29th May 2016, 01:59 PM
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Is it compulsory to have a GATE score for a governemnt job?

I am currently pursuing my B.Tech in E & TC.
Need to know more about governemnt jobs. Is Gate score compulsory for the same? Kindly help me thr' this

Thank you

30th May 2016, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: Is it compulsory to have a GATE score for a governemnt job?

You are currently pursuing B.Tech in E & TC and want to know whether GATE score is compulsory for govt. job.

>>GATE score is required if you want to get job in good PSU companies. Otherwise it is not required to get job in govt. companies. There are some other technical exams in which you can apply and there is no need of GATE score for this:

--Indian Railway JE and SSE post

--AAI ATC post

--DMRC/ LMRC JE post

--NPCIL Executive trainee

--ISRO Scientist post and many others

>>If you found you are not strong in technical field then you can apply for non technical exams such as:


--IBPS SO (IT officer scale I)


--Indian Railway (Non technical post)
30th May 2016, 09:38 PM
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Default Re: Is it compulsory to have a GATE score for a governemnt job?

GATE score is required when you want to go or Core company jobs. If you are not interested to go or Core jobs then GATE is not all required. But you have not mentioned your graduation degree properly. If you are from ECE or EEE then you will have more opportunities in Core companies that to with GATE score.

If you don't have interest then you can also write IES (Indian Engineering Services ). That will also help you out to get a job in core companies and in various engineering services.
30th May 2016, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: Is it compulsory to have a GATE score for a governemnt job?

GATE stands for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. GATE is conducted by IIT or IISC for admission in master's degree in technology. But in recent years, this exam has also become important for getting jobs in Public Sector Undertakings. Most of PSUs recruit candidates on basis of GATE scorecard like NTPC, BHEL, SAIL, GAIL, ONGC etc.

But GATE scorecard is not needed for all government job exam. There are various other entrance exams for government job like:

>>Indian Engineering Services conducted by UPSC.

>>BSNL JTO exam for Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers.

>>AAI entrance exam.

>>Technical exams of Railway Recruitment exam for Senior and Junior Engineer.

>>Being a graduate, you can apply for general exam exams like SS CGL, Civil Services exam, IB ACIO exam etc.
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30th May 2016, 11:58 PM
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Default Re: Is it compulsory to have a GATE score for a governemnt job?

The GATE score is not mandatory for all government sectors.

The following are the Public sector units which offers job based on GATE score.

* NTPC limited
* Bharat petroleum corporation limited
* Magazon Dock
* Hindustan petroleum corporation limited
* Indian oil corporation
* Power Grid corporation

The GATE score will be considered only for few of the government sector units, while rest of them will be offered by keeping an entrance examination.
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31st May 2016, 07:25 AM
Maa ka pyaar
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Default Re: Is it compulsory to have a GATE score for a governemnt job?

It is not necessary to have better GATE score to government jobs. But, to get jobs in PSU'S you need to have better GATE score and rank below 500.

For government jobs in other sector you have to appear and qualify in respective entrance examination.

After degree you can appear for :-

Combined Defence Service.

Civil Services.

Staff Selection Commission.

Railway Recruitment Board.

These are best available options for you to get government jobs.
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