8th August 2012, 07:00 PM
What is trade and typing test date of Assistant Wireless Operator/Tele-Printer Operator(Head Constable)
plz tell me about the trade test & typing test of the Assistant Wireless Operator/Tele-Printer Operator (Head Constable), Delhi Police my email id: [email protected] phone no.9968266524 |
31st August 2012, 11:39 AM
Dear Sir,
kindly, please tell me about my delhi police teleprinter typing test Date. my mail ID [email protected] and my mob. no. 9058606187. My Name- Rajbhar roll no. 600365 and Reg. no. 8104383 thanikng you, |
2nd September 2012, 08:36 PM
sr plz tell me
jin bachhp ka trade test rh gya h unke test ka kya hoga. sr plz meri id pr bta do, because mera test rh gya h.aur sr kya m typing test de sakta hu. plz sr btao mujhe jaldi...........aashish kumar sr mera num. 9548180119 hai. |
2nd September 2012, 10:10 PM
sir plz tell me what is the date of typing test in delhi police AWO/TP
My E-mail ID is [email protected] and my mob. no. 919690409039 thanking you, |
14th September 2012, 01:19 AM
dear sir
plz. tell me what is the typing test date of delhi police head constble wirless opertor my number is 9654792154 thankyou my email id is - [email protected] |
15th September 2012, 02:22 PM
what is the date of typing test in head constable wireless operator for passed candidates in trade test... My name is Abhishek sharma.. plz send me details as early as u possible
18th September 2012, 12:50 AM
sir i want to know that typing speed of 30wpm in dp awo is necessary or not
my email id is [email protected] |
25th September 2012, 03:39 PM
ir plz tell me what is the date of typing test in delhi police AWO/TP
My E-mail ID [email protected] and my mob. no. 919649991675 thanking you, |
28th September 2012, 07:57 PM
%u2022date of typing test of assistant wireless operator?
My email id is [email protected] mobile-09711845798 |
17th October 2012, 03:07 PM
please tell me what is typing test date of dp hc (awo/tpo) and type ke marks kaise divide honge? my email id is [email protected] mob.8963830130
17th October 2012, 10:54 PM
when will be typing test date for hc in delhi police for the post of awo/teleprinter. plse send date to my email id.
at [email protected] mobile no. 8930526120 |
1st November 2012, 11:37 AM
when will be typing test date for hc in delhi police for the post of awo/teleprinter. plse send date to my email
id. [email protected] mobile no. 9718053802 |
1st November 2012, 11:46 AM
Dear sir,
Please tell me what is the date of typing test in delhi police AWO/TPO my mobile number is -9718053802 my email id. [email protected] |
24th November 2012, 07:05 PM
plz tell me about the trade test & typing test of the Assistant Wireless Operator/Tele-Printer Operator (Head Constable), Delhi Police
my ph 9462090846 |
7th January 2014, 10:00 AM
![]() |
14th February 2014, 02:55 PM
plz tell me about the trade test & typing test of the Assistant Wireless Operator/Tele-Printer Operator (Head Constable), Delhi Police my email id: [email protected] |
2nd April 2014, 11:41 PM
sir, kindly tell me about TRADE test i do not knw about that
email [email protected] |
28th May 2014, 04:19 PM
Sir pls tell me about the trade test details what is it's qulifiaction numbers
does the speed of 30wpm is necessary for qualifying typing test at [email protected] |
21st June 2014, 04:47 PM
Plz tell me about trade test of Assistant wireless operator(Head Constable) & date of trade test.please sir my Email ID:[email protected]
25th July 2014, 02:45 PM
sir ...what is trade test ?..plz tell me about this....
and when coming ? DP Hc Awo/Tpo ...trade test ...call letter ?? sir plz info me.... my id - ([email protected]) my mobi no - 9760400535 |
25th July 2014, 05:49 PM
sir ...what is trade test ?..plz tell me about this....
and when coming ? DP Hc Awo/Tpo ...trade test ...call letter ?? sir plz info me.... my id - ([email protected]) my mobi no - 9760400535 |
26th July 2014, 07:18 PM
sir, my name is ROSHAN LAL YADAV . please tell me that what is trade test in delhi police head constable assistant wireless OPerator/ tele-printer Operator as soon as because my trade test date is 26-08-2014. and give crake tips for its exam . THANK YOU.
26th July 2014, 09:59 PM
what is the trade test in delhi police HC awo/tpo. pls tell me about sir. my phone number is 9690761125. my email ID is [email protected] |