities . However if any one of above courses can be done by candidate than he can make very good career. Chartered Accountancy Cost and Management Accounting (ICWA) Company Secretary MBA in Finance All the above course are best courses for Commerce background students. Doing any one of them can create very good career for student. But in Case of MBA in Finance student should very well keep in a mind that this course should be done from good institution otherwise it could prove futile. You have asked for ICWA and Company Secretary course. Both the course are very good courses. Doing any one of them could create good career path for you. Company Secretary guides the company in almost all the matter of the company whether it is financial,legal or management matter of the company. CS can also guide on the corporate governance,ethics etc Where as ICWA course trained you in accounting,cost and management audit and tax function but this course is more focus on how to reduce the cost of production of any company/organization. You can directly enroll for second stage in both the courses if you are graduate from recognized university and complete the course in 2/3 year if you clear the papers in one attempt. WEBSITE for more info about the course ICWA - www.myicwai.com- CS - www.icsi.edu |
25th January 2013, 04:16 PM
Re: Is the combination of ICWA and CS a good choice?
is the combination of icwa & cs a good choice or just one of them will be better. *The tow couses offer scope in diffrent areas by pursuing icwa course you will be specialisation in the fild of cost and management accounting cs course on the other hand is suitable in sprcialising in corporate law. Both the courses have good scope but it is advisable to have additional qualifications like having a law degree along with cs will be useful for making a carees in the field |