26th May 2011, 07:31 AM
sonali jogdand
Join Date: May 2011
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Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

now i am comleting msc computer science plz send me eligiblity syllabus and how to prepare for set net

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26th May 2011, 09:16 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

The last date for application for the June exam is over. You can apply for the exam to be held in December provided you complete your post graduation by then. Your age will not be a issue as no limits for the same has been specified. The syllabus will based on your post graduation. Details of the same are available in the UPSC site.
26th May 2011, 09:22 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

NET exams are conducting twice a year, i.e., in the months of June and December by UGC. The notifications announcing the June and December examinations are published in the months of March and September respectively in the weekly Employment News.
so you can apply for june month NET......

the eligibility criteria for NET is M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D.

A candidate can also apply for the Test under RA (Result Awaited) category, if he/she is appearing or has appeared in his/her final year (III/IV Semester where Semester system is there) of M.Sc. or equivalent degree examination in subjects mentioned in above. Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of the Deptt./Institute over his/her signature and rubber stamp (with address and name) from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared in the final year M.SC or equivalent degree examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Test provisionally. They shall only be considered eligible for JRF-(NET)/LS-(NET), if they are able to produce the proof of having passed the Master’s Degree examination in the relevant or related subject with the requisite percentage of marks and within the stipulated time frame.

Pattern for NET exam will be divided in two parts:--

PART A(two and a half hour)

There will be 40 objective type questions and Candidates are required to answer any 25 questions.
If candidate answers more than 25 questions, only the first 25 answers will be evaluated.
All questions shall be of 2 marks each. and there will be negative marks for each wrong answer..


  1. General information on Science and its interface with society to test the candidate’s awareness of science, aptitude of scientific and quantitative reasoning.

PART B(two and a half hour)


It will contain specilalized subject choosed by candidate and since your specialization is life science..
26th May 2011, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

the eligibility fir the NET exam is that one should have M.Sc or equivalent degree with a minimum of the 55% of the marks ..

the detailed syllabus of the net exam for the computer science and application is as follows ::::

Subject: Computer Science And Application


There will be two question papers, Paper-II and paper-III(Part A & Part B) paper –II will be cover 50 objective type question(Multiple type, matching type ,true/false, Assertion Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks Paper-III will have two parts Part-A and Part-B

Paper-III will have 10 short essay type question (300 words) carrying 16 marks ach. In it there will be one question with internal choice from each unit (i.e 10 question form 10 units Total marks will be 160) Paper-IIIB will be compulsory and there will be one question form each of the elective. The candidate will attempt only one question (One elective only in 800 words) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of paper-III will be 200


1. Discrete Structure

Sets, relation, Functions, Pigeonhole Principle, inclusion -Exclusion Principle, Equivalence and Partial orderings, elementary counting techniques Probability, Measures for Information and total information

Compatibility: Model of computation-Finite Automata, Pushdown Automata, Non-determinism and NFS, DPDA and PDAs and languages accepted by these structure, Grammars languages, non compatibility and example of non computable problems

Graph-definitions walks paths, trails, connected graphs, regular and bipartite graphs, cycles and circuits, tree and rooted tree, spanning trees, eccentricity of a vertex radius and diameter of a graph, central graphs, centers of a tree, Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs, planar graphs

Group: Finite field and error correcting / detecting codes

2. Computer Arithmetic

Proportional (Boolean Logic), Predicate Logic, Well formed formula (WFF), Satisfactory and tautology

Logic Families: TTL, ECL and C-MOS sates, Boolean algebra and minimization of Boolean functions, Flip-Flop types race conditions and comparison, Design of combinational and sequential circuits

Representation of Integer: Octal, Hex, Decimal and Binary, 2;s Complement and 1′s complement arithmetic, Floating point representation

3. Programming in C and C++

Programming in C: Element of C-Tokens, Identifiers, Data types in C, Control structure in C, Sequence selection and iteration, Structured data types in C-arrays, structure, union, string an pointers

O-O Programming concepts: Classes , Object, installation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and overloading

C++ Programming: Element of C++ Tokens,. identifiers, Variable and constants, Data types, Operator, Control Statement, Function parameter passing, Class and object, Constructor and destructor, overloading inheritance temples , exception handling

4. Relational database design and SQL

E-R Diagram and their transformation to relation design, normalization -INF, 2NF and BCNF

SQL: Data definition language(DDL) Data manipulation language (DML), Data control language (DCL) commands database objects like. Views indexes, sequences , synonyms , data dictionary

5. Data and file Structure

Data information ,definition of data structure, arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees,. graphs, priority queues, and heaps

File Structure: Fields, records, and files sequential direct, index Sequential and elative files Hashing, inverted lists multi list, B trees and B+ trees

6. Computer Network

Network Fundaments: Local area Network (LAN), metropolitan Area Network *(MKAN), Wide area Network (WAN)m, Wireless Network , Inter Network

Reference Model: The OSI model , TCP/IP model

Data Communication: cannel capacity. Transmission media. Twisted pasi Coaxial cables, Fiber optic cables, Wireless transmission -radio, microwave infrared and millimeter waves Light wave transmission , telephones-local loop, trunks, multiplexing switching, narrowband ISDNm broadband ISDNm ATM, High speed LANS, Cellular radio Communication satellite-Geosynchronous and low orbit

Internetworking: Switch/Hub . Bridge, router, Gateways Concatahetsd virtual circuits, Tunneling, Fragmentation Firewalls

Routing: Virtual circuits and datagram’s, Routing algorithms , congestion control

Network Security: Cryptography-Public key, Secret Key, domain Name System (DNS), electronics mail and worldwide web (WWW), the DNs Resource Records Name Services, E-Mail Architecture and Servers

7. System Software

Assemble language fundamental (8085 based assembly language programming), Assemblr-2 pass and single pass, Macros and Microprocessor
Loading , linking, program recordable, linkage editing

text editor programming environments debugger and program generator

Compilation and interpretation, Bootstrap compiler. Phase of Compilation process, Lexical analysis, Lex package on UNIX System

context free grammar, Parsing and parse trees, representation pf parse (derivation) trees as nightmare and leftmost derivation , Bottom up parsers=-Shift reduce, operator, precedence, and LR . YACC package an on UNIX system

Top down parses-Left recursion and its removal , recursive descend pares. Predictive parses, Intermediate codes, Quadruples, Triples, Intermediate code generation , Code generation, Code optimization

8. Operating System(with Case study of UNIX)

Main function of operating system, Multiprogramming multiprocessing and multitasking

Memory management: Virtual memory, Paging, fragmentation

Concurrent processing: mutual exclusion, critical regions, locks ad unlock

Scheduling: CPU Scheduling. I/o Scheduling, resource scheduling, Banker’s Algorithm for deadlock handling


the Unix system: File system,. process management, bourne shell shell variables, command line programming

Filters and commands: Pr, Head , tail, cut paste. siort, uniq, tr, join, etc…Grep, egrep, fgrep etc, sed, awk, etc.

System calls (like): create, open, close, read, write, seem link, unlink, stat, fstat, unmask, chmos, exec, fork, wair, system

9. Software engineering

System development cycle(SDCL) : Steps, water fall model, Prototypes, Spiral model

Software Metrics : Software Project Management

Software Design : System Design , Detailed design., function oriented design, Object oriented design, user interface design, Design level metrics

Coding and testing : testing level metrics, Software quality ad reliability, clean room approach, Software reengineering

10. Current Trends and Technologies

The topic of current interest in Computer Science and Computer application hall be recovered. The expert shall use their judgment from time to time to include the topics of popular interest , which are expected to be known for an application development software professional they include

Parallel computing

Parallel virtual machine (PVM), and message passing interface (mpi), libraries and calls, Advanced architecture, Today’s fastest computers

Mobile Computing

Mobile Connectivity-Cells, Framework, wireless delivery technology and switching methods, mobile information access devices , mobile data internetworking standards, cellular data communication protocols , mobile computing application, Mobile database-Protocol, scope, tools, and technology, M-Business


Electronic Commerce: Framework , Media convergence of Application, Consumer application , Organization application

Electronic payment System: Digital SyToken, Smart Cards, Credit Cards, Risks in Electronics Payment system Designing electronic payment system

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): concept, Application (legal security and privacy), Issues, EDI and Electronic commerce Standardization and EDI, EDI Software implementation, EDI , envelope for message Transport, Internet-based EDI

Digital Libraries and Data warehousing: Concept , Types of Digital Documents , Issues behind document infrastructure, Cooperate data warehouses

Software Agents: Chaatetstics and Properties of Agents Technology behind software agents(Applets, Browser and Software Agents)

Broad band Telecommunication: Concept, Frame relay, Cell relay, Switched Multimegabite Data Services, Asynchronous, Transfer Mode

Main Concepts in geographical Information System (GIS), E-Cash E-Business, ERP packages

Data Ware housing: Data Ware housing environments, Architecture of a data warehouses methodology, Analysis design, Construction and administration

Data Mining: Extraction models and pattern form large database , data miming techniques , classification regression, clustering summarization, dependency modeling, link analysis, sequencing analysis, mining scientific and business data

Windows Programming

Introduction to Windows programming: Win32 Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), Documents and views, Resources message handling n windows

Simple Application (in windows)

Scrolling. splitting views. docking toolbars status bar, common dialogue

Advanced Windows Programming

Multiple document Interface (MDI), Multiplex threading, Object linking and Embedding (OLE), Active X control Active template Library (ATL), Network programming


Core Group


Combinational circuit design, Sequential Circuit design, Hardware ad Micro programmed processor design, Instruction formats, Addressing models Memory types and organization, Interfacing peripheral devices, Interrupts

Microprocessor architecture, Instruction set and Programming (8085. P-III/P-IV), Microprocessor applications


Database concepts, ER diagrams, Data model, Design of Relational Database, Normalization, SQL and QBE, Query Processing and Optimization, Centralized and Distributed Database, Security, Concurrency an recovery in centralized and Distributed Database System, Object oriented Database Management System (Concept, composite object , Integration with RDBMS application), ORACLE


Display system , input devise, 2D, geometry, Graphics operation, 3D Graphics, Animation Graphic Standard, Application

concepts, Storage Devices, Input Tools, Authoring Tools, Application files


Programming language , concepts, Paradigm and models

Data , Data types, Operators, Expressions, Assignments , Flow of control-Control Structure, I/O Statement, User Defined and Built in Function parameter passing

Principles , Classes, Inheritance, Class hierarchies, Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, reference semantics and their implementation

Principles, functions, lists, types and polymorphism, higher order functions lazy evaluation equations and pattern matching

Principles , horn clauses and their execution, logical variables relations, data structure, Controlling the search order, programme development in prolog implementation of prolog, example programme in prolog

Principle of parallelism co routines, Communication and execution, Parallel virtual Machine (PVM) and message passing interface (MPI), routine an calls , Parallel programmes in PVM paradigm a swell as MPI, paradigm for simple problems like matrix multiplication

Preconditions , post conditions, axiomatic approaches for semantic, correction’s denotation semantics

Complier structure, Compiler construction tools, coalition phases

Finite Automata, Pushdown Automata, Non-Determinations, and NFA, DPDA and PDAs and language accepted by these structure, Grammars, language-Types of grammar-type,0, type 1, tope 2, type 3, The relationship between types of grammars, and finite machine, Pushdown automata and context free Framers, Lexical Analysis-regular express and regular languages.LEX pacemaker on UNIX, Conversion of NFA to DFA minimizing the number of states in a DFA, Compilation an interpretation Bootstrap Compilers

Context free grammars, Parsing and parse trees, representation of parse trees as rightmost ma leftmost derivation. Bottom up parsers-shift reduce, operator precedence an LR, YACC package on UNIX, system, Top down parsers-Left recursion and its removal , recursive descent Parsers, Predictive parser Intermediate codes-Quadruples, triples, Intermediate code generation, Code generation , Code optimization


Analogue and Digital Transmission, Asynchronous and Synchronous transitions Transmission media, Multiplexing and Concentration Switch if techniques Polling

Topologies m Networking devices, OSI, Reference Model Protocol for -(i) Data link layer, (ii) Network layer and (iii) Transpire layer , TCP/IP Protocol Network security, Network Administration


Definition , simple and composite structure, Arraue lists, stacks queues, Priority Queues, Binary trees , B-Trees Graphs

Sorting searching Algorithms, Analysis of algorithms, Interpolation and Binary search, Asymmetric notation, Bih ohm, Omega and Theta, Average case case analysis of simple programmes like finding of maximum of n elements, recursion and its systematic removal, Quicksort-Non-recurive implementation with minimal stake storage, Design of algorithm(divide and Conquer, greedy method, Dynamic programming Back tracking, Brach and Bound(), Lower bound theory, Non-deterministic algorithm Non-Deterministic algprogramming, construct, Simple non-deterministic programs, NP-hard and NP-complete problems


Object, message, classed, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, aggregation, abstract, lasses, generalization and extension and restriction m Object oriented design, Multiple, inheritance metadata

HTML, DHTML, XML, Scripting, JAVA, Sevelets, Applets


Software development models, Requirement analysis and specification software design Programming techniques and tools software validation and quality assurance techniques, Software maintenance and advanced concepts , Software management


Introduction, memory management, Support for concurrent process Scheduling, System deadlock, Multiplexing system , I/O Management distributes operating system Study of UNIX and Window NT


definition, AI approach foe sloping problems

Automated Reasoning with propositional logic and predicate logic-Fundamental proof procedure, Refutation , resolution refinement to resolution (ordering/Pruning/Restriction strategies)

State solace representation of problems, Bounding functions, breadth first depth first, A, A*, AO* etc performance, comparison of various techniques

Frame, scripts, Semantic nets, production systems, Procedurural representation , Prolog programming

Components of an expert system, Knowledge representation and acquisition techniques, Building expert system and shell

RTNs. ATBNS. Parsing of Ambiguous, CFGs Tree Adjoining Grammars (TAGs)

Systems approach to planning , designing, Development, Implementation and evaluation of MIS

Decision making process, evaluation of DDS, Group decision support system And case studies, Adaptive design approach to DSS development, Cognitive style in DSS, Integrating experts and decision support systems




Theoory of computation: Formal language, need for formal computational model, Non-Computational model on computational problems, Diagonal argument and Russell’s paradox

Deterministic Finite Automata(DFA), Non deterministic finite Automaton (NFA),Digital languages ad regular sets Equivalence, of DFA, and NFA

Minimizing the numbers of state of a DFA, non regulate language m, and pumping lemma

Pushdown Automaton (PDA. Deterministic, Pushdoam Automaton (DPDA), No equivalence of PDA and DPDA

Context free grammars: greenback Normal form (GNF) ad Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Ambiguity , Parse Tree, representation of derivation, Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG;s Parsing techniques for parsing of general CFG’ -Early’s Cook-Kassami-YUNGer (CKY) and Tomitta parsing

Linear Bounded Automaton (LBA): Power of LBA , Closure Properties

Turing Machine (TM) : One tape, Multiple, the notion of time and space complexity in terms of TM, Construction of TM for simple problems, Computational Complexity
Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages: Recursive and Recursively enumerable language


Model for information Channel: Discrete Memory less channel, Binary Symmetric Channel(BSC), Burst channel, Bit-error rates, Probability, entropy and Shannon’s measure of information, Mutual information, channel capacity theorem, rate and optimally of information transform mission

Variable Length codes: Prefix Codes, Human Codes, lempel -Ziew (LZ) Codes, Optimally of these cases Information content of these codes

Error Correcting and detecting Codes: Finite fields, Hamming Distance, Bounds of Codes, Linear (Party check) Codes, Parity check matrix, generator Matrix, Decoding of linear codes, Hamming Codes

Image Processing: Image Processing, Spatial Fourier, Transform Discrete Spatial Fourier Transform Restoration , Loss compression of image s(pictures)

Data compression techniques :representation and compression of text, sound, picture, and video files based of MPEG and JPEG standards


Linear programming Problem (LPP) in the standard form, LPP in canonical form, conversion of LPP in Standard form to LPP in Canonical form

Simplex-Prevention of cyclic computation in simplex and Tableau,. Big-M method, Dual Simplex and reviewed simplex

Complexity of simple Algorithm(s), Exponential behaviors of simplex

Ellipsoid method and Karmakar’s Method for solving LPPs . Solving simple LLPs through theses methods, comparison of complexity of theses methods

Assignment and Transportation Problems: Simple algorithm like Hungarian method etc

Shortest Path Problems: Dijkstra’a and Moore’s method Complexity

Network Flow problem: Formulation, Max Flow min-Cut Theorem. Ford and Fulkerson;s algorithm,. Exponential behavior of f rod and fulkerson;s alorithim, Malhotra-Promod KUMar-Maheswari (MPM), Polynomial Method for solving network problem, Bipartite Graphs and Matching, Solving matching using network flow problems

Matriods: Definition, Graphic and co graphic matriods, Matriods intersection problem

Non-Linear programming: Kuhn-Tucker conditions, Convex function and Convex region, Convex programming problems, Algorithms for solving convex programming problems-Rate of convergence of iterative method for solving theses problems


Neural network: Perception Model, Linear Severability and XOR problem, Two and three layered neural network, Backprpaogation-Convergence, Hopfield nets, Neural net Learning, Application

Fuzzy System: Definition of a Fuzzy ste, fuzzy relation, fuzzy functions, Fuzzy measures, Fuzzy reasoning, Application of Fuzzy systems


UNIX: Operating system, Structure of UNIX, Operating system, UNIX Commands, Interfacing with UNIX, Editors and Compliers for UNIX, LEX and YACC , File System, System calls, Filters, Shell programming

Windows: Windows environment,. Unicode, Documents and Views, Drawing in window, Message handing, Scrolling and Splitting views, Docking toolbar and status bar, Common dialogue and control, MDI, Multithreading , OLE, Active X Control, ATL, Database, access, Network programming
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26th May 2011, 06:18 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?


M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates; 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D. degree holders who had passed Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991.....
for 1st paper you have to answer 25 questions amongst 40 questions within an hour...
each will carry 2 marks and will have negative marking for incorrect answer..........
syllabus of 2nd paper is according to your subject which you may confirm by website
all the best
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26th May 2011, 06:48 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

master degree is the eligibility and can apply for net set.
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26th May 2011, 08:24 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

Originally Posted by sonali jogdand View Post
now i am comleting msc computer science plz send me eligiblity syllabus and how to prepare for set net

the eligibility criteria for NET is M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates

Pattern for NET exam will be divided in two parts:--

PART A(two and a half hour)

There will be 40 objective type questions and Candidates are required to answer any 25 questions.
If candidate answers more than 25 questions, only the first 25 answers will be evaluated.
All questions shall be of 2 marks each. and there will be negative marks for each wrong answer..


1. General information on Science and its interface with society to test the candidate’s awareness of science, aptitude of scientific and quantitative reasoning.

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26th May 2011, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

Originally Posted by sonali jogdand View Post
now i am comleting msc computer science plz send me eligiblity syllabus and how to prepare for set net

the eligibility criteria for NET is M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.

Pattern for NET exam will be divided in two parts:--

PART A(two and a half hour)

There will be 40 objective type questions and Candidates are required to answer any 25 questions.
If candidate answers more than 25 questions, only the first 25 answers will be evaluated.
All questions shall be of 2 marks each. and there will be negative marks for each wrong answer..


1. General information on Science and its interface with society to test the candidate’s awareness of science, aptitude of scientific and quantitative reasoning.

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28th May 2011, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

Originally Posted by sonali jogdand View Post
now i am comleting msc computer science plz send me eligiblity syllabus and how to prepare for set net
Hey friend,

  1. The candidate must finish their Master's degree from a recognized university with 55% aggregate.For SC/ST/VH/PH candidates it is 50%.
  2. The candidates must appear with the subjects of their post graduation only.

Refer the file attached for information regarding the NET syllabus.

Thank you.
Attached Files
File Type: doc NET Computer syllabus.doc(68.0 KB, 125 views)
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30th May 2011, 02:04 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

now i am completing btech, my grop is ECE i can write thiz xam or not.....ifi can write whts the syllabus
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4th June 2011, 01:38 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

Can I do M.Sc. Physics by distance education in delhi since i am B.Sc. Pass regular from hansraj college? Is it eligible for NET exam?
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7th June 2011, 11:57 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

I have completed my MCM(master of computer management)of pune university,please tell me am i eligible for the SET/NET exam
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15th June 2011, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

only syllabus of zoology/ life science
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27th June 2011, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

is the syjjunus for NET and SET exams same?
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3rd July 2011, 02:14 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

If we have passed set/net exam then we can get job without donetion
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10th July 2011, 12:00 PM
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Smile Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i'm completing my MA please send me books name, syllabus & how to prepare NET SET exam ?
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21st July 2011, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

How do the study of set net
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3rd August 2011, 09:56 PM
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Question Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
i'm completing my MA please send me books name, syllabus & how to prepare NET SET exam ?
set net examination information
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3rd August 2011, 10:04 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 3
Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

Originally Posted by priyanka_swengg View Post
NET exams are conducting twice a year, i.e., in the months of June and December by UGC. The notifications announcing the June and December examinations are published in the months of March and September respectively in the weekly Employment News.
so you can apply for june month NET......

the eligibility criteria for NET is M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D.

A candidate can also apply for the Test under RA (Result Awaited) category, if he/she is appearing or has appeared in his/her final year (III/IV Semester where Semester system is there) of M.Sc. or equivalent degree examination in subjects mentioned in above. Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of the Deptt./Institute over his/her signature and rubber stamp (with address and name) from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared in the final year M.SC or equivalent degree examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Test provisionally. They shall only be considered eligible for JRF-(NET)/LS-(NET), if they are able to produce the proof of having passed the Master’s Degree examination in the relevant or related subject with the requisite percentage of marks and within the stipulated time frame.

Pattern for NET exam will be divided in two parts:--

PART A(two and a half hour)

There will be 40 objective type questions and Candidates are required to answer any 25 questions.
If candidate answers more than 25 questions, only the first 25 answers will be evaluated.
All questions shall be of 2 marks each. and there will be negative marks for each wrong answer..


  1. General information on Science and its interface with society to test the candidate’s awareness of science, aptitude of scientific and quantitative reasoning.

PART B(two and a half hour)


It will contain specilalized subject choosed by candidate and since your specialization is life science..
set net syllabus
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4th August 2011, 04:25 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

Originally Posted by sonali jogdand View Post
now i am comleting msc computer science plz send me eligiblity syllabus and how to prepare for set net
Dear friend,

eligibility criteria for NET*

M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates*
and 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D.*

Age Eligibility:

For Juniour resaerch fellowship: 19 to 28 years
For lecturership: There is no upper age limit.Minimum age is 19 years.

so after completion of your master degree you are eligible for NET exam.

All the best
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21st August 2011, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

if i passed mca and set examination is it possible to get job on senior college?LIKE B.SC(COMPUTER)
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2nd September 2011, 10:20 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

syllabus of env sci
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6th September 2011, 09:14 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

I am a Post Graduate in Management, PGDBA,and its a Post Graduate Diploma, will I be eligible to take the NET?
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23rd October 2011, 04:19 PM
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1st November 2011, 05:14 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i m pg student . can tell m i m eligible for net set exam ?
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3rd November 2011, 11:25 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i am doing MA in english,please send me eligibility for net exam and prescribed syllabus for appearing.please tell me its exam pattern also.
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12th December 2011, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i AM NOW COMPLITING MY PG in chemistry what is the syllabus for net exam for chemistry?
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12th December 2011, 07:40 PM
Join Date: Dec 2011
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

NET exams are conducting twice a year, i.e., in the months of June and December by UGC. The notifications announcing the June and December examinations are published in the months of March and September respectively in the weekly Employment News.
so you can apply for june month NET......

the eligibility criteria for NET is M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D.

A candidate can also apply for the Test under RA (Result Awaited) category, if he/she is appearing or has appeared in his/her final year (III/IV Semester where Semester system is there) of M.Sc. or equivalent degree examination in subjects mentioned in above. Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of the Deptt./Institute over his/her signature and rubber stamp (with address and name) from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared in the final year M.SC or equivalent degree examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Test provisionally. They shall only be considered eligible for JRF-(NET)/LS-(NET), if they are able to produce the proof of having passed the Master’s Degree examination in the relevant or related subject with the requisite percentage of marks and within the stipulated time frame.

Pattern for NET exam will be divided in two parts:--

PART A(two and a half hour)

There will be 40 objective type questions and Candidates are required to answer any 25 questions.
If candidate answers more than 25 questions, only the first 25 answers will be evaluated.
All questions shall be of 2 marks each. and there will be negative marks for each wrong answer..


General information on Science and its interface with society to test the candidate’s awareness of science, aptitude of scientific and quantitative reasoning.

PART B(two and a half hour)


It will contain specilalized subject choosed by candidate and since your specialization is life science..
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17th December 2011, 12:17 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i've completed my MBA in HR please send me books name, syllabus & how to prepare NET SET exam ?my email add:[email protected]
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16th January 2012, 08:38 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

I want to apply for net set exam. I have completed LLM with Intelectual property rights
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17th January 2012, 04:31 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

sir i am the student of pharmacy plz tel me the sylabas of the exam
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27th March 2012, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i have done MSc (Computer science) and got 49 % ,Plz tell me i am eligible for the SET/NET exam...??
i am waiting for reply

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23rd April 2012, 10:16 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i have given exam B.A. 1st year. plz advice about the net exam.
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8th July 2012, 01:51 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

I have completed Msc biotechnology and i want to know the syllubus for NET exam?
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13th July 2012, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

I am Nitin Bhosale.i have in MCA last year. how to prepare it
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7th August 2012, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i have completed my m.a with first class in hindi .how to prepare?
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15th August 2012, 05:31 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 182
Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

NET exams are conducting twice a year, i.e., in the months of June and December by UGC. The notifications announcing the June and December examinations are published in the months of March and September respectively in the weekly Employment News.
so you can apply for june month NET......

the eligibility criteria for NET is M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D.

A candidate can also apply for the Test under RA (Result Awaited) category, if he/she is appearing or has appeared in his/her final year (III/IV Semester where Semester system is there) of M.Sc. or equivalent degree examination in subjects mentioned in above. Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of the Deptt./Institute over his/her signature and rubber stamp (with address and name) from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared in the final year M.SC or equivalent degree examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Test provisionally. They shall only be considered eligible for JRF-(NET)/LS-(NET), if they are able to produce the proof of having passed the Master’s Degree examination in the relevant or related subject with the requisite percentage of marks and within the stipulated time frame.

Pattern for NET exam will be divided in two parts:--

PART A(two and a half hour)

There will be 40 objective type questions and Candidates are required to answer any 25 questions.
If candidate answers more than 25 questions, only the first 25 answers will be evaluated.
All questions shall be of 2 marks each. and there will be negative marks for each wrong answer..


General information on Science and its interface with society to test the candidate’s awareness of science, aptitude of scientific and quantitative reasoning.

PART B(two and a half hour)


It will contain specilalized subject choosed by candidate and since your specialization is life science..

Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/eligibility-syllabus-set-net-exam-how-prepare-182989.html#ixzz23byhkLWq
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15th August 2012, 05:33 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 182
Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

eligibility criteria for NET*

M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates*
and 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D.*

Age Eligibility:

For Juniour resaerch fellowship: 19 to 28 years
For lecturership: There is no upper age limit.Minimum age is 19 years.

so after completion of your master degree you are eligible for NET exam.

Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/eligibility-syllabus-set-net-exam-how-prepare-182989.html#ixzz23bysg96Y
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15th August 2012, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?


NET exams are conducting twice a year, i.e., in the months of June and December by UGC. The notifications announcing the June and December examinations are published in the months of March and September respectively in the weekly Employment News.
so you can apply for june month NET......

the eligibility criteria for NET is M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned above, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D.

A candidate can also apply for the Test under RA (Result Awaited) category, if he/she is appearing or has appeared in his/her final year (III/IV Semester where Semester system is there) of M.Sc. or equivalent degree examination in subjects mentioned in above. Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of the Deptt./Institute over his/her signature and rubber stamp (with address and name) from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared in the final year M.SC or equivalent degree examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Test provisionally. They shall only be considered eligible for JRF-(NET)/LS-(NET), if they are able to produce the proof of having passed the Master’s Degree examination in the relevant or related subject with the requisite percentage of marks and within the stipulated time frame.

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10th September 2012, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i am a Mtech student in comuter science IIIrd Semester,can i give the exam if so then say me about the comimng exam date
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9th January 2013, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

helo, i hav completed m.sc. ana chem. pls giv mi the syllabus for set(maharashtra) and net exams for 2013. thank u.
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28th February 2013, 11:33 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

i have scored 52% in MCOM and Iam belongs to Karnatak state then pls let me know that is iam eligiable for cast reservation for maharashtra state.
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24th September 2013, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

please tell me the syllabus, I am appearing for December 2013 set exam and I have only 2 months in my hand
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31st July 2014, 12:07 AM
Baiu Mohan
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 1
Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

sir, i have completed BE in Computer Science and engineering in 2014 in a deemed university. And I have planned to do my ME in Computer science and Engineering. Do i have to write SET exam to get a job as an assistant professor in a reputed college. What are the institutions offering jobs for only net and set qualified candidates only.And what is the syllabus for Computer science and engineering in SET and NET. Please e-mail me sir.
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22nd January 2017, 11:54 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility & syllabus for SET/NET exam? How to prepare?

Dear sir, I have done my M.A (Education) with 50% from Rajiv Gandhi University (Central University) but I have no B.ed certificate so, am I eligible for SLET examination.
Reply soon.
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