14th May 2010, 01:32 PM
What is the cutoff for TNPSC group I preliminary exam? Best coaching class available in Salem for TNPSC Group I exam? What are the vacancies available for Departmental Group I exam? When does the main exam start?
Dear Sir
1. Please let me know the tnpsc 2010 group I expected cut off in prelimiary exam 2. Please advice the best coaching class available in Salem for TNPSC group I 3. Please let me know the vaccancies available for 2010 departmental exam group I 4. When will be the main exam 2010 starts Pls do the needful. Thanks and regards P.C.Prasad |
18th May 2011, 07:44 PM
can any one tell me some ece related good project topics to make it (embedded& dsp related)........
10th June 2011, 01:20 PM
my cutoff intnpsc groupr1 is 108. is it possible to select me for the main examination under the sc catagory? |
10th June 2011, 04:09 PM
what is the cutoff mark for the tnpsc group 1 priliminary examination?
11th June 2011, 11:24 AM
pls reply what is the cut off mark for group 1
11th June 2011, 02:09 PM
Sir wy cut off 84.It is possible to main exam for MBC quota ?
16th June 2011, 12:41 PM
what is the minimum mark for prilims. please suggest the subjects related to computer science
16th June 2011, 07:50 PM
what is the expected cut off marks for group 1 2011
23rd June 2011, 03:40 PM
what is the expected cut off marks for group 1 2011 for SC female
21st July 2011, 12:33 AM
when the group1 results for 2011 preliminary exam will announced. how much cut off marks will need, to attend the main examination and what are the syllabus details. please could you sent it to my email address. email. [email protected] |
22nd July 2011, 10:56 PM
i need best coaching centre fot tnpsc group II in salem
24th July 2011, 11:13 PM
iam doing B.E.can u explain about the group 1 exam fully.what is the preliminary exam as well as main exam. my mail id is [email protected] |
31st July 2011, 10:46 AM
what would be the cutoff for TNPSC group2 exam 2011?
31st July 2011, 11:09 AM
Hai sir,
What will be cutt for group-1 2011 to OC? And what will be cut of for group-2 2011 to OC? Plz Reply |
1st August 2011, 05:10 PM
sir my cut off in tnpsc group2 is 171 it is possible for me to get recruited under sc quota
1st August 2011, 05:13 PM
sir my cut off in tnpsc group 2 is 171 is it possible for me to get selected
1st August 2011, 11:31 PM
2nd August 2011, 05:07 PM
sir my cut off in tnpsc group2 is 186 it is possible for me to get recruited under Bc quota.My mail-Id is [email protected]
2nd August 2011, 09:50 PM
i need to know the cutoff mark for group 2 for the last year (sc quota)
3rd August 2011, 09:05 AM
3rd August 2011, 09:08 AM
the followind is the correct number of questions and not marks :
http://vidiyalarni.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/group-ii-exam-30-07-11-revised-cut-off.pdf GROUP-II CUT – OFF EXPECTED: CATEGORY QUESTIONS CORRECT OC (GENERAL) 158 ± 2 OC (FEMALE) 155 ± 2 BC (GENERAL) 155 ± 2 BC (FEMALE) 152 ± 2 BCM (GENERAL) 150 ± 2 BCM (FEMALE) 145 ± 2 MBC (GENERAL) 153 ± 2 MBC (FEMALE) 150 ± 2 SC (GENERAL) 146 ± 2 SC (FEMALE) 140 ± 2 SC A (GENERAL) 142 ± 2 |
3rd August 2011, 09:09 AM
Sc a (female) 136 ± 2
st (general) 140 ± 2 st (female) 134 ± 2 |
4th August 2011, 04:58 PM
sir my cut off in tnpsc group2 is 170 it is possible for me to get recruited under Bc quota. my email Id [email protected]
4th August 2011, 10:13 PM
SERVICES EXAMINATION – I, 1999 – 2000 TO 2003 – 2004 Date of Examination:23.08.2003 CUT-OFF MARKS PARTICULARS I. FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT G.T(General) 255.38 B.C(General) 253.85 MBC/DC(General) 252.31 SC(General) 244.62 GT(Destitute Widow) 220.00 MBC/DC(Destitute Widow) 178.46 SC(Destitute Widow) 187.69 II. FOR THE POST OF LOWER DIVISION COUNTER CLERK G.T(General) 253.85 MBC/DC(General) 247.69 SC(General) 240.00 III. FOR THE POST OF STENO-TYPIST G.T(General) 243.08 4 Higher http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/Docu/CUTOFF_csse23.pdf |
4th August 2011, 10:16 PM
SERVICES EXAMINATION – I, 1999 – 2000 TO 2003 – 2004 Date of Examination:23.08.2003 CUT-OFF MARKS PARTICULARS I. FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT G.T(General) 255.38 B.C(General) 253.85 MBC/DC(General) 252.31 SC(General) 244.62 GT(Destitute Widow) 220.00 MBC/DC(Destitute Widow) 178.46 SC(Destitute Widow) 187.69 II. FOR THE POST OF LOWER DIVISION COUNTER CLERK G.T(General) 253.85 MBC/DC(General) 247.69 SC(General) 240.00 III. FOR THE POST OF STENO-TYPIST G.T(General) 243.08 4 Higher http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/Docu/CUTOFF_csse23.pdf MARK CUT-OFF 256.50 General Turn (Common) 252.00 General Turn (Women) 250.50 Backward Class (Common) 250.50 Most Backward Class /Denotified Communities (Common) 246.00 Scheduled Caste (Common) 246.00 Backward Class (Women) 244.50 Most Backward Class /Denotified Communities (Women) 238.50 Backward Class – Common (PH - Deaf) 238.50 Scheduled Caste (Women) 234.00 Backward Class – Women (PH - Ortho) 232.50 General Turn (Destitute Widow) 231.00 General Turn (Ex-servicemen) 231.00 Most Backward Class /Denotified Communities – Common(PH – Deaf) 225.00 Backward Class (Ex-servicemen) 223.50 Scheduled Tribe (Common) 220.50 General Turn – Common (PH-Blind) 217.50 Scheduled Tribe (Destitute Widow) 217.50 Backward Class (Destitute Widow) 214.50 Most Backward Class (Ex-servicemen) 205.50 Scheduled Caste – Common (PH Blind) 201.00 General Turn – Women (PH Deaf) 201.00 Most Backward Class/Denotifed Communities (Destitute Widow) 184.50 Scheduled Caste (Ex-serviceman) 171.00 Scheduled Caste (Destitute Widow) http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/Docu/asstcut.pdf |
8th August 2011, 05:09 PM
can anyone explain me that what is tnpsc group 1 exams? and the exam date for the upcoming year? what would be cut off under mbc category?
8th August 2011, 09:14 PM
Group 1 exams are conducted to recruit Deputy Collectors, DSP, Assistant Commissioner, Assistant Director in Cooperative Societies. In terms of Ranks, this is the highest of the exams conducted by TNPSC. Approximately the exams are conducted in May every year and the notifications would come in December or January.
The Exam is conducted in Two Stages like the UPSC examinations. 1) Preliminary - Screening test - Will be used to screen canditates to the level of 1:20 ratio based on the number of canditates- Here the cutoff is based on the difficulty level of that years question paper. This year it is expected to hover around 120/200 for MBC. 2) Main Exam and interview for those who have cleared Preliminary The below is only approximate cutoffs given by various Training centres : http://radianiasacademy.org/news/GROUP.1.Cut.Off.html http://vidiyalarni.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/group-i-exam-05-06-2011-questions-with-answers-revised.pdf MBC (GENERAL) 132 ± 2 MBC (FEMALE) 128 ± 2 These are all just guesses on howmuch it could be. |
8th August 2011, 09:18 PM
Group 1 exams are conducted to recruit Deputy Collectors, DSP, Assistant Commissioner, Assistant Director in Cooperative Societies. In terms of Ranks, this is the highest of the exams conducted by TNPSC. Approximately the exams are conducted in May every year and the notifications would come in December or January.
The Exam is conducted in Two Stages like the UPSC examinations. 1) Preliminary - Screening test - Will be used to screen canditates to the level of 1:20 ratio based on the number of canditates- Here the cutoff is based on the difficulty level of that years question paper. This year it is expected to hover around 120/200 for MBC. 2) Main Exam and interview for those who have cleared Preliminary The below is only approximate cutoffs given by various Training centres : http://radianiasacademy.org/news/GROUP.1.Cut.Off.html http://vidiyalarni.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/group-i-exam-05-06-2011-questions-with-answers-revised.pdf MBC (GENERAL) 132 ± 2 MBC (FEMALE) 128 ± 2 These are all just guesses on howmuch it could be. Watch out in the below link http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/ |
12th August 2011, 04:18 PM
what is exact cut off mark out of 200 in group 2 exam held in 2011
27th August 2011, 12:53 PM
please tell me..wat cut off mark need in group 2 exam under bc quota.....
5th September 2011, 09:46 AM
when will conduct the group 1 examination 2012. which date
5th September 2011, 02:09 PM
TNPSC Group 1 Notification 2011 – Online Application – www.tnpsc.gov.in: Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has given a recruitment notification for the recruitment of various posts including Group 1 services for eligible candidates. The information regarding age limit, educational qualification and other details of TNPSC Group 1 is mentioned below.
TNPSC Group 1 vacancy details: Total no of vacancies: 131 vacancies Name of the post: 1. Deputy Collector: 33 vacancies 2. Deputy Collector: 23 vacancies (SC-ST candidates only) 3. Deputy Superintendent of Police (Category I): 29 vacancies 4. Assistant Commissioner (Commercial Tax Officer): 28 vacancies 5. District Registrar: 07 vacancies 6. Assistant Director of Rural Development Department: 10 vacancies 7. Divisional Officer (Fire and Rescue Services): 01 vacancy AGE (as on 01.07.2008): (i) MINIMUM AGE LIMIT–Should have completed 21 years (for all candidate. ) (i.e. should have been born on or before 01.07. 1987 ) (ii)MAXIMUM AGE LIMIT –Should not have completed- (a) 35 years for SCs, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs (Other than BCMs), BCMs and Destitute Widows of all castes. (b) 30 years for candidates not belonging to any of the above said categories. just log on to : http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/Docu/asstcut.pdf for more details..... |
5th September 2011, 04:18 PM
may 2012, December End, Notifications would come normally
15th November 2011, 01:41 AM
I have completed my MA,Bed in telugu literature With NET Qualification .Under which group should I apply.
2nd March 2012, 01:18 AM
hellow sir.i have 110cut off in 2011 group.1prelims.is there possibility to go for mains exam
2nd March 2012, 12:17 PM
There are lot of factors which can influence your getting through Prelims. 1) What category you belong to (SC/ST/BC)? If you are SC ST since we have gender based reservation. approx can be seen here http://radianiasacademy.org/news/GROUP.1.Cut.Off.html 2) Moreover we have reservations of 20% for Tamil medium students( if you have studied your degree also in Tamil) So Please check the above with the above factors |
6th March 2012, 12:34 PM
Sir,i ve completed b.e ece in 2011.i wish to write group1,i collected few information.but i ve a doubt. will prelims be common for all people?
i am ece ,so my main examination is under electronics and communication engineering only na?...whenevr i search for modelquestion-main paper,i am getting only for general studies.kindly help me in providing model questions for my main paper.My mail id:[email protected] |
6th March 2012, 06:26 PM
You can very well attend the Group 1 Examination. This examination is not like UPSC civil services where you have to take up subjects which you studied as the main examination The pattern is as follows. Group 1 prelims - General Knowledge - This is common for all people (Last year's prelim's question paper with Keys http://radianiasacademy.org/Download/G1.Prelims.2011.Keys.pdf ) if you get through prelims you will get into mains ( 1:20 ratio based on the number of vacancies) in Mains there is 1 Mains(General Studies) paper for 300 marks. the syllabus - This is also common for all people ( Meaning based on your graduation the subjects WON'T differ) http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/general_knowledge_2.htm http://radiannews.pbworks.com/f/Group1.Mains.Detailed.Syllabus.pdf then Interview will follow. |
12th March 2012, 06:43 PM
how many mark to take the person in tnpsc group 1 selection to all exam......
20th March 2012, 03:45 PM
pls give me group1 model question paper.....
how to prepare for this exam?... |
20th March 2012, 07:56 PM
28th April 2012, 01:52 PM
Please let me know the cut-off mark for TNPSC GROUP 1 - 2012. Also I would like to know, if cut-off mark differ for each postings. My e-mail address is [email protected] Regards, Uma |
19th May 2012, 05:20 AM
Sir i have cleared the Group I preliminary exam. What is the syllabus and pattern for the group I main written examination. kindly inform the same
P.Jeyasankar Madurai |
19th May 2012, 05:25 AM
what is the syllabus and pattern for group I 2012 main written examination. Kindly reply me.
30th May 2012, 12:58 PM
Pls Let me know group2 exam cut off marks for o.c?
28th June 2012, 11:46 AM
9th January 2013, 09:17 PM
what is the age limit for group1? what are the subjects for medical students?
12th August 2013, 11:02 AM
iam completed B.E.can u explain about the group 1 exam fully.what is the preliminary exam as well as main exam. my mail id is [email protected]
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