22nd November 2009, 02:35 PM
IIT preparation or CBSE preparation? what should I concentrate more on?
Im a clas XII studnt preparng 4 engineering competitiv xams. nw since der is so little tym left 2 prepare im confused if i shud focus more on CBSE board xams or prepare 4 d competitions..i want a gud %age in XII.. but at d same tym, i wnt 2 clear xams lyk aieee too....plz help!!!
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26th November 2009, 08:36 PM
keep ur best in +1 subjects
secondly keep ur chemistry at the top as u can attemt all questions of it then physics and then maths |
26th November 2009, 10:25 PM
When you study for your board exams simultaneously you also prepare yourself for your entrance exams also.but concentrate more on your CBSE examinations so that you get good percentage. Incase you could not crack the entrance you give it the next time and you can easily get admission with your good percentage. But if your percentage is not good then you may face problem in getting admission. That time what willbe the use of your entrance score? So study hard for your CBSE exams and don't be tensed. Stay calm and confidant cause you can do it.
Good Luck. |
26th November 2009, 10:56 PM
hi friend,
it is good that you want to make good percentage in class 12th.and you want to prepare competitive exam.In my opinion,you remember one thing that IIT says that percentage criteria for IIT JEE exam is more than 80% for next year.so that concentrate on both but give priority for class 12th.and give more focus on those subject common in both. best of luck...@@ |
27th November 2009, 01:04 AM
concentrate on +2 examination because it is the base on which we are dependent through out our future.also if you prepare well for +2 in way you are also preparing for iit and aieee because these days most of the question in iit and aieee are mostly based on +2 level.
so all the best. |
27th November 2009, 12:45 PM
hii, first I would say that focus on 12 th class exams,because if you get gud % in IIT and you are not able to make gud % in 12 then all your hard work will waste.Becoz from next year IIT want 80 % in 12th. See competition is very tough ,so generally criteria is the only way to filter out the candidate ,so that only gud % candidate would appear.so I would suggest you to focus on your 12th class because if you are not able to make gud marks in 12th then you would not able to go back in time.your % is permanent through out your life.you can take a drop for IIT but you cannot go back to 12th. so focus on your 12th class and study well.all the best
4th December 2009, 09:44 PM
generally it is seen that cbse is the base for iit......what u read in 11 and 12
in cbse is the base for iit....u definately need more deep studies for iit.... but here i would suggest u to make ur base strong and concentrate more in cbse.....as it can help u in bitsat,aieee and many more exams...... BEST OF LUCK ![]() |
8th December 2009, 10:42 AM
keep your focus on 12 th exam ,its the base on which your career is going to be build,moreover if you do good in 12th you will do well in iit also for sure.
8th December 2009, 08:42 PM
My advice is that prepare well for your board exams so that you could have a good score that can be used for higher studies and more than that this preparation will help you more to get good scores even in competitive examinations. So dont worry prepare well. All the best.
9th December 2009, 12:18 PM
hi friend,
my advice is that u just concentrate on your board exam. and make a study time- table. in that time table give some time for iit preparation and some time for your board exam. when you are going to study please make sure that you are study for separate subject so that you can easy to remember the topic. |
9th December 2009, 12:53 PM
Hi dear,
now as you know that mr . kapil sibal proposed that only above 80% in 12 th lass student can appear in iit which best institute for b. tech. so first you concentrate in 12 th class then prepare your best for your entrances , but if your are getting good now in your school and have good knowledge of 11th class math physics chemistry use your talent and appear in aieee , iit ,and other btech exam and if not please make good %age in +2 so that in next year you have two chances for appear , have a best of luck!!!!! |
9th December 2009, 01:25 PM
First focus on your board exams,they are more presious then any entrance exam. dont forget that "World demand's nothing but the very best"
9th December 2009, 06:58 PM
first attempt should be to clear your basics first then only u will be able to understand tough things easily........
best of luck |
6th January 2010, 02:15 PM
Hello there
Feeling good to write for you as it seems from your post that how much serious you are regarding your carrier, but at the same time would like to guide you to first concentrate on your 12th exam besides IIT because your % in 12th is your first step in your bright future and you need to take care for that first. |
10th January 2010, 04:30 PM
hi friend,i will suggest you to prepare well for entrance exams rather than giving more stress to 12th boards ,because
its 8 months now and i hope you have studied a lot for your 12th boards,so that you can score >60% in your boards. and that is what is required as an eligibility for any entrance examination. and the next thing is that if you prepare for IIT-JEE or AIEEE,then i am pretty sure that you can do well in your boards also ,because ,dear, mind it the syllabus is almost similar. so if you have studied for AIEEE then why cant you answer the questions in your boards!! |
25th January 2010, 02:59 AM
focus on 12th exams this will automatically cover a part of your iit syllabus and after exams study 11th part so 12th level is important now ......
30th January 2010, 05:34 PM
dont get cofused since you cbse exams will be held first prepare for them with full concentration it will also help you in preparing your competitive exams as sylabus is almost similar and once your board xams get over concentrate on iit
1st February 2010, 08:50 PM
it is very ambicious of you that you have such a aim in your life .
all of us have some dreams in our life that we want to fullfil. in your case its to be an good engineer and it is your big goal.but you should understand that all the big goals are acheived by acheiving small goals. so ,for now you should concentrate more on your board exams. if you score good in your boards you will be mentally joyfull which will make you face the entrance exam in a more positive approach. you must be concerned about your 11th class syllabus,in that case you should refer previous year papers and make out which of the questions of your 11th syllabus carry more weightage and just have good command over them only.this will make your preparation more organised and you will be attempting only those question which you are well versed with,this will narrow down your chances for any negative marking. BEST OF LUCK FOR YOUR CAREER......... |
15th February 2010, 08:30 PM
its a tough trade-off friend,nowadays, you cant afford to leave anyone of them, the appropriate preparation strategy should be to concentrate more on cbse because it is your qualifying examination and do as good as you can...afterthat, whatever the time you get put it all for preparation of competitive examinations
27th February 2010, 03:03 PM
dear friend
the syllabus for A I E E E & for C B S E are at least..same.. if your preparation in C B S E syllabus is good than you can crack A I E E E or any other engineering exam... so carry on your study. best of luck. |
28th February 2010, 06:36 PM
first you concentrate on your +2 exam because this degree
have value... it is achievement for you , like if you go for job then company see your +2 degree... so you prepare your +2 exam and sit on AIEEE exam because both have same syllabus... do not think about IIT because for iit you should have very good concept on all fields, ... good luck.. |
7th March 2010, 04:02 PM
dear friend , from both exam you will get good engineering colleges.you should concentrate on iit because iit offers best institution of the country.
9th March 2010, 08:11 PM
First concentrate in ur board exam.. that ll be the foundation for all other competitive examinations to get into college.. If u r very thorough in ur 12th basics, then u can shine well in IIT,AIEEE exams
10th March 2010, 04:17 PM
it is better if you are focous on 12th class exams....if you are clear this exams with good percentage, then you can do all these courses/ fill forms easily......you can do IIT next time also, but concentrate in your 12th exams first.
11th March 2010, 02:16 PM
i suggest that you go for iit preparetion.....if you can do good preparation for iit preparetion than you can do good result in iit and also cbse.......iit have good career option......... all the best.... |
11th March 2010, 09:32 PM
dear friend
i am very glad to see that you entertain both exams with equal priority but i would advise you to take the CBSE(12th)exams more seriously because you can appear in the IIT entrance next year as well,but you will only get one shot at the 12th exams if you prepare very well for your 12th exams you will be able to answer the questions in IIT and if you are lucky you may even clear the entrance all the best |
29th March 2010, 12:37 AM
dear friend i would really like to help you as your query is really interesting
you have to prepare theoretically for scoring good % in your 12th exams and to crack the entrance exam you need a mcq practice so friend you should first concenterate on your 12th exams and make sure that whatever you study in your board exam your points are completely cleared and after your exms board exams gets over then revise all the key points and solve more and more mcqs you will definitely crack a;ll the exams with really good scoring best of luck and dont get confuse |
30th March 2010, 03:41 PM
hi friend,
be cool, and concentrate on the cbsc exam, because you must get at least 60% in the 12th only to appear in the iit jee, o k all the best |
30th March 2010, 06:05 PM
my dear friend rite now you are in fix...i can understand that......you can concentrate on 12th exam rite but but after it get over please concentrate fully on the IIT.......try to solve some previous year sample papers for a much better preparation.......
31st March 2010, 10:27 PM
hi friend
as your class 12th exam are very near i will suggest you to do the preparation of your class 12th only,because it is necessary that you should score atleast 60% marks in your class 12 then only you will get the admission.moreover yopu can try for the iit exam next year also. |
25th May 2010, 06:19 PM
hi friend
first of all you focus on your Board exam than you concentrate for other entrance exam..so please do not deviate and do hard work all the best |
28th May 2010, 02:47 AM
Iitjee is comparatively harder they take in at iit.
But it is best in india. So, as your preparation, take subjects which understands you well. Don’t rush. Luck and success will be your favor! |
28th June 2010, 01:44 AM
Since new admission criteria asks for a min of 80% marks as well as only limited number of attempts for qualifying exam. So please pay attention towards school final exam. then try to crack IIT JEE exam. Practice the subjects PCM well according to syllabus and all the best. |
28th June 2010, 01:51 AM
if u are unable to manage both go for cbse preparation as it will help u later especially if u do mba
iit can be tried next year with a better rank |
20th August 2010, 05:32 PM
This is the same problem that I am facing.. Do one thing... If you are going for any coaching classes for IITJEE or AIEEE prepare for each and every test they keep. If you have any back log in their portions. learn them in the month of november.. rush up for that. Correct your mistakes yourself. And for CBSE exams.. Spend 3 hrs a day from now.. Don't worry. You can do wonders even if you are starting now.. spend an hr for phy, chem and mat each! But at any cost don't sacrifice your coaching class test preperation time for preparing for CBSE exams.. try to finish the first volume of phy, chem and maths by sept end... finish 2nd vol by october.. Then start doing question papers and give it to experience teachers and ask them correct your mistakes.... do what you do with full heart. And ultimately believe in Jesus. Commit all your worries to him. this is my personel advice. I wish you all the best.. !
Thank you |
21st August 2010, 12:41 PM
Dear friend;
For the IIT preparation or CBSE preparation first you go through the syllabus. After that you through the previous year question paper and study those portion from which most of the question will be asked. At last you test your preparation going through model test paper. |
21st August 2010, 09:41 PM
1st u focus on ur cbse board exam as to become iitian min. eligibility 60% marks in +2. In futre there is possibility that +2 marks will be get more weightage in entry of iit, according to proposal of MHRDT. best of luck |
22nd August 2010, 09:36 PM
dear friend,
at first focus on your 12th board exam.as it is very very necessary. if your marks is not 60% in 12th board you can't appear for IIT JEE exam. also if you have command over 12th board's subjects nthen you can clear IITJEE exam. all the best. |
22nd August 2010, 10:28 PM
dear friend
if you prepared for iit examination in right way then you will also cover cbsc syllabus and all other engineering examination syllabus ...........but you must concentrate on your 10+2 syllabus.........you must get atleast 60% marks .that will provide you eligibility for seating in all engineering examination .............. best of luck.................... |
23rd August 2010, 01:34 PM
Dear friend,
this is the most vital time of your future.at this time every one wants to do best in their academic qualifications.so prepare in such a way that you can score good marks in the board as well as in the IIT exams.please do not neglet your board exams for IIT because in every field your 12th marks are very important.be it in any company or for any future aspects. Best Of Luck!!!! |
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