26th February 2012, 03:21 PM
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List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

Sir, i am a student of 2nd year chemical engg. at NIT Durgapur. I want to get my summer training from some reputed institution in India. Please tell me the process or the names of some institutes which offer summer training. Thank you

B.TECH 2nd year
Chemical Engg

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17th April 2012, 08:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

List of the top company or plants offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIET COLLAGE Gr. noida,
Sir, . I want to get my summer training from some reputed institution in kanpur or delhi NCR. Please tell me the process or the names of some COMPANIES which offer summer training. Thank you

26th May 2012, 09:58 PM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

i am a third year chemical engg student and i want a course in process training?can u pls help.
31st May 2012, 10:30 PM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

Im a a 2nd year student. I want the list of institutes providing various courses such as java,.netm,etc in delhi
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18th August 2012, 04:09 PM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

I m a student of 3 rd year chemical engineering.I want to conduct training in Mumbai.
Please suggest me the names of chemical industry in Mumbai.
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5th October 2012, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

Sir,i am a student of cochin university of science and technology(cusat) pursuing my btech 2nd year from IT deptt.
Can you please provide me the list of top institutes and companies providing summer training and winter training too.
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10th December 2012, 01:51 AM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

Sir,I am student of chemical 2nd year...plz tell me how to apply for summer internship in ongc and iocl.mail me the details at [email protected] ....waiting for ur response
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28th December 2012, 06:32 AM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

Is there any industry which provide winter training for b-tech 3rd year chemical...????
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21st March 2013, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

my self bhavi and i am pursing 2nd year chemical engineering. i want do a mini project related to chemical engineering. If any body have an idea about it please send the details about the project to [email protected] send the general life usefull topics and with low budget.
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25th March 2013, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

im doing my 2nd chemical engg in anna univ,chennai..,myself nd frnd wishes to do internship program in or around tamilnadu....can u please us,by listing the companies???
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20th January 2014, 10:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default a list of collage which provide summer training for chemical 3rd year on the basis of there marks

sir i am b.tech student uiet chemical engineering kanpur and sir iam itrested doing our summer training in up or near up please help me
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25th April 2014, 04:14 AM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

which are the chemical industries giving the free training programme for chemical engineering student 's? -rohini alone 3rd year B.Tech chem.tech.
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29th April 2015, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

sir i am b.tech student juet chemical engineering and sir iam interested doing our summer training in up or near up please help me
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4th May 2015, 03:44 AM
rishab mittal111
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: haryana
Posts: 88
Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

These are the following institute whose provide the summer 6 month training for the chemical trade students. You can be select any one of them accoording to your comfort.

Triveni Engineering & Industries Ltd.

Luminous Engineering & Technology Services Pvt. Ltd.

Kazhtroy Engineering India Pvt. Ltd.

Indian Oil Tanking Design& Engineering

Cinda Engineers & Constructors Pvt. Ltd.

Saipem Triune Engineering

J P Kenny 57 Desein Endure

Doosan Babcock Engineering & Services Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
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14th March 2017, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: List of the top institutions offering summer training for 2nd year chemical engineering students? I am a student of 2nd year student of chemical engineering at NIT, Durgapur

List of Chemical industry for summer training in Delhi .I am 2nd year chemical (polymer) student.
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