22nd February 2011, 08:09 AM
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Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

what are the procedures to write the IAS exam? How can i get prepared for IAS please clarfiy

24th February 2011, 02:12 PM
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

here is the full detail for ias preparations ...

The Examination is conducted as per the following three steps:
Step I- Preliminary Examination
IAS prelims is written objective type examination and is conducted in the month of June every year with two following papers:
Paper I- iaspapers.info/category/general-studies" title='Read more about General Studies'>General Studies paper with maximum mark 150 against 150 questions. The exam expands over two hours and questions are asked from six topics which are Indian iaspapers.info/category/history" title='Read more about History'>History, Constitution of India, iaspapers.info/category/geography" title='Read more about Geography'>Geography, iaspapers.info/category/economics" title='Read more about Economics'>Economics, Science and iaspapers.info/category/current-affairs" title='Read more about Current Affairs'>Current Affairs.
Paper II- The second paper is an optional of student’s choice which may include Political Science, Psychology, iaspapers.info/category/economics" title='Read more about Economics'>Economics, Physics, and iaspapers.info/category/economics" title='Read more about Economics'>Economics etc. This exam has maximum marks 300 against 120 questions and is two hour long.
IAS prelims are very competitive and therefore only highest scorers qualify for the second stage that is the Main Examination. It is quite interesting to note that the qualifying percentage is 10% in preliminary examination.
Step II- Main Examination
IAS Mains is a written examination which is a subjective or essay type format. This is generally conducted in the month of November/December. IAS Mains expands over nine papers:
Paper I & II- Language papers with maximum marks 300 each. One paper is iaspapers.info/category/english" title='Read more about English'>English which is mandatory and the other is any Indian language mentioned in the eighth schedule of Indian Constitution. Passing these papers with a certain minimum percentage is necessary.
Paper III- This is a subjective type paper with maximum marks 200. Student can opt to write in either iaspapers.info/category/english" title='Read more about English'>English or any other Indian language mentioned in the eighth schedule of the Constitution.
Paper IV and V- iaspapers.info/category/general-studies" title='Read more about General Studies'>General Studies with General Knowledge and iaspapers.info/category/current-affairs" title='Read more about Current Affairs'>Current Affairs and maximum marks of 300
Paper VI, VII, VIII and IX- Two optional subjects, with two papers thereby making it four papers with 300 each and total marks of 1200.
Those who pass IAS mains are further reduced with a ratio of 1:10 to direct students to the next level that is Personality Test.
Step III- Personality Test
This is the final elimination stage and as expected the competition is highest at this stage. Candidates are selected with a ratio of 1:2 and therefore with 10 vacancies, twenty candidates are called for interview. These candidates are tested on their personality, social traits, teamwork and leadership qualities and their aptitude and skills that are usually involved in work.
After the personality test, the candidates have to also undergo a mandatory training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration in Mussorie as a probationary officer. This is the foundation course, after which specific job-oriented training is conducted separately by each service.
25th February 2011, 11:12 PM
kapila Chaudhary
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

  • Be very particular about the subject you choose for prelims, as you will be appearing for an objective type of paper. History, maths, geography may prove to be very scoring. Choose subjects which have availability of books, reading material and guidance.
  • G.K. will definitely pay in your prelims. Reading newspapers, watching TV news and of course quiz shows like KBC is a must.
  • Enhance your personality & communication skills
  • Practice & see previous years questions papers
Exam Pattern: All India Combined Competitive Examination for the Civil Services conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) comprises of two successive stages:
  • Preliminary Examination: It is of objective type, which is a qualifying examination.
  • Main Examination: It consists of written examination and interview.
The Preliminary Examination is held in May/June and the Main Examination in October/November. One must begin preparations of the main exam along with preliminary exam. This is because there is little time for the Main exam if one waits for the results of the Preliminaries.
Prepare according to the syllabus & see previous years papers.

Best of Luck.......
19th March 2011, 07:59 PM
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Procedure to write IAS exam...

first you should be eligible for the exam

eligibility criteria for IAS

->you should have a degree from recognized Indian University.

->you should have minimum age of 21 years not exceeding 30 years.

after being eligible for the exam you have to wait for the notification..

after notification release buy the form and fill it accordingly..

then you'll get an hall ticket in 2 months..

prepare well in the mean while..

go to your center and give a good attempt..

Preparation for the IAS exam

this is the most rigor exam as far i know..

so you have to do serious preparation for atleast 3 months.

that's all if you're confident in your subject and attitude you'll definitely make into it

all the best

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13th April 2011, 12:06 AM
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

How much will it cost to complete the civil service examination fully and sucessfully ? can poor students afford trainings and give soem good training institutes please. Keerthana Rao.
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23rd June 2011, 01:20 AM
rahul k
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what are the procedures to write the IAS exam? How can i get prepared for IAS please clarfiy
About UPSC Civil Services Examination -

If Your Aim Is to become a IAS Officer, Then for this you have to appear for UPSC Civil services examination, The examination was held 2 times in a year and the examination was held in 2 stages, Firstly Preliminary examination and Secondly Main Examination.

But to apply for Civil services examination, You have to purse a graduate degree in any stream from a Recognised University, Final Year appearing candidates are also eligible to apply for Civil services examination.

So, If you are Interested to apply for this examination, then you have to fill the application form, The application form was available in designated post offices in India, You can obtained form there OR you can fill the application form Online By visit UPSC Website.

If Your age should between 21 to 30 years, and you have a graduate candidates, then you can apply for This examination, The Notification was published in the employment Newspaper OR in the official website.

Firstly you have to appear for Preliminary examination, The Pattern of Preliminary exam was changed and the examination called CSAT. The Preliminary Examination consists of two papers of objective type And it carrying a maximum of 200 marks each paper.

So, If you are Interested to crack the Preliminary examination, then please prepare for this examination according to the syllabus, only then you will be able to crack the examination and if you will crack the preliminary examination, then you are eligible for Main examination, So I have provide you the Preliminary examination pattern, So please check the given syllabus.

Paper 1 (200 marks) - Duration - 2 hrs -

- Current events of national and international importance
- History of India and Indian national movement
- Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
- Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
- Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
- General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization
- General science.

Paper II- (200 marks) – Duration - 2 hrs-

- Comprehension
- Interpersonal skills including communication skills
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability
- Decision making and problem solving
- General mental ability
- Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, Data interpretation.
- English language comprehension skills
- Questions relating to English Language Comprehension skills (last item in the Syllabus of Paper-II) will be tested through passages from - -- English language only without providing Hindi translation thereof in the question paper.

And If you want to get more information, then please visit the UPSC Official website OR Read the Given Notification -

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23rd June 2011, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

thank you sir/madam for ur guidence.
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25th June 2011, 08:01 PM
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what are the procedures to write the IAS exam? How can i get prepared for IAS please clarfiy
Dear Friend,
IAS exam is conducted by UPSC twice in a year. It will be completed in three phases. First Preliminary, than written and at last interview.

Please take coaching from any good coaching center for preparation of the exam and further process. Please full fill your dream. All the best to you.


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9th September 2011, 02:38 PM
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

oas exam is appeared form which month pl details below
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9th September 2011, 06:38 PM
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what are the procedures to write the IAS exam? How can i get prepared for IAS please clarfiy
dear friend,

This exam is conducted by UPSC in onece time in year.

Those candiadte are graduate from any recognized university with any dicipline are eligible for IAS exam.

But your age should be in between 22 to 30 years old.Age relaxation is provide for SC/ST/OBC category as per govt rule.

The maximum attempts for SC/ST candiadte is Unlimited. For OBC candiadte it is 7 years and for general candidate it will be 5 years.

Also you must be in citizen in India.

Optional subjects for IAS main exam:

Economics , Electrical Engineering,Geography, Geology ,History, Law,Management, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and International Relations, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Anthropology,Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerce and Accountancy.

You can choose the subject in sense of your strength .

The IAS selection process is consist in three way

1)Preliminay exam
2)Main exam
3)Inter View.

All the best
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9th September 2011, 06:54 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

dear friend,
You want to go for IAS exam, then you have to fulfill some eligibility criteria first..

Eligibility for IAS exam:-

1.The candidate must have complete the graduation in any trade..
2.The candidate must not have any backlogs during graduation.
3.The candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age eligibility:-

1.The age should be in between 21-30 years..
For SC/ST the upper age relaxation is 5 years and for OBC the upper age relaxation is 3 years..

These are the criteria you have to fulfill...
After that you can appear in IAS exam..

IAS exam consist of two parts..
1.Preliminary exam-
If you able to crack the preliminary exam then you can appear in Main exam..
This a common exam based on General Studies, comprehension skill, verbal and
quantitative aptitude and communication skills.

2.Main Exam-
The qualifying students of preliminary exam can appear in main exam..
The Main examination comprise of following papers.
Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
English Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
General Essay type paper (200 marks)
General Studies(Paper-I&II 300 marks each)
Optional subject-I(Paper-I&II 300 marks each)
Optional subject-II(Paper-I&II 300 marks each)

So, you have to choose ant two optional subjects for the main exam as per your interest. Prepare yourself in any two optional subjects..
If you able to crack the main exam then they will call you for the interview..
After cracking the interview, you will get a chance to become an IAS officer..

So, go for it..
All the best.
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4th November 2011, 12:17 AM
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Default Re: Procedure to write IAS exam? How to prepare for IAS exam?

IAS exam is conducted by UPSC twice in a year. It will be completed in three phases. First Preliminary, than written and at last interview.

Please take coaching from any good coaching center for preparation of the exam and further process. Please full fill your dream. All the best to you.

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