6th May 2010, 11:40 AM
How to do PhD in Computer Science?
i want to PhD in computer science but how/ give me details/
6th May 2010, 05:57 PM
hi, friend
first let us clearly understand what is involved in doing a PhD. PhD is, as everyone knows, about doing research. And research is about formulating problems or questions whose answers the research or practitioner community wants to know, and whose answers are not known. Doing research is to provide some answer to these questions. So, the key aspects of doing a PhD are (a) formulating a question or a problem that is of interest and that can be solved, and (b) providing a useful/interesting solution to the stated problem. The results obtained are presented in national/international conferences, and/or submitted to scientific journals. The problems that are addressed by a PhD scholar can range from very difficult open problems to evolutionary technology issues. In Computer Science, the problem area can range from highly theoretical/mathematical to modeling and experimentation or building new technologies. For example, there are a lot of open problems regarding the complexity of solving some problems algorithmically (for example, checking whether a number is a prime - a problem for which an efficient solution was proposed only recently by Prof. Agarwal of CSE/IITK). These problems typically involve complex theoretical and mathematical development. Similarly, there are many problems that require understanding the behavior of various systems. Approaching such problems frequently uses modeling and experimentation. Then there are problems of the type where something innovative and useful is done using computers and software. Working on such problems typically involves building systems and prototypes. In other words, a scholar doing a PhD in Computer Science has a wide range of areas to choose from, depending on his inclination, ability, and interests. good luck... |
7th May 2010, 12:05 AM
dear friend
There are number of universities and institutes available like IIT Delhi, Delhi University, Jamia Milia Islamia, Bharthidasan University, from were you can pursue PhD in Computer Science..... For information regarding universities and institutes abroad for pursuing Ph.D in Computer science, then please visit this site- http://www.studyplaces.com/study-abroad/courses/-/Computers%20and%20Information%20Technology/-/PhD. ok all the best. |
31st May 2010, 12:44 AM
some colleges are:
IIT, Chennai (Est: 1958) Address: Sardar Patel Road, Chennai - 600036 Tel: 4458000 Seats: 1,660 Cut off: Entrance exam IIT, Delhi (Est: 1962) Address: Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016 Website: www.iitd.ernet.in The IIT edge apart, it stands out for its innovative "venture incubation" programmes and alumni funding. IIT, Kanpur (Est: 1960 ) Address: Kalyanpur, Kanpur e-mail: director@iitk.ac.in Seats: 450 There's no hierarchy here: senior professors attend classes taught by young assistants. Has slipped from its No.1 position but it remains a trendsetter. IIT, Kharagpur (Est:1950) Address: Kharagpur, West Bengal - 721302 Tel: 55221 e-mail: jee@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in IIT, Powai (Est: 1958) Address: Powai, Mumbai - 400076 Tel: 5782545 e-mail: pro@cciitb.ernet.in |
31st May 2010, 12:52 AM
some colleges are:
IIT, Chennai (Est: 1958) Address: Sardar Patel Road, Chennai - 600036 Tel: 4458000 Seats: 1,660 Cut off: Entrance exam IIT, Delhi (Est: 1962) Address: Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016 Website: www.iitd.ernet.in The IIT edge apart, it stands out for its innovative "venture incubation" programmes and alumni funding. IIT, Kanpur (Est: 1960 ) Address: Kalyanpur, Kanpur e-mail: director@iitk.ac.in Seats: 450 There's no hierarchy here: senior professors attend classes taught by young assistants. Has slipped from its No.1 position but it remains a trendsetter. IIT, Kharagpur (Est:1950) Address: Kharagpur, West Bengal - 721302 Tel: 55221 e-mail: jee@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in IIT, Powai (Est: 1958) Address: Powai, Mumbai - 400076 Tel: 5782545 e-mail: pro@cciitb.ernet.in |
31st May 2010, 02:08 AM
See there is no entrance examination for admission in Phd you have to apply separately for different colleges just fill up the application form mentioning the subject of research and submit you will get call.
31st May 2010, 10:41 AM
dear friend, there are so many ways you can do PhD in computer science some steps are:
1. either you can do B.Tech in CSE then M.Tech then PhD. 2.or you can do BCA then MCA then M.Tech/M.Phil then PhD. 3.or you can do B.Sc(IT) then M.Sc (IT) then M.Phil then PhD. its depend upon you that which field you have opt for your graduation degree. & kindly visit the official websites of different reputed colleges which will provide you the degree of PhD. good luck. |
31st May 2010, 10:43 AM
dear friend, there are so many ways you can do PhD in computer science some steps are:
1. either you can do B.Tech in CSE then M.Tech then PhD. 2.or you can do BCA then MCA then M.Tech/M.Phil then PhD. 3.or you can do B.Sc(IT) then M.Sc (IT) then M.Phil then PhD. its depend upon you that which field you have opt for your graduation degree. & kindly visit the official websites of different reputed colleges which will provide you the degree of PhD. good luck. |
31st May 2010, 12:55 PM
hi friend,
if you want to phd in computer science then you must have an m.tech degree in computer science or in information technology,or you have degree of mca,then you are eligible,and then you have to give the exam of the net,and after qualifying the exam you can get chances for the phd in good university. |
31st May 2010, 02:33 PM
dear friend,
for PhD in computer science, you must have a Bachelor degree as well as M.tech degree.Bachelor degree not necessarily in computer scinece but master degree must be in computer related subjects or specifically computer science. you can apply to the colleges like IITs and Jadavpur university. best of luck. |
12th July 2010, 04:10 PM
Dear Friend
You must have to be post graduate student for the doing PHd. If you are from the computer science engineering department then you must have to do M.Tech for PHd. Or if you are from the bachelor's degree from any computer related stream then you will have to complete the master degree ,then you can apply for the Phd. |
13th July 2010, 09:33 PM
you need a master degree in computer related subjects.
you can give net also,net is a perperdicular examination to promote students working with postgraduation to work with educational institutions. this through also you can do phd. |
14th July 2010, 01:29 AM
Our Ph.D. program lies at the heart of the department and is heavily integrated with our research activities. The goal of the program is to take people with raw talent and intellect, nurture them in our environment through a thorough immersion in research and coursework, and produce well-educated researchers and future leaders in Computer Science. At any time there are about 140 students enrolled. Our records show that it takes about six years to complete the program and that over 70% of entering students receive a Ph.D.
Our PhD program is a "direct PhD" program, meaning the students can enter it with just a Bachelor's degree. Students do not need to have an undergraduate degree in computer science, but most have one either in computer science or in a closely related technical field, such as electrical or computer engineering. Information INFORMATION ON THE CSD GRADUATE PROGRAMS The Computer Science Ph.D. Program document provides an overview of the program's requirements, policies, and procedures (pdf). The Computer Science Graduate Catalog Online Application Dual Ph.D. Program CMU-Portugal in Computer Science: The Department of Computer Science (CSD) of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University offers a dual degree PhD program in Computer Science in cooperation with several Portuguese universities. This PhD program is part of the activities of the Information and Communication Technologies Institute (ICTI), resulting from a Portugal-CMU partnership agreement. For more information, please see the ICTI website. Faculty Research Guide: Descriptions of our faculty's research interests. Student Research Guide: Descriptions of our Ph.D. students' research interests. Courses Fall 2010 course schedule Spring 2010 course schedule Contacts Deb Cavlovich: questions about procedure and policy Mor Harchol-Balter: questions about the program's content and structure. Martha Clarke: questions about How to Apply to the CS and SCS doctoral programs . Students and their advisors; advisors and their students. Doctoral Review Committee (DRC). Student Ombudsperson. Who's Graduating? Ph.D. Students expected to graduate by August 2010. Helpful Advice Advice on Applying to Ph.D. Programs in Computer Science (pdf) This document, by Professor Mor Harchol-Balter, is intended for people applying to Ph.D. programs in computer science or related areas. Topics Covered: Do I really want a Ph.D.? What does a Ph.D. entail? The Application Process Fellowship Information Choosing the right Ph.D.program for you Rankings of CS Ph.D.programs in the U.S. Professor Manuel Blum's Advice to a Beginning Graduate Student Topics Covered: Reading, Studying, Thinking Starting Off on the PhD, Deep in the Middle of the PhD, Writing it all up. You Helpful External Resources Some Advice on Giving a Talk Courtesy of Olivier Danvy. Fellowships and scholarships Courtesy of Mark Kantrowitz. Also see Karen Olack. General Computer Science Resources, including pointers to job listings. "A Ph.D. is Not Enough", Peter J. Feibelman, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1993. Advice on choosing an advisor, giving talks, getting a job, etc. From a physicist's viewpoint, but much applies to anyone in the sciences. "The New Professor's Handbook", Davidson and Ambrose. Anker Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA., 1994. Advice for new professors on funding, teaching, etc. Very useful for graduate students too! "The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery", J. Oliver, Columbia University Press, 1991. General tips on how to do research. |
30th July 2010, 11:35 PM
hii friend there are many universites offering phd in computer science research program.......you can do msc computer science then m.phil then phd.....
you can research on hard disk ,mother board etc.......checkout this website for the informations http://www.csd.cs.cmu.edu/education/phd/ regards azhar |
31st July 2010, 04:11 PM
hello friend,
visit this website: http://www.studyplaces.com/study-abroad/courses/-/Computers%20and%20Information%20Technology/-/PhD. and so you can gain some information all the very best..!! |
23rd August 2010, 12:04 AM
Dear friend,
there are a number of universities from where you can do phd in computer science.some of them are IIT Delhi,Delhi university,Bhartidasan university,IIT Kanpur,NIT durgapur,etc Good Luck! |
23rd August 2010, 01:07 AM
dear friend,
as it is clear that phd is is a doctral degree. after doing this you can add doctor before your name. after doing phd you can get job in any top colleges like IIT, NIT, IISC etc. phd is done on any topic.any topic is analyzed very minutely. it is the highest degree achieved by an students. all the best. |
23rd August 2010, 05:18 PM
dear friend
to do phd you have to complete your master degree first. the process is very simple first complete your gradution after that apply for m.tech in various institutes. for that you have to appear for entrance exam GATE. after m.tech you will be eligible for PHD. all the best. |
24th August 2010, 09:42 PM
hello friend here i am attaching a pdf file containing an advice on applying for a phd program in computer science by
Mor Harchol-Balter School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University that will really answer many of your questions regarding phd in this field this pdf file contain all the following topics covered : Do I really want a Ph.D.? What does a Ph.D. entail? The Application Process Fellowship Information Choosing the right Ph.D.program for you Rankings of CS Ph.D.programs in the U.S. |
24th August 2010, 11:30 PM
dear friend,
as you want to do Phd. for that you have to first complete your graduation, then go for Master degree.. after completion of your Master degree you can apply for Phd in that particular subject.. so, for doing Phd. you have to complete your master degree first.. there are lots of colleges where you can apply for Phd..like, 1.IIT,kanpur 2.IIT,delhi 3.IIT,kharagpur 4.NIT,Durgapur all the best.. |
24th August 2010, 11:34 PM
dear friend,
as you want to do Phd. for that you have to first complete your graduation, then go for Master degree.. after completion of your Master degree you can apply for Phd in that particular subject.. so, for doing Phd. you have to complete your master degree first.. there are lots of colleges where you can apply for Phd..like, 1.IIT,kanpur 2.IIT,delhi 3.IIT,kharagpur 4.NIT,Durgapur all the best.. |
21st December 2010, 06:16 PM
I want to do a PHD in Computer science from in and around Delhi and that too part time, because currently I am woriking in software industry. Please provide me some good valid universities for doing the same. After this I am planning to switch to Teaching profession and this Phd should help me in getting the good job in education industry. Thanks, Paritosh |
2nd May 2011, 03:09 AM
i have B.Tech in CSE and Mtech in CSE and have much interest in research but i am doing job and i can leave job...so can any one tell me is there any way to do PHD in Computers part time and what will be the procedure and who can guide .... Thank you |
2nd May 2011, 03:13 AM
hi i have B.tech in cse and M.tech in cse and really interested in doing research but i am doing job and cant leave...so is there is any way to do part time phd and who can guide me how to apply?????
thank you |
1st August 2011, 04:56 PM
Hi, any body can say....is it possible for me to do P.hd ?..........i have M.C.A qualification from I.G.N.O.U with 54 % marks only......if yes then where i mean which university...if No..then...Really Bad...Indian Education System....Unrealistic UGC & AICTE...
21st September 2011, 12:31 AM
Hi..I am doing b.tech( ECE ) &i have secured 78% marks till now (3rd yr) iwant to do phd in ece.please give me the list of the universities offering phd after btech &also tell about their terms & conditions for this.
3rd November 2011, 04:00 PM
friend there is no any type of entrance exam for the PhD only you must PG before apply for the PhD you have to apply for your desire colleges separately all the best |
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