19th July 2011, 06:50 PM
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Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Dear sir / madam i want to write ias exam .now i am doing third mechanical engineering.what is the procedure and how i write the ias exam .

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20th July 2011, 10:29 PM
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Arrow Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by nedunchezhianmech View Post
Dear sir / madam i want to write ias exam .now i am doing third mechanical engineering.what is the procedure and how i write the ias exam .
You are eligible to write IAS Entrance examination after completing your degree with Mechanical Engineering.

I appreciate your decision to become a IAS officer.

As you are just third year of your bachelors in Mechanical engineering I think you don't have the eligible age for this exam the eligible age is minimum of 21 years for all the candidates

and you must be completed Degree of any trade or atleast in final year of degree.to attempt IAS entrance examination.

The procedure and Important steps to appear for Civil services examination. are as follows.
->After Notification of the same you have to fill the application form with necessary details and apply it as soon as possible.

->Then you are now registered for 3 stage examination pattern. first stage call letter with hall ticket no. and all details will be sent to your postal ID

->After successfully clearing 1st stage then the next hurdle is your Mains examination in this again one more Inbuilt option is that he has to select anyone of the interested.

->After clearing this stage to you will have to appear with the next level that is the stage of Interview level. at this stage the Interviewee will be questioned by the whole board. This stage will decide your future in Civil services.

After this training for 1 and 1/2 year you will get posted as a Junior officer. with seniority your position will go to good heights.

All the best


20th July 2011, 10:38 PM
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Default Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by nedunchezhianmech View Post
Dear sir / madam i want to write ias exam .now i am doing third mechanical engineering.what is the procedure and how i write the ias exam .
dear friend,
yes you can give ias exam but only if you are having the eligibility qualifications required for the exam.
for giving ias exam, the student must have done graduation in any field with at least 60% marks. the age limit for the exam is 21 to 30 years which can increase to 35 years for sc/st students.
if you are having these qualifications, then only you can give the exam. you can give the exam while in fourth year of b.tech or after passing the b.tech.
there will be three rounds in the exam. firstly, you will have to give the preliminary exam. this exam will be of objective questions.
after qualifying in that exam, you will have to give the main exam, which will be in written form.
after passing both the exams, you will be called for the personal interview.
after passing that interview, you will become an ias officer.
the notification regarding the exam comes in the employment news.
for more deatails regarding the exam, you can visit
20th July 2011, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by nedunchezhianmech View Post
Dear sir / madam i want to write ias exam .now i am doing third mechanical engineering.what is the procedure and how i write the ias exam .
Dear Friend,

I appreciate your decision as you want to be a IAS officer in Future and want to serve the Nation.
To apply for the IAS examination you have to apply for the Civil Service Examination conducted by UPSC.
The Selection of IAS officer is done in three steps:-
  • Preliminary Examination
  • Main Examination
  • Personal Interview

Eligibility Criteria For IAS :

The minimum Educational Qualification required to apply for the IAS examination is Graduation from a recogmized university.The candidate must be between 21-30 years of age.

As you are in third year of B.Tech you can not apply for the IAS examination now.First complete your B.Tech Degree then apply for the Civil Service Examination.

The Notifications Regarding the Civil Service Examination are published in Employment News and all the leading Dailies.For more information you can log on to www.upsc.gov.in

Best Wishes....
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20th July 2011, 11:21 PM
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Wink Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by nedunchezhianmech View Post
Dear sir / madam i want to write ias exam .now i am doing third mechanical engineering.what is the procedure and how i write the ias exam .
Dear friend yes you are surely eligible for IAS exam after mechanical engg.......

After B.TECH degree you can do IAS from mechanical engg..............

Weird Tricks to Lose Your Abdominal Fat

Don't go by the number of students appeared for the exam. Most of them are not serious. If you study seriously, your chances of winning are 1/200...Tough competition..(This is an approximate figure. This doesn't mean that you'll be in IAS, IPS, IFS cadre.)

Employement news publishes it along with the add...or You can send a request to Brilliant Tutorials regarding coaching...they'll send you the syllabus.. ..or...you can mail me...but remember....it may take about 15-20 days to get a response from me.......

What books shall I refere for a 'x' subject?

If you are willing to pay Rs. 35-50, you may write to

Spardha Pariksha Publications (P) Ltd., 349/2, Kasturba Bhavan, Bajaj Nagar, NAGPUR - 440010
You'll get syllabus and reference books. There are many resources available at Delhi...
The competitive examinations at UPSC are in three stages

IAS Preliminary examinations (Prelims)

The prelims are held around May-June.It has objective ie multiple choice questions. There are two papers (duration of each being 2 hrs).

a) General studies

b) Optional subject

you can choose from Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Agriculture, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics etc.

Important: It is not compulsory to choose the same subjects of your graduation. The results are declared in July-August and the successful candidates are called for the main examinations.

PS. The prelims score has no bearing for determining the final merit list for the services.

Civil Services Main examination
The main written examination usually takes place in Oct-Nov, it comprises of 9 papers in all (a lot more strenuous than CAT!) Duration of each paper is 3 hrs.

one of the Indian languages, English, Essay GK and Current Affairs: 2 papers on general studies

Optionals: papers from two subjects that fall in optional-1 and two papers from optional-2 (a choice of subjects is listed by the UPSC in the prospectus) Candidates who are successful in the main examinations are eligible for an interview which plays a crucial part in the selection.

Civil Services - The Interview

The interview calls are sent in March-April of the following year and they take place in the month of April-May. The Board of interviewers look for a well-adjusted personality with the social traits, integrity and qualities of leadership . PS. The number of candidates called for the interview is normally twice the number of vacancies.

BEWARE : The whole process of selection in the civil services takes a full year and when the application process is included it sums up to 18 months in all. PLEASE NOTE :The main exam score and the interview determines the placement in the final list. You have your say in the choice of service if you have secured a high position, otherwise accept what is offered if not take another attempt (4 attempts permitted) in the general category. Of course you have to start from the prelims all over again.

PS. the I.A.S.occupies the highest order of importance and is usually given first preference by the selected candidates. In recent years Income Tax, Customs etc also have become popular. IFS is not that sought after now.

5 tips for IAS aspirants

Be very particular about the subject you choose for prelims, as you will be appearing for an objective type of paper. History, maths, geography may prove to be very scoring. Choose subjects which have availability of books, reading material and guidance. In recent years engineering subjects like civil and electrical can be chosen, giving BEs and IITians an edge (yes! even here they are giving the BAs and BScs a tough fight!)
G.K. will definitely pay in your prelims. Reading newspapers, watching TV news and of course quiz shows like KBC is a must.
If you have been lucky enough to reach the interview stage book knowledge may not be the only thing you need. Your mental alertness will count as they ask you questions like �How many steps did you walk up to reach here?� or � What is the colour of the wall behind you ? - So be prepared.
Enhance your personality becoz it will definitely be one of the criteria for selection. For IPS physical wellbeing is of great importance, you should be medically fit.
Improve your communication skills. IFS aspirants must be proficient in at least one foreign language. So go ahead, have your say in this political mess of our country and try to make it a better place. Preparing for the UPSC Exam: There are numerous private coaching institutes and �study circles�. To guide and encourage IAS candidates in Maharashtra the govt has set up SIAC (State Institute for Administrative Careers), Hazarimal Somani marg (CST) Mumbai-1. Tel :2070942 (You must have Maharashtra domicile to get admission here)

Flash News: The government is contemplating a change in the UPSC selection format which is essentially the same since British times. But, don�t worry - that will definitely take a few years.

Tell me something about Civil Services Examination?

Civil Services Introduction A country as vast and thickly populated as India needs a well organised government machinery for proper governance. There are two facets to the administration of a country. One is security for which the country has its defence services and the other is the non-military part, which is taken care of by the Civil Services.

The origin of the IAS can be traced back to the year of India�s independence, 1947. The IAS operates at three levels -central, district and divisional. Work at the central level involves the framing and implementation of policies. The functions of the IAS at the district level encompass all district affairs with special emphasis on development. General administration and development work is the responsibility of the IAS at the divisional level. The post of an IAS officer carries a lot of responsibility. The work definition of an IAS officer would encompass framing, modifying and interpreting policy matters in consultation with the concerned Minister. Implementation of policies calls for supervision and also travelling to the places where the decisions taken are being implemented. Implementation entails disbursement of funds, which calls for personal supervision. The officers are answerable to the Parliament for any irregularities that may occur. At the top of the hierarchy of IAS officers is the Cabinet Secretary followed by Secretary/ Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary, Director, Under Secretary and then the Junior Scale Officers. These posts are filled according to seniority.
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20th July 2011, 11:27 PM
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Default Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by nedunchezhianmech View Post
Dear sir / madam i want to write ias exam .now i am doing third mechanical engineering.what is the procedure and how i write the ias exam .

Indian Administrative Service (IAS) examination is conducted by UPSC in every year for the selection of the talented candidates of India as the post of IAS officer. If you are interested to apply for the IAS examination then you need the following eligibility criteria.

Educational Qualification = Graduation in any stream from a recognize University. The final year graduation student are also eligible to apply for the IAS examination. There is no percentage is limit in graduation to apply for IAS examination only pass out is enough to apply for the IAS exam.

Age Limit = The age must be between 21 to 30 years at the time of appearing of this examination. The age relaxation is also applicable for the candidates belong to reservation category candidates. The details information about age relaxation is given below.
For SC/ST candidates :- 5 years on upper age limit.
For OBC candidates :- 3 years on upper age limit.
For PD candidates :- 10 years on the upper age limit.

Procedure of IAS examination = The IAS examination is conducted in three step : (1) Preliminary examination (2) Main examination (3) Personal Interview. After successful selection in the Preliminary exam you will be call for the Main examination.

So, If you have a 3rd year mechanical engineering student then you can apply for the civil services examination in the final year of B.Tech. The minimum age must be 21 years at the time of appearing of this examination.

If you want to get any more information about IAS examination then please see the official website of UPSC :- http://www.upsc.gov.in

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21st July 2011, 06:10 AM
anil krishna
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Default Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

hi, you are asking u are eligiable or not . You are eligible for IAS exam which come under Group A .Now u need to complete ur Graduation after that u may apply for that .This exam is conducted by UPSC .The max age limit should be 21-30 years .There having 4 attempts for this OBC candiadate should attempt 7 times(max 33 age). SC/ST candiadte no limit(max age 35). This exam contains three steps CSAT ,main exam,Interview. For more details visit www.upsc.gov.in
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21st July 2011, 07:45 AM
dreksha chaudhary
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Cool Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Dear friend,

Your decission is very good to appear in IAS entrance exam, but at present you can not appear in the entrance exam IAS because presently you are not graduate. Complete your engineering then only you will be eligible for said entrance exam.

The eligibility criteria of IAS is as fillows.

1.Age limits :

21-30 years. (Upper age limit relax-able for SCs/STs, OBC's and defense personnel).

SC/ST - upto a maximum of 5 years.

OBC - upto a maximum of 3 years.

Defense personnel - upto a maximum of 5 years.

2. Educational Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree in any stream by a recognized university.

3. No. of permissible attempts :

For general candidates Four attampts

Seven attempts of OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs .

3. Fee :

Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only)
(No fee for SCs/STs/Physically disabled only)

4. Paper pattern for prelims:

1. Optional Subjects (300 marks):

2. General Studies (150 marks):

Paper pattern for mains:

In mains, one has to appear for 9 papers

All the best...........
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21st July 2011, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Hello friend,
To write civil service exam, you will have to first of all obtain the application form. The application forms are available at designated post offices and head post offices. apart from this, you may also apply online through www.upsconline.nic.in.

To apply, you must fulfill the eligibility criteria. You must be a graduate, in any discipline and within the age limit of 21-30 years.

The civil service exam comprise of three stages including two written examinations and an interview.

For complete information and to keep yourself updated regarding the exam, you must visit the official website of UPSC.
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21st July 2011, 06:44 PM
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Default Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

what is syllabus of IAS of mechanical engg.
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28th July 2011, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Eligibility ::

You must be graduate with any stream from a recognized college.
You age should be between 21 to 30 years if you fall into general category .There is
relation given to reserved caste students in upper age limits and no of attempts .

35 year is upper age limit for SC/ST
33 years is upper age limit for OBC

No of attempts ::
4 for general students
7 for OBC students
No limit for SC/ST
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18th April 2012, 06:57 PM
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Default Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

Will you please tell me the syllabus for ias exam.? I m doing b.tech in mechanical branch.
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29th April 2012, 01:50 AM
mithu ashi
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Default Re: Information regarding procedure for IAS Exam being a candidate of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering?

In 3rd year you can not apply for I.A.S. exam.
After completion of your engineering or in the final year you can apply for the examination.

- The students who have completed their graduation with any course like technical/ professional are eligible to apply for this examination.
- The only need is you must be a degree holder with any discipline.
- Only passing mark is required for this exam.
- The candidates who have passed their graduation from technical courses must not have any pending backlogs.
- You must be Indian citizen.
- Your age limit should be 21-30 years.
- But in case of OBC 3 years of relaxation & for SC/ST- 5 years of relaxation is present.
- For general category 4 number of attempts, OBC- 7 number of attempts, SC/ST- unlimited attempts are available.
- You must be physically fit for the test.


Exam consists of 3 stages.
1)Preliminary exam
2)Main exam



PAPER 1 CONSISTS OF:- Indian history and national movements, geography, current events, general science, Indian polity and government, economics etc.
PAPER 2 CONSISTS OF:- Comprehension, Reasoning, Problem Solving, Decision Making, General Ability, English language etc.



PAPER 1:- Indian language
PAPER 2:- English
PAPER 3:- Essay
PAPER 4 & 5:- Two papers on general studies
PAPER 6, 7, 8 & 9 :- Four papers on any of the optional subject according to your choice

Final stage is Interview.
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