13th February 2011, 08:40 PM
What to be done to give Drug Inspector Exam?
I had completed my B.pharm .Plz let me know what would i do to give exam of Drug Inspecter
18th February 2011, 01:43 AM
(Your question is not specific so replying in general)
Yes you are eligible for Drug Inspector exam. According to the eligibility you must be a graduate in Pharmacy which you are. Make sure you are aged between 21 to 30 years. You will have to keep a track of the date of release of forms by checking national dailies or employment news |
18th February 2011, 10:19 PM
To appear in Drug Inspector Exams, You must have a degree in Pharmacy.
So, You are eligible to Appear in Drug Inspector Exams, Because you have completed your Bachelor Pharmacy degree. To Appear in this exams, your age should between 21 to 32 years, Only then you can apply for this exams. The selection for this post are held on the basis of written exams. And the written examination will consist of two papers. The examination in Pharmacy will be covered in Paper-I consisting of 200 marks. The examination in General Knowledge will cover in Paper-II consisting of 50 marks. So, if you want to get more detail regarding dates and notification of this exams, then please read the employment newspaper, because the notification are come in the employment newspaper. |
2nd March 2011, 07:04 PM
To become Drug Inspector you should be B phrma. from a PCI recognized college.
Exam for drug inspector are conducted every year.